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Assignment 2 for FOOD*2010DE S23


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Assignment 2 for FOOD*2010DE S23

Deadline for uploading to CourseLink dropbox: 11:59 PM ET, Sunday, July 9

Provide your source(s) with page numbers and/or the URLs so we can confirm your answers in case they are not in our list of correct options.  Total 45 marks

1.   A modern processing facility prepares fresh salad mixtures in tray packs as shown in the video at     https://youtu.be/rSA7DsDUFfY. View the video created by University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources, review the course material and textbook, and do additional research as needed.

a.   Draw a flow diagram of at least eight unit operations beginning at Receiving after the         product is weighed in the delivery trucks and ending before packing into boxes. Name each unit operation and briefly explain (e.g., one sentence) its purpose. (8 marks)

b.   List two different types of food safety hazards that are managed in the unit operations at this plant and give an example of each. (4 marks)

2.   650,000 kg of head lettuce are collected from a field at 28°C. When they are received at the processing facility, they are cooled to 3°C to remove the field heat before they are brought into plant.

a.   How much heat is removed? (2 marks, show your work)

b.   Specify the type of heat that is removed and explain your answer? (2 marks)

3.   A ready-to-eat meat product was contaminated with 100 CFUs of Listeria monocytogenes after      processing due to inadequately cleaned equipment. The product was stored in a refrigerator at 8°C.

a.   What is the bacteria load after 7 days, assuming the generation time is 0.96 generations/day? (2 marks, show your work).

b.   Using either semi-log or regular graph paper or graphing software, plot the population size vs. time for the 7 days using proper formatting on the graph. (5 marks)

c.   Identify a critical control point and critical limit that would have prevented the product from becoming unsafe during storage. (2 marks)

d.  Name two processing techniques that could have been used to destroy the bacteria after packaging and prevent the product from becoming unsafe. (2 marks)

4.   A food processor added pickling salt to 10,000 kg of shredded cabbage to make sauerkraut during a four-week period.

a.   If the salt needed to be 2.3%, determine the mass of salt needed to be added to the shredded cabbage. (2 marks, show your work)

b.   Specify the main micro-organisms involved in the fermentation and when they are most active during the fermentation (4 marks)

c.   Indicate the chemical changes that take place during the fermentation process and why the micro-organisms change (5 marks)

5.   An outbreak investigation conducted by a public health unit confirmed raw cookie dough as the commonly consumed item among those showing symptoms. Design a one-page flyer/poster (to fit letter-sized paper 8.5”x11”) that provides key messages related to consuming raw cookie dough. The target audience is youth between 18 and 30 years of age with at least college level education. Include causes, symptoms, and how to avoid the associated foodborne illness. Provide references for all sources used. (7 marks)