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BIOL 354: Environmental Toxicology I Experiment 2


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BIOL 354 (S23)

BIOL 354: Environmental Toxicology I

Report 2 Guidelines and Suggestions

Experiment 2: Effects of Heavy Metals on Seed Germination

This document highlight some important points from the material presented in your lab manual: “Report Analysis” and Appendix A. This is only a general guideline with some suggestions of what to include. You are expected to come up with ideas of your own to fill out and complete the report.

Due Date: Week of June 20-22nd (at 11:59 pm on the day of your assigned lab section) Format: [Complete report, NOT a summary] Double-spaced, Font size 11 or 12, Easy- to-read font; Include page numbers and section headings

Content: Experiment 2 (Effects of Heavy Metals on Seed Germination)

Title Page

The title page should include a descriptive title, along with your name, student ID number, name(s) of your lab partner(s), Teaching Assistants’ (TA) names, course number and section, and the date range over which the experiments were performed.


Length: 2-3 pages

The Introduction section provides relevant background information for the reader to understand your experimental results. You need to cover the purpose and context of the experiment, the methods used, and introduce key definitions and principles in a logical and brief manner. In other words, the Introduction should tell the reader what you did (in past tense), why you did it (purpose), and how you accomplished this (method).

•   Do not include very specific details, results, or discussion of results.

•   Do not include vague and/or irrelevant verbose statements or information.

•   Do not interrupt the flow with the use of headings within the Introduction

Some suggestions for Background Information specific to Experiment 2:

•   Purpose(s) of the experiment (what you did and why you did it)

•   General introduction to metal toxicity and how it is measured

o Environmental accumulation

o Bioaccumulation in food chain

o Primary metals of concern in the environment

o Sources of metals

o Introduce the idea of agriculturally important plants, such as wheat, that may be affected by metals. Why we should be concerned, agricultural implications, etc.

•   Discuss the significance and application of seed germination bioassays

•   Mention the significance of the two different seed species (wheat vs. mung bean). You may also want to mention that seed coat of plants can provide a protective nature that would impede uptake of metals (monocot vs. dicot) and that plants can become tolerant to metals.

Please refer to Appendix A for more details on how to include in the Introduction. By now, you should be familiar with what is appropriate for the Introduction and what is better left for the Discussion.

Materials and Methods

An exhaustive Materials and Methods is NOT required.

“Please  refer  to  Department  of  Biology,  2023,  Biology  354             Environmental Toxicology 1 Manual, Experiment X: Title, pp. XX-XX, etc. The following is/are exception(s) to the protocol:

•   Exception 1

•   Etc.”

Remember to include a complete cited reference for the lab manual in the References section as well. The lab manual does not count as a source/reference. You should only cite the lab manual in the Materials and Methods section and References section.


The Results section should be well organized using tables, graphs, and/or figures in correct format. All of your results must be presented in a logical way to the reader.

This  section  may  also  include  any  raw  data  and  sample  calculations.  A  sample calculation should be provided for every different type of calculation no matter how simple or even if the equation is in the manual. DO NOT INTERPRET your results in this section (interpretation should only be done in the Discussion section).

It is best to use tables and figures wherever possible.

•   Tables should be numbered consecutively (as they appear) and titled (title shown ABOVE the table).

•   Figures should also be numbered consecutively and titled (with a legend below the figure).

•   Graphs  should be titled and include properly labelled axes  (the dependent variable, which is measured, should be on the vertical axis and the independent variable should be on the horizontal axis). Include a legend if appropriate.

All figures and tables must be mentioned in linker text in the order that they appear. The purpose of linker text is to lead the reader through your results by linking and explaining the various figures and tables. Linker texts should NOT repeat the information presented in the table.

See below for examples of linker text (not specific to Experiment 2):

•   “Table 2 presents the class raw data of absorbance values of the paraquat treated plant at various wavelengths: 645nm, 663 nm, and 700nm”

•   “The probit graph above is used to compare the inhibitory effects of different concentration of heavy metals on Triticum aestivum (Plot 1)”

Analysis and Directives for Experiment 2 Results

Please review the directives for this experiment in your lab manual!!

You should have the following in the Results section of your report, all of which should be accompanied by linker text:


1)  Table(s) with data for wheat and mung bean germination at 96h for all 3 metals

•   Recall that you have recorded results in the lab for two metals. Averaged lab section data will be posted for Nickel and Copper on Learn for your lab section. These values should be entered into a table along with the 96h germination results of one additional metal (either  Cobalt, Cadmium, or Lead), which will be provided on Learn for each section. Make sure you are using data for your lab section!

•   The data on Learn represents the number of total seeds germinated in the duplicate bags (N = 30) and then averaged to give a starting point of N = 15 for each metal at each concentration. This is also how you will represent the data you count.

•   Your table(s) should have a:

i.  Column  for  averaged  number  of  seeds  germinated  at  each concentration for each metal for wheat and mung bean

ii.  Column for normalizing to controls

iii.  Columns   representing   data   for    %germination   at   various concentrations for 3 metals (values must be normalized to control values at each dosage point)

iv.  Columns representing data for %inhibition of germination for each metal, seed, and concentration – these values will be plotted onto Probit paper to determine EC50 for each metal

•   Follow  the  manual  regarding  normalizing  to  control  and  calculating %inhibition of germination.

2)  Tables with root and shoot germination data for wheat and mung bean at 96h under the effects of Nickel or Copper

For root and shoot length, you will only be analyzing your own data (this would include  root  and  shoot  lengths  of  wheat  and  mung  at  the  various  metal concentrations for Nickel OR Copper). You will NOT be responsible for class root and shoot length data.

•   Tables of 96h data for root lengths and shoot lengths at various metal (Nickel OR Copper) concentrations (including raw data for group) for both wheat and mung

i.  Include the average root and shoot length for each concentration

ii.  Include the standard deviation for mean root and shoot length at each concentration

iii.  Include the t-value for the mean of each concentration and the 95% CI around that mean


1)  Plot % inhibition of germination of wheat and mung at 96h for Nickel, Copper, and one additional metal using Probit paper to determine EC50

•   Graphing MUST be done by hand. A scanned copy of Probit paper is available on Learn in case you need more.

•   Probit paper is NOT the same as semi-log. This means that you will need to plot the numbers by hand onto the Probit paper (excluding the zero point) and hand draw a line of best fit.

•   All 3 metals can be plotted on the same Probit for each seed type. DO NOT plot one metal per Probit.

•   Using your graph, show how you derived your EC50 concentration for each of the 3 metals for each seed type. Then, present the EC50 values you determined in  a  table. If not possible, determine the EC25 instead and tabulate your results.

Please refer to How to Use Probit Paper on Learn for pointers.

2)  Data analysis of root and shoot length for wheat and mung bean at 96h under the effects of Nickel OR Copper (Again, you are using your own root and shoot length data; i.e., for one metal only)

•   Plot metal dose/concentration (X-axis, log) vs. mean root length (Y-axis) with 95% CI for Nickel or Copper at 96h

•   Plot metal dose (X-axis, log) vs. mean shoot length (Y-axis) with 95% CI for Nickel or Copper at 96h


You   are  required  to   show   sample  calculations  for  normalization  to  control, %germination, %inhibition of germination, standard deviation (S.D.), 95% CI, and the t- test. Also, you must show how you have derived EC50 for each of the 3 metals from your probit plot. Please review your lab manual for S.D. and 95% CI calculations.


This is the interpretive section of the report. The Discussion section is a presentation of the principles, relationships, and generalizations shown by the results. Your discussion should be  an  in-depth  interpretation  of your results  and  NOT  a reiteration your Introduction or Results section. You should be able to do a literature search and use referenced  material  to  discuss  what  you  saw  (results)  and  WHY  you  saw  it (theory/mechanism). Please refer to Appendix A for more details on how to write your


Some suggestions for the Discussion

Please review your lab manual for additional suggestions!

•   Discuss ALL your results (seed germination and root and shoot length); do not simply  reiterate  your  results  again  to  the  reader!  Instead,  use  background information to interpret your results.

•   Include a discussion of the effect(s) and possible mode of action of Nickel and Copper on wheat and mung germination and growth as measured by %inhibition of germination, root and shoot length

•   Include a discussion of the effects of the 3 metals on wheat and mung germination as observed via probit and EC50s at 96h. Comment on the difference(s) in EC50. What do these differences mean in terms of inhibition of germination? Explain the differences, if any, that the metals had on wheat vs. mung (monocot vs. dicot).

•   You may want to discuss any problems with the procedure as it was run in the lab setting and suggest any modifications that may improve the assay for the future. What were some advantages/disadvantages of seed germination assay?

•   You should also talk about the purpose of the controls, and whether or not they showed what they are expected to show.

•   Provide insight as to why your results/trends may or may not have agreed with the expected results and/or literature.

•   End your  Discussion with  a brief  and  clear  conclusion  statement. Was the experiment successful (i.e., did you achieve the purpose of the experiment)?


Please answer these three questions in a separate section from the Discussion. References are required.

1.  (3 marks) If you were conducting this assay in the field, explain in general how modifying, (a) soil conditions and (b) pH, may play a role in the toxic response of metals on seeds/plants.

2.  (2 marks) At low concentrations of some of the metals, you may find that the plants showed improved performance relative to controls. Discuss possible explanations for this response.

3.  (2 marks) Not all heavy metals are harmful. Using a few specific examples of different metals, discuss the role of“essential”metals. Give an example of a“non- essential” metal used and indicate how these differ from“essential”metals.


Format: APA style, alphabetical order

•   Please  refer  to  the  Journal  of  Biochemistry  or  Journal  of  Toxicology  and Environmental Health

Quantity/Type: A minimum of 4 key or principal sources (e.g., text of journal references, textbook) must be used.

•   Reference material should be plentiful. Use journal papers, textbooks, or any peer- reviewed documents

•   The lab manual does not count as a source/reference. You should only cite the lab manual in the Materials and Methods section and References section.

•   Lecture notes are NOT an appropriate source. Ask your professor where they acquired the information.

•   Websites and Wikipedia pages are NOT appropriate sources!

Throughout your report, you must reference all ideas that are not your own or if it is obtained from other people’s work. Your reference list should be in alphabetical order and should match your in-text citations.

Please include proper in-text citations, paraphrase, and reference sources appropriately to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism, the direct copying of text or data without attribution to the source is an academic offense. This also applies to websites. Never, ever, copy/paste from other sources. If you are not sure what constitutes plagiarism, then please contact your TAs for help. Any plagiarism detected in your report will be brought forward for review and you may receive a grade of zero and a letter may be placed in your university file. Please read over what constitutes an academic offence in your lab manual.

Review Appendix A in your lab manual for some examples of how to prepare a reference list.

Submission and Turnitin®

Reports are due at 11:59pm to the dropbox the week of June 20-22nd  on the day of your assigned lab period. There is a late penalty of 5% per day to a maximum time of 3    days (the weekend is treated as two days).

There will be a DRAFT dropbox and a FINAL dropbox for your report on LEARN. We will be using Turnitin® . The DRAFT dropbox is for you to look over your report to make sure that you are not plagiarizing, i.e., giving credit where credit is due. It will also detect any similarities between your submission and that of other students (from the same class and from previous years). You will only be able to submit once to the DRAFT dropbox. A  submission  to  the  DRAFT  dropbox will  NOT be  marked  or  looked  at.  ONLY submission to the FINAL dropbox will be considered complete submission of the report.

Mark Breakdown

(subject to changes)



Title Page




Materials and Methods










Overall Quality (Subjective)