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EL2205 Electronic Systems Applications


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Academic Year 2022/2023

Electronic Systems Applications


Health monitoring system for a cyclist


The following Learning outcomes will be assessed in this assessment

Manage a small design project.

Develop an electronic system to a given requirement specification.

Document a system design and participate in design reviews.

Take account of the economic, social and environmental context of engineering activity.

Assessment Criteria                                                                                                                        Weighting (%)

Proposed project management and appropiate project management research                                              30

Technical research into the area of application                                                                                          20

GUI that uses and displays an appropiate dummy data set created by the student                                        20

Technical proposal including sensors and their suitability to the proposed design                                           30

                                                                                                      Total                                              100

Project Overview

You are required to produce a proposed biometric monitoring system for a given specific application. The project is to be planned using appropriate project management techniques using in depth primary and secondary research. This is an individual assessment and you cannot use work previously submitted.

The 3 biometrics that will be monitored will be the following;

Skin Temperature – The temperature of a subjects’ skin using a temperature sensors this data should be instantaneously monitored and logged for review over a time frame.

Heart rate - The pulse rate of a subject will be recorded to provide a reading for the beats per minute of the subject (this data can be logged, as well as used to provide a reading based off a desired minimum time frame. Ensure that the sensor chosen is appropriate to the application below and describe how the sensor will be attached to the subject.

Movement – The subjects leg movement for the application below will be monitored, for this it is expected that you will use a analogue 3 axis accelerometer. Ensure that you provide the theory of how this will meet the requirements below and show any mathematical assumptions with a worked example in a software such as MS Excel.

The aim of the sensor is to be used for cycling, specifically for training for a 100kM race, it therefore must have the following features:

• Able to log data for the expected duration of the training schedules and race at a suitable data logging rate (determined by your research).

• Provide minimum, maximum and average values for pulse rate, skin temperature and cadence (number of rotations of the pedals per minute).

• Display the data in an easy to use interface that includes a GUI with graphing abilities.

To deliver the above there are 2 main elements to the project; hardware and software. These are detailed below;


The hardware system will be designed around the Mbed Nucleo STM32FXXXXX prototyping system (depending on requirements the exact specification of the board is up to you but it must be a Mbed Nucleo board). It is envisioned that this will be used to gather raw data from the sensor systems used to record the biometrics outlined above. The Nucleo will gather and process the raw data to provide a basic transformation of data from the analogue voltages produced by the sensor to an “expected” data value (e.g. temperature in degrees C). The data will then be sent to a PC system for further processing via an SD card that is removable from the device.

Specific sensors will be determined by the application requirements (such as predicated minimum and maximum variations needed). It is up to you to determine and specify the sensors, giving specific reasons linking back to the specific aims of the project and your research into the application include details of the sensors as well as costings and links to the sensors.

There is no requirement to develop the hardware as an actual physical prototype, write code assuming that you know the data coming off the sensors (from data sheets) and/or use simple inputs such as buttons or floating analog input values. Outputs can be done with LED’s or using serial comms and a programme such as terminal to display data.


The software on the PC will process the information taken from the Nucleo and display this in an easy to read system. The software should provide a GUI to show the biometrics (including any data movements, data logging and storage). In addition the system should also be able to provide the user with feedback on the sensor levels such as the normal, upper and lower boundaries of the biometrics as described in the .

Further developments to the system should also be implemented: these may include multiple monitoring of subjects, the determination of stress or activity level of the subjects that are being monitored.

Given that the system is based on the Nucleo system and on the PC to display the data you are required to plan 2 software systems, the software for gathering data on the Nucleo and the GUI system for the PC, you are required to show the planning of these, this will consist of:

• Expected inputs and outputs for the software system

• A UML diagram of the system showing data flow and overall structure of the system

• For anything with a GUI show a mock up for the display

Use C# to create the GUI system. Note that data is to be logged onto an SD card, therefore data to demonstrate this can be dummy data saved as an appropriate file format to test the system.


A detailed report of the project planning and research into the areas (see notes below). This should be structured into sections, as an example the following can be adopted

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Project Overview

3.0 Research

4.0 System overview

5.0 System hardware

6.0 System software

7.0 Project management

The report is to include project management with detailed work breakdown structures, Gantt charts, and timescales, using a deadline of ten weeks from the start of development. A detailed description of the development of the system with plans, wiring diagrams, to describe how the device would be implemented and tested for both the hardware and the software. Introduce the project detailing the biometrics on test, any development of sensor systems and biometric performance levels based on research gathered, referenced using the faculty Harvard referencing system.

Note – As described above, there is no requirement to actually develop the hardware, you are required to develop suitable PCBs and appropriate designs for a shield for the sensors interfacing to the Nucleo board. Include pins that are used on the board and their functions, do this within a table showing the pin, operation (digital in/out, analogue in/out etc) and its use (e.g. Analog input for Accelerometer X axis 0.5-1.65 Volts expected input).

Ensure that you provide a thorough research proposal to back up your requirements. Give justifications to the sensors and the theory using researched examples. It is a requirement that you compare and contrast in a technical nature the reasoning behind the choices for your sensors, development board, and front end GUI.


• Preparation for the assessment is given in the labs, these include an introduction to using the MBed platform and project management lectures. You will also be completing formative presentations of your progress and development of the system. This is detailed in the brief above.


Assessment Release date: 15/06/2023_BIT

Assessment Deadline Date and time: 03/07/2023 11.59pm _BIT

Please note that this is the final time you can submit – not the time to submit!

Your feedback/feed forward and mark for this assessment will be provided within the University’s 15 working day policy for feedback. Written feedback will be avaiable on Blackboard on the 24/07/2023 _BIT


Submit a single word file containing your report and any other information. This to be uploaded to Blackboard submission zone before 11.59pm 03/07/23_BIT

Note – Contents, appendices etc are not included the limit of 25 pages.