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ECON 211 2022-23 T1 ASSIGNMENT #3


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ECON 211 2022-23 T1 ASSIGNMENT #3

Q1: (10 points) DEMAND CURVES and ENGLE CURVES: Consider the following consumer’s     problem: U(X,Y) = X1/2  Y1/2 .  Suppose that she has income (M) and faces prices Px and Py .

a) (1 point) Sketch the budget set. What is the slope of the Budget Line? What are maximal possible consumptions of X and Y? (note: these will depend on what values of I, Px and Py are given).

b) (1 point) Show that the MRSXY = Y/X.

Note:    by defn MRSab = MUa/MUb

STEP 1:                           MUx  = ½  X- 1/2 Y1/2

STEP 2:                           MUy  = ½   X1/2 Y- 1/2

STEP 3:                           MRS = MUx /MUy  = (½  X- 1/2 Y1/2)/( ½   X1/2 Y- 1/2 )

STEP 4:  simplify to get:           MRS = Y/X

Interpretation: we are willing to exchange 1 unit of Y to get 1 unit of X.

c) (2 point) Show that the consumer will spend ½ of her income on Good X and ½ on Good Y.

STEP 2: by substitution:                         Y/X = Px/Py

STEP 3:  isolate Y                                     Y = Px X/Py       or         Y = (Px /Py) X

STEP 4: substitute eq 1 into eq 2

STEP 5: simplify

Px X + (Px/Py X) Py = m

2X Px = m    implies X= ½ m /Px

And Y = ½ M/Py

d) (2 point) Now, sketch the Demand Curve for X and then for good Y. Show that both are downward sloping.

X= ½ m /Px:  so as Px rises, X falls.  Both are right-angle Hyperbolas and are downward sloping.  Eg, as Px rises, X falls since each share of income is now on a higher priced good.

e) (2 point) Sketch the Engel Curve for X and then for good Y. Show that both are upward sloping.

From the above X = (½ 1/Px) M.  so is increasing in M at a rate 1/2Px.  Similar for Y.

f) (2 point) Suppose income (I) is $1000, Px = $6 and Py = $4. Find the optimal consumption bundle. From above X= ½ m /Px = 500/6 = 83.3

And Y = ½ M/Py = 500/4 = 125

Note: you can use excel for this but using the demand curve is better (as you see in Q2)

Q2: (10 points) SUBSTITUTION and INCOME EFFECTS: Suppose we are given the following       utility function for a consumer:  U(X,Y) = X1/2y1/2   : Suppose also that her income (I) is $1000, Px = $6 and Py = $4.

a) (1 point) Find the consumer’s optimal choice given the prices and income above. What is the utility she derives from this income?

From above     X= ½ m /Px       = 500/6             = 83.3

And                   Y = ½ M/Py       = 500/4             = 125

Hence U = (83.31/2)(1251/2) = 102.0621

b) (1 point) Find the new optimum if Py falls to $3.

X= ½ m /Px       = 500/6             = 83.3                no change

Y = ½ M/Py       = 500/3             = 166.6             so Y rises given the lower price.

New U = (83.31/2)(1661/2) = 117.8511                which is higher than before.

c) (3 point) Show that the income required to just make the previous utility from (a) attainable with Px = $6 and Py = $3 is $866.03. Show and explain the process you use to get this result.      (Eg. you have the answer so just show the steps to get there.)

STEP 1: from above we have X= ½ m /Px  and Y = ½ M/Py

STEP 2:  substitute into the utility function U(X,Y) = X1/2y1/2   = ( ½ m /PX )1/2  ( ½ m /PY      )1/2 STEP 3:  simplify:  U(X,Y) = ( ½ m) (1/PX )1/2  (1/PY )1/2   = ( ½ m) (PX PY)-1/2

this is the indirect utility function (U as a function of prices and income) STEP 4:  invert the function to isolate M:    M = U /[ ½  (PX PY)-1/2 ] = 2U (PX PY)1/2;

Notice that M is increasing in prices. That is, to maintain a given U, I need more income to offset any rise in prices.

STEP 5  set U = 102.0621 and set Px = 6 and Py = 3.  Hence we are finding the income that attains the original target utility but with new prices.

SOLUTION: So M = 2(102.0621) (6x3)1/2  = 866.0254  done

d) (2 point) Given the “new” income in (c) with Px = $6 and Py = $3, find the new optimum. Confirm that it yields the same utility as in (a).

X= ½ m /Px

Y = ½ M/Py

Hence U = (83.31/2)(1661/2) = 102.0676

so falls as M falls

falls as M falls

close enough to the original value

e) (3 point) What are the Hicks Substitution and Income Effects of the fall in the price of y? eg find ∆X and Y.

See figure below>

The HICKS SUBSTITUTION EFFECT is the change in consumption when we change relative prices but hold utility constant.

For X: 72.17 – 83.33 = -11.17

For Y: 144.34 – 125 = + 19.34

Notice that Y rises and X falls since we are moving along the original indifference curve.  Eg these are Hicks Substitutes.

The HICKS INCOME EFFECT is the change in X and Y when we hold prices at the new values but let the actual income be 1000 instead of the 866.

For X:   83.33 – 72.17 = +11.17    notice that this exactly offsets the Hicks substitution effect

For Y: 166.66 - 144.34 = + 22.32

Note that this implies both goods are Normal Goods.

Let A = original consumption   (83, 125) with U = 102

Let B = new consumption          (83, 166) with U = 117

Let C = (72, 144)  with U = 102: this is the income-adjusted consumption that holds to original utility

Q3: (10 points) Compensating and Equivalent Variation: Suppose we are given the following  utility function for a consumer:  U(X,Y) = X1/2y1/2   : Suppose also that her income (I) is $1000, Px = $6 and Py = $4.  Now, let Py fall to $3.

a) (3 point) What is the Compensating Variation for the fall in Py? Explain your reasoning.

The compensating Variation is the change in income that exactly offsets the change in price so that utility is unchanged.

Pseudo- income = 866; actual income is 1000.  So CV = 866 - 1000 = -133

That is, if the price of good Y falls to $3 and the income also falls by $133, then the consumer is no better and no worse off. Eg fully compensated.

b) (4 point) Show that the income required to just make the new utility in (b) attainable at the old prices (Px = $6 and Py = $4) is $1154.70. Show and explain the process to get this result.

From Above we had:

STEP 1:  M = 2U (PX PY)1/2

STEP 2:  set U = 117.85 which is the new utility at the new prices.

STEP 3:  but set Px = 6 and Py = 4 which are the old prices.

STEP 4:  So M = 2(117.85) (6x4)1/2  = 1154.70  done


X= ½ m /Px       = 1154/6           = 96.25              rises as M rises

Y = ½ M/Py       = 1154/3           = 144.33           rises as M rises

Hence U = (961/2)(1431/2) = 117.85                    close enough to the original value

c) (3 point) What is the Equivalent Variation for the fall in Py? Explain your reasoning.

The Equivalent Variation is the change in income that generates the same change in utility that     was caused by the price change. So rather than change prices, we change income instead. The EV is the change in income.

Pseudo- income = 1154; actual income is 1000. So EV = 1154 - 1000 = +154

That is, if we did not let the prices change but, rather, let income rise by $154, then the rise in income will have the same impact as if the prices had change.  Eg a rise in income is equivalent to a fall in price.