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ELEC 9741: Assignment 1, 2023


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ELEC 9741: Assignment 1, 2023




due in Moodle, Friday June 23, 4pm



Signed School Cover Sheet attached



TYPED PDF only - not handwritten.






Follow the Homework Rules.



Computer output

: no commentary ÷ no marks.



Analytical results

: no working ÷ no marks.






means you can use Matlab; else not.



No Copying                  No Discussion

except from lectures . No web searching

Q1 (14) Theory

(a) Impulse Response.

Consider the LTI system st  =  (h * u)t  where ut  is the input signal and hr . r = 0. . . . is the impulse re- sponse.

(i)  Suppose the input is a white noise sequence i.e. iid(0. mu(2)). Show that ms(2)  = war(st ) is given by

ms(2)  = mu(2)      0(o)hr(2)

(ii)  Suppose the impulse response is

hr  = ryr . r = 0. 1. 2. . . . where y = e_ 1/τ

(iia) Explain what are the stability restrictions on a if any.

(iib) Prove that the maximum of hr occurs at the integer closest to a . Find the value of that maximum.

(iic) Derive a closed form formula for ms(2) .

(b) Noise Model.

Consider the stationary process

yt  = a + ryt _ 1 + ct _ 9ct _2 . t = 1. 2. . . .

where ct  is a Gaussian white noise sequence of zero mean and variance m2 .

(i) Explain what are the stability/stationarity con- straints on r. 9?

(ii) Derive closed form expressions for the mean and acs of yt .

Q2(14) (Impulse Response Estimation)

(a)  ◆ Simulation.

Write an mfile to simulate an FIR version of the sys- tem described in Q1(a) when the output is measured in noise

yt  = st + nt     t = 1. . . . . T

where nt are iid(0. m2 ) independent of the ut sequence. Also hr  = 0. r > mo + 1.

The variance signal to noise ratio (vsnr) is defined by

war(st )       ms(2)

war(nt )      m2

With mo  = 40. a = 12. T = 500. wsnr = 1. m2  = 1, repeatedly simulate the system for R = 100 repeats.

(i) For each repeat compute the sample variance of st .  Display the R sample variances in a histogram and mark the true value ms(2) from the formula in Q1 on the histogram. The value of ms(2)  from Q1 is not quite the correct value to use here; why? But it should be very close; why? Comment on the histogram.

(b)  ◆ Parameter Estimation.

Write an m-file to compute the penalized least squares estimator and its standard errors1

(i) With a  =  12. T  = 400. wsnr  =  1 simulate the system once and compute the penalised least squares estimator of 8 for a grid of m. A values. Compute and display the BIC for this grid.

(ii) Derive a formula for the variance of the penalized least squares estimator.

(iii) Find the values of A. m that minimize BIC and on top of the true FIR, plot the corresponding estimated FIR together with 95% confidence curves based on the standard errors of the estimated 8’s2 .  Comment on the results.

Q3 (8). ◆ Statistical Graphics.

The graphics/plots you display in Q1, Q2, Q4 will earn up to 8 marks.

     Q3(14) (Noise Modeling)

Do not use any specialised matlab commands such as zp2tf, arima, aic, bic etc.

(a)  ◆ Write an mfile to simulate a stationary AR(3) time series driven by a zero mean Gaussian white noise of unit variance.

Your mle should accept as input, three real roots or one real root and a complex root; all non-zero.

It should produce the AR parameters & variance di- rectly as well as the simulated values as output.

Show two simulations (T=200) (on a single page) one for each of the above cases. List the two sets of pa-rameters used. In each case ensure that Vo  > 3.

(b)  ◆ Using your mfile simulate an AR(3) with roots (o8. o9e土jθ. 9  =  π/3) for T=200.  List the true pa-rameter values.

Using least squares regression3 produce estimates for the 3 parameters, the noise variance as well as stan- dard errors for the parameters.

Are the estimates within 2 standard errors of the true values?

(c)  ◆ Using your mfile simulate new data (T=100) from the same model (ii) compute BIC4  and find its mini- mizing order p* . Show a single plot of BIC together with its two components.

Give the parameter estimates corresponding to p* and their standard errors.

Also do a statistical model diagnosis using just the acs of the residuals. What conclusions do you draw about the quality of the estimated parameters and model or-der?