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ECON3106 Politics and Economics Problem Set 5


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ECON3106 Politics and Economics

Problem Set 5

1 Politics and Media

In the paper "Isolated Copital Cities, Accountability, and Corruption: Eviden ce from US States" - Campante, Do (2014) the authors show that when newspapers are far away from the state capital they tend to cover less often state politics.

1.1 How does this underreporting affects voter's behavior?  Provide ONE empirical result.

In the paper "Politics 2.0: The multifaceted effect of broadband internet on political participation" - Campante, Durante, Sobbrio (2018) the authors study the effect of online media on politics.

1.2 Why should we expect that the effect of traditional media (newspapers, TV) on politics to be different from online media?  Provide ONE difference between the two types of media that is relevant for how voters behave.