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Object Oriented Analysis Design Assignment #4


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Assignment #4

Assignment Submission:

Submit your assignment as a SINGLE ZIP file document on Blackboard by the due date.

The Assignment name must comply with the naming convention:


Your submitted ZIP file must have the following FILES:

1.  The Visio (or drawio) file that has UML diagrams

2.  The PDF document that has the deliverables and answers for the requirements provided including the UML diagrams

Overview Statement:

After you review and analyze the requirements and specification document for OnMart superstore, provide your answers for the deliverables listed   below.

Assignment Deliverables:

Submit your assignment as a single ZIP file that has all UML visio files for all diagrams listed below along with the PDF document that has the answers for the requirements listed below:

1. Complete list of classes used in your design

2. Create the complete UML Design class diagram in Visio

3. List of the Design patterns that you have used in your design class diagram

4. At least 6 usages of the design patterns and 3 different design patterns are expected to be utilized in the design class diagram.

5. You must fully utilize the design patterns in your design class diagram.

6. Clearly annotate your Visio class diagram where you have used the design patterns in your design