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EUN211 Teaching Adolescent Learners Provided Class Profile for Assessment 2


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ASSESSMENT TASK INFORMATION: EUN211 Teaching Adolescent Learners

Provided Class Profile for Assessment 2

The essay asks you to consider the learning needs within one specific class.  If you are not currently teaching or undertaking PEx this semester you are required to respond to the following class profile.  Please clearly indicate the teaching area you will apply your teaching practice within.

Class Profile

Year Level

Your choice

Class size

22 students (12 male, 10 female students)

Subject Area

Your choice


This class responds best to well- structured guided learning to stay engaged.  Specific student learning needs to be considered, include;

· Will, Tyler and Nicholas who require literacy support to be successful – engaging with extended or complex text are particularly challenging

· Andrew and Charlotte who struggle to maintain focus during class and need explicit teacher scaffolds and prompts to work effectively

· Selena, Marnie and Ruth who are besties but cannot work productively together

· Elijah who is an EAL/D student and requires specific support with English language skills to ensure effective comprehension and understanding