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INFS1602/2602 Final Exam Practice Use-Case Diagram and Wireframing Practice Questions


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INFS1602/2602 Final Exam Practice

Use-Case Diagram and Wireframing Practice Questions

Question 1: Youtube.com

Draw a use case diagram for Youtube.com. You do not have to capture all of Youtube’s functionalities, but make sure that your diagram contains at least 15 use cases, and at least ONE includes, ONE extends, and ONE generalisation relationship.

Question 2: Monday.com

The following is the list of functions of an online integrated workplace management system called      Monday.com, which is used by a bubble tea store. There are two users of the system – the staff of the bubble tea store and the store’s owner.

General functionalities (available to owner and staff):

§ “Log in”: involves the user inputting email and password, and the actor pressing“sign in”to proceed.

§ “View notifications”: alerts/notifications can be accessed by the actors to view updates. This aims to provide greater transparency on the actions made in the system (e.g., removal/low inventory).

§ “Change theme”: involves customising the display (e.g., colour scheme) to personal preferences.

§ “Edit profile”: involves updating user details. Optional functionalities when editing profile include “update account” (e.g. billing address), “change password”and “change profile picture”.

§ “Sign out”: involves the system logging off and terminating access

§ “View order request”: order management functionality enabling actors to link up with an external system called WooCommerce for detailed e-Commerce website orders.

§ “Access Microsoft Outlook”: An integrated feature allowing actors to send customers standardised order templates via email.

§ “Manage collection times”: a functionality that leads to an external scheduling system called     Calendly where the Owner can schedule orders’collection times and virtual meetings (customer support).

§ “Access Microsoft Teams”:”Access an internal communication tool to facilitate organisational learning and training through discussion forums and shared modules.

Specific functionalities for the Owner:

§ “Manage inventory purchase and adjustments”: new supplies purchased can be reviewed and         modified manually in the system. Optional functionalities are“add inventory”and“delete inventory”. This function also automatically triggers“save inventory records”every 5 minutes as the system     will auto-save inputted data to ensure no data is lost.

§ “Generate inventory report/summation”: Summary of inventory held can be generated and used for future purchasing decisions.

Specific functionalities for Staff:

•“Manage inventory outflows”: Updates the system with inventory sold for real-time inventory tracking and restocking alerts. This will also automatically trigger“save inventory records”.

Use-Case Modelling

Draw a use-case diagram to capture all the functions, actors and associations described above.

Question 3: UTS

Draw a block diagram to capture the layout of UTS’s homepage (see below). Use the screenshot below and NOT what you are currently able to access from your browser.

Question 4: LinkedIn

Draw a block diagram to capture the layout of LinkedIn’s homepage (see below). Use the screenshot below and NOT what you are currently able to access from your browser.