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A3. Product A/B Test – Individual Report


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A3. Product A/B Test Individual Report [CLO 2, 4, 5]

Due: August 4 Friday 3 PM / Weighting: 40% / Length: Max 2,000 words


This assessment provides you with the opportunity to undertake product A/B test. Before launching new products, companies test their new products many times to optimize their new   product features. In assignment 2, your group developed the 1st  MVP, your chatbot A. You will  improve chatbot A by adding a new feature. This will be your Chatbot B. You will then test both Chatbot A and Chatbot B, with your classmates evaluating these two versions, and then decide which version is better. Finally, you will report the result of this product's A/B test.


1. Benchmark other groups 1st MVP

This task requires you to benchmark another group's 1st MVP to acquire new ideas. All      slides and presentation recording are available in the OneDrive submission folder. Choose any group that you want to benchmark and answer the following questions in your report.

(1) What are the group’s tutorial session and group number?

(2) What is their project goal (Hills statement) regarding Who, What, and Wow?

(3) What are the TWO most important pain points that they found? Do you think that they are the biggest pain points? And why or why not?

(4) What are the TWO most important need statements” that they found? Do you think they made the need statements” properly using 5 whys?  And why or why not?

(5) What are their TWO most important solutions which they came up with?  Do you think that their solutions address their customer problems? And why or why not?

(6) What are their 3 chatbot scenarios? Do you think that their 3 chatbot scenarios reflect their solutions well? And why or why not?

(7) Among the 3 chatbot scenarios, which scenario would you give the highest accuracy score? Why?

(8) Among the 5 overall chatbot performance measures (Accuracy, Efficiency, Knowledge, Satisfaction, Willingness to Buy), which performance would you give the highest (or     lowest) score? Why?

(9) In their chatbot, what would you like to benchmark the most? It could be a particular  scenario, chatbot feature (e.g., slot, option), sentence style, or words (e.g., emotional words).

2. Hypotheses (Hs) for product A/B test

To complete Task 2, carefully read and follow the below guidelines before answering all questions in Sections 2.1 - 2.4.


A.  The requirement of your Hypothesis (H)

(1) Specific H: you need to make specific H, rather than exploration type of questions. Below is bad and good H.

a.   Bad: Which chatbot’s communication style is more effective? (It is a research question rather than H)

b.   Good: Chatbot with a passionate tone increases user’s conversation satisfaction compared to chatbot without a passionate tone.

(2) Testable H: To test your H, you need to be able to measure the outcome. Thus, make sure whether the necessary outcome can be measured. For example,

a.   Measurable: user’s communication satisfaction (via a survey)

b.   Unmeasurable: chatbot’s communication satisfaction

(3) Important H: The company offers new products to solve customer problems. Come up with H which is relevant to either the pain points, solutions, or chatbot scenarios which your group figured out. Or you could identify other pain points and solutions.

(4) New H: “New” products need to be perceived as new” ones. Try to make an innovative and creative product feature.

(5) Different H within a group: Each member within your group needs to come up with a    different H. If you launch a similar product with your competitors or your own company, your new product might not attract many consumers.

(6) The hypothesis needs to have both (independent variable - new feature), Y (outcome variable). For example,

-      H: A chatbot with an energetic tone (X) increases the user’s communication satisfaction (Y) compared to a chatbot without an energetic tone. Then,

▪    Chatbot A: your 1st  MVP without energetic tone (X)

▪    Chatbot B: your 1st  MVP with energetic tone (X)

-      H: A chatbot that uses intelligent words (X) more easily persuades consumers to buy the product which the chatbot recommend (Y) compared to chatbot that does not use intelligent words.

▪    Chatbot A: your 1st  MVP that does not use intelligent words (X)

▪    Chatbot B: your 1st  MVP that uses intelligent words (X)

B.  Potential X variables: Considering your customer’s problems and the requirement of H, you can simply change

●    Conversational words, flow, style, tone, sequence, or the number of questions.

●    Conversation styles (e.g., chatbots talk more positively or politely. Chatbots use emoticons frequently.)

●    The sequence of conversation (e.g., when to mention “sell product”? early or later?)

C.  Potential Y6 variable

●    Considering your X, make a relevant Y6 in addition to the given Y1 to Y5 below.

(1) Customer’s pain points: Considering the customer’s pain points, your group has already made a product roadmap. You could make a hypothesis about your 2nd  MVP or Future  Product.

(2) Market players: A company often benchmark other players in a market. You observed your competitors’ chatbots and other groups’ chatbots. You could benchmark them.

(3) Industry articles: Newspapers, blogs, industry reports

a.  You can easily find many potential popular chatbot features by reading industry articles.

b. https://sproutsocial.com/insights/chatbot-marketing/

c. https://www.intercom.com/blog/chatbot-marketing/

d. https://www.revechat.com/blog/chatbot-marketing/

e. https://sproutsocial.com/insights/chatbot-marketing-examples/

f. https://www.hubspot.com/stories/chatbot-marketing-future

g. https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2017/10/04/chatbots

h. https://www.artificial-solutions.com/chatbots

i. https://mobilemonkey.com/blog/chatbot-marketing/

j. https://sendpulse.com/support/glossary/chatbot-marketing

k. https://towardsdatascience.com/how-conversational-chatbots-marketing-is- the-future-of-ecommerce-6743268caa11

(4) Academic papers

a. Many academic papers have also tested chatbot features. You can benchmark those features.

b.   Chatbot paper summary:Papers on Chatbot.xlsx,paper pdf

c.    Google Scholar (search with chatbot” word):https://scholar.google.com.au/

d. https://medium.com/@ODSC/top-10-ai-chatbot-research-papers-from-axxiv- org-in-2019-1982dddabdb4

e. https://www.topbots.com/most-important-conversational-ai-research/

f. http://www.academia.edu/Documents/in/Chatbot

g. https://paperswithcode.com/task/chatbot

h. https://www.chatbots.org/papers/

i. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12525-020-00414-7

Answer the following questions.

2.1. Write down your Hypotheses (Hs).

You have been using 5 Ys for the market test of your 1st  MVP. For this product A/B test, your     task is to make one X and Y6 in addition to the 5 Ys, which are already given below. Consider   the requirements of H. Note that you use the same X across 6 Hs. Then, test the following 6 Hs.

H1: X increases the user’s perception of the chatbot’s accuracy (Y1).

H2: X increases the user’s perception of the chatbot’s efficiency (or speed) (Y2).

H3: X increases the user’s perception of the chatbot’s knowledge (or helpfulness) (Y3). H4: X increases the user’s communication satisfaction (Y4).

H5: X increases the user’s willingness to buy the product which the chatbot recommends (Y5). H6: X increases the user’s … (Y6).

2.2. State the source of your H6.

State the source of your H6. In other words, where did you get the idea of your H6? The            example sources are competitors’ chatbot websites, another group’ tutorial session and group   number, and references of industry or academic articles. If you make your H for yourself without referencing other sources, you don’t have to cite the source. You can just mention that it is your original idea.

2.3. Explain your H6 logically.

Explain why you are expecting that your X increases your Y6 in H6. Support your reasoning with some references.

2.4. Explain the importance of your H in solving your customer problem.

How does any of your H (H1 to H6) contribute to solving your customer problem? You can take any H among the above 6 Hs. Then, explain the relevance of your H to either the pain points, solutions, or chatbot scenarios that your group figured out. Or you could identify other pain points and solutions.

3. Conversational Flow and Chatbot

Carefully read and follow the below guidelines and complete task required.


●    The baseline chatbot is your group’s 1st  MVP. This is chatbot A.

●    Then, export the JSON file of the 1st  MVP (your chatbot A). Then, you can import the JSON file of chatbot A to the Watson Assistant and then revise it. This will be your chatbot B.

●    Note that a new feature for your chatbot B does not have to be complex. Depending on your H, you could change just some words. For example, you can add more polite sentences if your H is about a polite chatbot.

Complete the following tasks.

Put screenshots of (1) conversation flow and (2) chatbot communication for both chatbot A and B. Please put only the key parts to show the difference between chatbot A and B.

Then, describe the difference between chatbot A and B.

4. A/B Test Survey Guidelines:

4.1. Online survey form

●     Create a link to the interface of your chatbot and add it to your survey form.

●     Chatbot A/B test survey

o  You can modify the survey form of your 1st  MVP Market Test.

o  How to make Google Form:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtoOHhA3aPQ

o  Submit your survey link before Week 9 Tutorial.

o  Classmates will answer your survey questions during Week 9 tutorial.

4.2. Outcome measures

Make relevant survey questions to test your Hs. You can modify the survey template for the 1st  MVP.

●    Example of satisfaction question

▪     (Quantitative) How much are you satisfied with the conversation with a chatbot?

●    Not satisfied at all (1 to 7) Highly satisfied

▪     (Qualitative) Tell me about your good or bad experience with the chatbot

●    Example of a knowledgeable chatbot question

▪     (Quantitative) How was the agent's knowledge?

●    Not knowledgeable (1 to 7) Very knowledgeable

▪     (Qualitative) Tell me about your impression of the chatbot’s knowledge.

Complete the following tasks.

●    State all your survey questions here. Since the questions for chatbot A and B are the same, put only one version. Also put the links for your chatbots A and B, and your     survey.

5. Analysis

5.1. Demographics

●    Summarize the demographics (gender, … .)  of survey participants briefly.

5.2. Quantitative questions

●    First, plot the survey participant’s answers by comparing the answers from two chatbots. You could use two box plots or other types of plots.

●    Survey participants will talk with the two chatbots within the survey. Therefore, conduct the paired t-test.

●    Interpret properly whether your 6 Hs are supported or not from their p-values. Due to the small sample size, it is not easy to get significant results. Although insignificant,  there is no penalty.

5.3. Qualitative questions

•    Quote some comments.

o E.g., “I like the chatbot because it gives me relevant career option”

•   Visualize the answers using the Word Cloud.

•    Compare the sentiment of the answers about the two chatbots. You could use a Python library. Or you can manually count the number of positive”, “neutral”, and negative”    comments written by survey participants for each chatbot. Then, you can compare the  sentiment of the two chatbots. You don’t need to do the paired t-test here.

6. Conclusion

●    What are the key results? Does the result support your Hs? If not, explain (1) why your Hs are not supported and (2) what you would do differently so that your Hs are supported.

●    Based on this result, what do you want to suggest for your company chatbot?

●    What other Hs do you want to test in the future?

In completing this assignment, apply appropriate data analytics and consider the concepts introduced in class. Your report should not exceed the word limit, excluding the title page, relevant images, tables, charts, or reference.

Title page (1 page) includes (1) the title of your report, (2) Word count, (3) An executive    summary (One paragraph) of sections 2, 3, 5, and 6, (4) Course name, tutorial session and group, and a tutor’s name, (5) Your first and last name & zID.

Reference: Cite academic papers, newspaper articles, blogs, or industry reports properly. Use

APA (American Psychological Association) style in-text citations and a reference list at the end.


Format: Use Word file (.doc), 12pt, 1.5 lines spacing, at least 2.5cm margins on all sides. Make sentences rather than bullet points.

Appendixes (no page requirement): Do not put irrelevant or unedited raw results.

Submission instructions

Submit your report to Turnitin via Moodle.

- .doc contains your report. File name: Tutorial_Group_First and Last Name_A3.doc” (e.g., W12_1_Junbum_Kwon_zXXXX_A3.doc)

Submit other supporting files (conversation flow, chatbot, data, code, and papers) to Moodle submission folder.

1)   .pdf has a conversation flow for the two chatbots A and B.

2)   .JSON contains chatbots A and B.

3)   .csv contains the dataset from your survey.

4)   .ipynb contains all relevant Python code to get the results in your report.

5)   .xlsx contains all the cited paper lists with a brief note about why you cited them.

6)    .zip contains all the cited papers. Submit a zip file of all the cited pdfs.

●    For each missing file among the above (1) to (6), a - 1 mark

●    Late penalty: - 5% marks per day for the survey link (Week 9 tutorial) and your report, respectively.

Instructions for getting some required link/file

Chatbot preview link

1. Log into IBM Cloud, and launch your Watson Assistant instance

2. The landing page shows the list of assistants; click on your chatbot assistant.

3. Now, you can see the dialog skill that is currently attached to the assistant.

4. Click on ‘Preview’ button. This leads you to another page as below. Get the preview link in the Share this link’ section.

Export Chatbot (Skill) data

1. Log into IBM Cloud, and launch your Watson Assistant instance

2. The landing page shows the list of assistants; click on your chatbot assistant.

3. Now, you can see the dialog skill that is currently attached to the assistant.

4. Click on the three dots, on the dialog skill card and proceed to download. This is your assistant in a JSON format with all the trained intents, entities, and nodes. You will be submitting this json file (only the finalised one) as your chatbot. Since you have two chatbot A

and B, submit two JSON files.

Import a Chatbot

Your group’s 1st MVP Chatbot skill is Chatbot A. For the product A/B test, you’ll add one new feature to the existing Chatbot and make it Chatbot B.

How individual members can import 1st MVP Chatbot A and make Chatbot B

Step 0: Have your 1st MVP Chatbot skill JSON in place (See the instruction about how to export a chatbot skill.)

Step 1: Log in to IBM Cloud (https://cloud.ibm.com/)

Step 2: Launch your Watson Assistant service

Step 3: Create a new assistant by clicking the button, and give it a name to distinguish it from

your Chatbot A

Step 4: Within this new assistant, click on Add an actions or dialog skill

Step 5: Go Upload skill tab, drag your 1st MVP Chatbot A skill JSON file in the area, and Upload it

Step 6: You’ll see 1st MVP Chatbot A skill linked to the current assistant. Click on the dialog

skill, then you can modify Chatbot A - add one new feature to test your specific hypothesis.