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INFS5710 Individual Assessment 2 – Part A


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INFS5710 Individual Assessment 2 Part A


This is an individual assessment. Use the ERM knowledge from the lectures and textbook to complete this assessment.

Weight : 5% of total course marks

Due: 5 pm (Sydney Time), Monday 26th June 2023

Submit via the submission link on Moodle.

Late submission of assessments carries a penalty of 5% of the awarded marks for that assessment per day of lateness (including weekends and public holidays) unless an extension of time has been granted.


a.    Create an Entity-Relationship (ER) model using Crow’s foot notation to model the scenario below. An Excel spreadsheet consisting of a few entities (not in Crow’s foot notation) is used to give you a starting point for your model.

b.   You have to justify your modelling. You have to justify the creation of key entities and how they are related to other entities. The justifications for creating the model are limited to one page.

c.    You are allowed to make reasonable assumptions to justify your model, but you must include these assumptions in your submission. Use your Entity-relationship modelling knowledge and technique to complete this assessment. The list of assumptions should not exceed one A4 page (using 12-point font).

d.   Submit your ER diagram using a copy of the Word document template posted on Moodle. A tip here is to draw on a landscape page.

e.   Your ER model should be clear, and the text can be read.


In the Matthews Food Court, a small takeaway restaurant called Laksa Delight (Laksa Delight | Estate Management - UNSW Sydney). Laksa Delight sells Laksa, noodle soup, hot meal deals and drinks. One day, the owner of the restaurant decided to create a new delivery business in addition to its takeaway business.

Here are some of the business rules for creating a delivery business:

(a)  All the ingredients and beverages are ordered from different suppliers.

(b)  Each chef creates a few signature dishes on the menu. Each signature dish has its recipe.

(c)  A  dish  is  created from  several  ingredients.  Ingredients  here  can  be  referred to  as fresh products like vegetables, meat, fish, salt, curry powder, noodles, rice, and so on.

(d)  All the beverages and dishes on the menu are priced by the owner of the restaurant. (e)  Only delivery companies registered with Laksa Delight can deliver the orders.

(f)   Before a customer order any food to be delivered, the customer must create an account. The

customer must enter an address and mobile number for the delivery company.

(g)  A customer can choose from a menu to order several dishes and drinks. The customer has to

choose a delivery company and time of delivery. The customers must pay for their orders.

(h)  For simplicity,

a.    You do not need to worry about generating invoices and receipts. You just have to model the order entities correctly.

b.   You do not need to model the payment of the order/invoice.

c.    You do not have to worry about different pricing of the dishes between takeaway and delivery services.

d.   You do not have to worry about the purchase price of the goods from the suppliers.

(i)   You can do research on restaurants with the delivery of food. However, you do not have to go into the depth of the delivery process.

(j)   The few entities in the Excel spreadsheet are to give you a starting point for your model. You

must model all the entities using Crow’s foot notation. Only Primary Keys (PKs) are shown on these entities. You are expected to add and modify the entities as necessary.

Remember: you are allowed to make reasonable assumptions when designing your model. You must submit your assumptions along with your ERD.

Drawing Tools

You can use one of the following tools:

draw.io (draw.io (drawio.com)),

Lucidchat (Intelligent Diagramming | Lucidchart), or

Draw option in Microsoft Excel.

Marking Scheme

ERD: Technique is correctly used and demonstrated; assessment scenario is appropriately modelled

Context: Business requirements are appropriately modelled; assumptions are justified

Presentation: Submission is within the page limit

References: Sources (if any are used) are correctly acknowledged and referenced


Please submit on Moodle and the Word Document should in this File format:


For example: 101_z1234567_Pang.docx