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Data Science ODL Project: Assessment 2


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Data Science ODL Project: Assessment 2

1. Aims, objectives and plan (4 marks)

a) Aims and objectivesAlthough we have already stated what is required, please formally state the aims and objectives of the project in your own words.

100-200 words

b) PlanPlease demonstrate how you have conducted the project with a simple Gantt chart.

2. Understanding the case study (4 marks)

Case study analysisState the key points that you found in the case and how you intend to deal with them appropriately to address the client's needs. (You can include more than four points.)

200-300 words





3. Pre-processing applied (20 marks)

Enter the code in the cells below to execute each of the stated sub-tasks.

a) Preparing the labels appropriately if necessary

b) Removing synonymous and noisy attributes if necessary

c) Dealing with missing values if necessary

d) Rescaling if necessary if necessary

e) Other

4. Technique 1 (20 marks)

a) Discuss your motivation for choosing the technique and provide a schematic figure of the process

100-200 words

Enter the correct code in the cells below to execute each of the stated sub-tasks.

b) Setting hyper parameters with rationale

c) Optimising hyper parameters

d) Performance metrics for training

5. Technique 2 (20 marks)

a) Discuss your motivation for choosing the technique and  provide a schematic figure of the process

100-200 words

Enter the correct code in the cells below to execute each of the stated sub-tasks.

b) Setting hyper parameters with rationale

c) Optimising hyper parameters

d) Performance metrics for training

6. Comparison of metrics performance for testing (16 marks)

Enter the correct code in the cells below to execute each of the stated sub-tasks.

a) Use of cross validation for both techniques to deal with over-fitting

b) Comparison with appropriate metrics for testing

c) Model selection (ROC or other charts)

7. Final recommendation of best model (8 marks)

a) Discuss the results from a technical perspective, for example, overfitting discussion, complexity and efficiency

100-200 words

b) Discuss the results from a business perspective, for example, results interpretation, relevance and balance with technical perspective

100-200 words

8. Conclusion (8 marks)

a) What has been successfully accomplished and what has not been successful?100-300 words

b) Reflecting back on the analysis, what could you have done differently if you were to do the project again?

100-300 words

c) Provide a wish list of future work that you would like to do

100-200 words