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ESC 150: Environmental Science


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ESC 150: Environmental Science

LAB WEEK 5 WORKSHEET (20 PTS): Carbon Sequestration in Forested Ecosystems

DO NOT TURN IN YOUR ORIGINAL DATA SHEET.  If necessary, convert from circumference and inches to diameter and centimeters before starting this table.  Then write in your dbh data below in column 2; note that not most plots will have fewer than 12 trees.  You may use Excel to do your calculations (not required), but in any case, fill in your results in the rest of the columns.  Formulas are given below.


Tree #


Tree dbh (cm)



(use a calculator)


Tree Biomass



Tree Carbon

Storage (kg)**
































































Total Tree Biomass per plot =




Total Tree Carbon Storage per plot =



Kg C




Multiply total above by 400 to get value below

Multiply total above by 400 to get value below




Total Tree Biomass per hectare =





Total Tree Carbon storage per hectare =




 Kg C/ha

Formulas: * Solve for aboveground tree biomass (M) using this formula:

M = 10^(-1.25 + 2.66 (log10(dbh))).  The “^” symbol indicates an exponent.

** Solve for tree carbon storage by multiplying tree biomass by 0.45.

Base your answers to the questions below on your calculations and totals from the previous page.


1) For a tree with dbh 16.7 cm, what is its predicted total aboveground biomass (in kg)?  

(Use the formula of Martin et al. 1998, also given on previous page).  Show work for full credit.  (2 pts)

2) For a 51.3 cm diameter tree, what is the total mass of C (carbon, in kg) stored in its aboveground parts?  Show work for full credit.  (2 pts)

3) What were the following values from your data? (enter results from previous page again here)

Per your 5 x 5 m study plot

Total aboveground tree biomass:  ___________________kg   (2 pts)

Total aboveground carbon storage: __________________ kg C  (2 pts) 

Biomass and C storage per hectare (i.e., you need to convert from kg/plot to kg/hectare):

Total aboveground tree biomass:  ___________________kg/ha   (2 pts)

Total aboveground carbon storage: __________________ kg C/ha   (2 pts)

4) Is the estimated aboveground biomass per hectare from your study plot greater or less than that of temperate coniferous and temperate deciduous forests. (2 pts)

5) How closely does the value above, in #3, represent the total carbon (kg C) stored in your 25 m2 plot?  (Hint: you actually estimated only about 37% of the organic matter in the plot; What did you measure in your plot, and what did you ignore?)  Based on the background information presented in the introduction to this lab, estimate the actual total biomass (kg) in your plot.  Show all calculations and justify your answer. (3 pts)

6) Given your answer in #3 for the total aboveground carbon storage per hectare of forest, how important are forests in terms of absorbing carbon dioxide produced by human industrial activity? (3 pts)