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Exam essay questions practice


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Exam essay questions practice

8th June 2023

Exam Practice questions:

In your final summative biology exam, you will have to answer two essay questions in 2 h, to be submitted on Turnitin. This is the equivalent of 1 essay per 1h. The exam is open book.

Writing organisation Tips: 

Before drafting your essay, try taking few minutes to do the following (maximum 15/20min):

1- Read the question carefully, 2- Underline key words, 3- Define the context and key words and relate to what you learnt from your biology module, 4- Sketch down a quick plan in bullet points/simple diagram, to structure what you will discuss in your introduction, body (subdivided into logically connected ideas), and conclusion. 5- Once most crucial bullet points written down; you can add in any other bullet points for extra creative ideas (you can draw concepts from different topics of your biology module (synoptic). 6- Decide on your references. 7- Decide on which figures (pictures/diagrams) and/or tables to add.

Once done with the above, start writing your essay comfortably in a focused, structured, and balanced manner (remember to add citations in text + references list at the end).

After finishing the essay, proof-read it for any necessary final editing.


The below are practice exam questions for your revisions.


The essay question should only have a maximum word count of 600 words. A minimum of 2 references is expected for the essay question. Figures (pictures and diagrams) and tables can be included in your essay answers, and everything must be properly cited and referenced. Tables and images used will not be counted towards your word count.

Question1: Compare the properties of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, describing the different cellular components. How do these features relate to their function?

Question2: Compare and contrast the different biomolecules and their role in physiology. Give at least one example of how a dysfunction of one of these biomolecules can be linked to human pathology?

Question3: Discuss how biological catalysts contribute to the normal functioning of living organisms, including humans.

Question4: Describe what happens to a reaction when an enzyme is added, with a comparison of the key & lock and induced fit models. What can happen as the reaction progresses? How can competitive and non-competitive inhibitors alter the above? And discuss how the above has been exploited in drug development.

Question5: Describe how the continuous function of the Na+/K+ ATPAse is crucial for cells and some important biological processes.

Question6: Write an essay on the membranes of different types of cells and how they are involved in various biological processes. The essay should include a) The structure of eukaryotic cell membranes. b) Linking the structure to function. c) Permeability and various transport systems (active transport, passive transport, co-transport etc.) with appropriate diagrams.

Question7: How and why do cells replicate and express their genetic information?

Question8: Describe what is meant by the semi-conservative model of replication and discuss its advantages.

Question9: Discuss the process by which eukaryotes produce specific proteins with different properties and functions, dictated initially by their genetic material.

Question10: Discuss the similarities and differences between meiosis and mitosis?

Question11: Describe the “Cell theory” and discuss its implications in normal physiology and in disease.

Question12: Cells divide in an orderly way and DNA is replicated in a speedy yet accurate fashion. Discuss how tightly controlled steps and machineries are involved in regulating the above process in eukaryotic cells.

Question13: Discuss how genetic diversity occurs when genetic information is passed on to daughter cells.

Question14: What are mutations? How can they come about? Compare and contrast the possible outcomes of mutations in viruses, bacteria and humans (including survival advantages and evolution vs. deleterious effects).  

Question15: “Tricarboxylic acid cycle plays a crucial part in the energy production in aerobic respiration”. Justify this statement. The essay should include a)- A description of the substrates and products as well as the catalysts involved. b) An explanation of how the TCA is connected to both glycolysis and the electron transport chains of cellular respiration are connected to produce ATP. Use appropriate diagrams.

Question16: A cycle is a biological pathway or process in which the end-product of one cycle becomes the starting point for the next cycle. Write an essay on cycles in biology using the Krebs cycle’s role in cellular respiration as an example.