关键词 > CCT460



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CCT460, WINTER 2020, Project 2



Development objectives

In your first project you developed a dynamic website from ground up leveraging the WordPress CMS and framework, representing your startup organization/business and featuring real content. In this final phase of the project, you will take your website to the next level by incorporating external sources of data using JavaScript and APIs, creating further interactivity and dynamic content by integrating APIs. You will also develop a Web Analytics program & SEO/SEM keyword plan with dimensions and metrics that are of relevance to your business/organization.

Scope of work

API Process Document: Scope out and identify your APIs and approach:

1. Find the data APIs that you will use from your own research, or from any of the sources/resources presented 2. in class

2. Write at least half a page for the API that explains the following:

1. The function and what it does;

2. References to its documentation;

3. Why you use it and a strong case for its application and purpose relevant to your project.

Note: As one of your two APIs, you are free to use the map API demonstrated in class if you can make a compelling case for integrating it into your website (for example on a contact page), however the other one API must be different than in-class examples.

API/JS Integration: Through the use of JavaScript, you will seamlessly integrate external data, making it adhere to your overall design in a usable and aesthetically-pleasing way. This will involve applying best practices discussed in class, while making use of HTML and CSS in your code. Your website must include the use and integration of at least two distinct APIs on any of the home/inner pages.

3. Integrate each API on your website, ensuring creative customization of presentation and proper use of JS

4. Provide links and references for all used code

Note: Emphasis should be on ensuring that all content is displayed in a manner that is consistent with your site's overall visual identity and look and feel. It is expected that you use APIs that deliver real added value to your site, avoiding any implementation that is done for the sole purpose of “integrating APIs for the sake of integration”.

Web Analytics Program & SEO/SEM Keyword Plan: The goal is to develop a decision-support tool (analytics program) as a valuable reference document for your business, articulating high level strategies for generating insight from analytics evidence. The deliverable is to produce a well- designed document with a balance of text and graphs that describe and illustrate your plan for a Web Analytics program in 8 well-analyzed, well-written and well-designed pages. Discuss and present the following components by providing a comprehensive overview of the main measures and their respective purposes:

1. Description of measured data dimensions and metrics 2. At least 3 unique Macro/Micro conversions

2. At least 3 unique Macro/Micro conversions

3. At least 6 unique segmentations including user and system segments

4. Projected expectations of data against well-researched industry benchmarks with reference to the cases and guides

5. And WEO/SEM keyword plan based on yoru analytics program as part of ta marketing strategy of your website.

Submission requirements

1. API Process Document: A single PDF document of approximately 3 pages no larger than 2MB that includes:

a. Your student identification information

b. Explanation of the workings and rationale of your chosen APIs

c. Screenshots of API integration with webpages

d. References and sources of all used APIs

2. API/JS Integration: A single ZIP file of the child theme including all HTML, CSS, JS, and PHP:

a. Complete final code and markup with the API integration, including all library files and associate assets in standard directory structure, compressed in one single zip file no larger than 10 MB

b. The site should be functional on your DragonTeach Hosting http://ccitxxx.dragonteach.website

3. Web Analytics Program & SEO/SEM Keyword Plan: A single PDF document of approximately 8 pages no larger than 10MB that includes:

1. Write-ups as outlined in the scope of work

2. Relevant screenshots of the measures including data dimensions and metrics, segmentations and conversion goals

Evaluation criteria includes:

● [50%] Quality of the integration, code and API implementation as well as standalone code; uniqueness in approach to customization & personalization of the APIs to site requirements.

● [10%] Rationale and discussion on selection and relevance of the APIs and data aggregation to the objectives and goals of your website; quality of the visual design and communication of the document.

● [40%] Quality of the Analytics Program & SEO/SEM Keyword Plan with comprehensive and thoughtful strategies; realism of assumptions; selection criteria and communication that justify chosen measures; quality of the visual design of the document and perceptive and critical approach.

Note: A+ is reserved for projects that exceed all criteria, demonstrating significant effort in going above and beyond default project requirements.