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Project: A/B Testing


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Project: A/B Testing
Due Date: In-Class, if not completed submit by 6/27 6PM
Submission: Blackboard
Format: Excel A/B testing workbook filled out


A small restaurant located near the Fordham Bronx campus recently launched their website. They have two months’ worth of data but believe they can improve their website and drive further engagement on the site. The goal of the website is to further increase awareness of the brand. They not only want to see high traffic, but engagement on the site going to the various parts of the website such as “Menu” and “About.”

The company is interested in running two different A/B tests on their site with the goal of increasing engagement (increase in page views) by 30%. The company requires 90% statistical significance and will implement the change that won the test.

1. Changing the color of the company logo on the homepage from black to orange

2. Removing the first background image on the homepage

The provided over the past baseline data that includes:

● Date

● Sessions (also known as Clients for Google Analytics OR Impressions)

● Conversions (also known as Page Views for Google Analytics)

Your team was hired to develop the A/B testing framework, run the test and gather data to provide recommendations.

Website: https://fordhambyday.weebly.com

Pick one of the A/B Tests:

1. Changing the color of the company logo on the homepage from black to orange (This A/B Test is called: Fordham By Day - Font Change)

2. Removing the first background image on the homepage (This A/B Test is called: Fordham By Day - Image Change)

A/B Testing Setup:

1. Fill out the A/B Testing Framework to properly setup the A/B Test

i. Additional explanations to be provided in the orange space provided in the workbook

ii. Make sure to indicate which A/B Test you are doing

A/B Test Results: 

The A/B test has been setup and is now completed
(Google Optimize Username/Password: FordhamMDM/FordhamMDM2023)

2. Pull data from the Google Optimize platform and fill out the A/B Results Significant Workbook with the data pulled

3. Provide results of the test and recommendations in the orange space provided:

i. Was the data collected significant? Was enough sample size collected?

ii. What version won? Explain based on the hypothesis

iii. Did it meet the MDE the company expected?

iv. What do you recommend as next steps and what can be done for their long term strategy?