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EDUC 91073 Mathematics: Primary 1 Assessment One


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EDUC 91073 Mathematics: Primary 1

Assessment One

Report: Analyse an assessment tool and interpret student data.

(2000 words)

Title: Report (Analyse an assessment tool and interpret student data)

Overview of task:

Teacher Candidates will analyse an assessment tool using research literature and the curriculum to understand the purposes of the assessment tasks. Teacher Candidates will assess students, and then complete a report demonstrating understanding of the conceptual development of students based on the assessment evidence.

The aim of this assignment is to find out what children know about different number topics, using tasks from the Mathematics Online Interview.

Instructions for students:

To complete this assignment, you will need to:

· Download the Mathematics Online Interview booklet from LMS. Use ONLY this version, not the online version of the tasks.

· Select one set of tasks from Sections A – D or the Prep Detour, of the Mathematics Online Interview. This will assist you in later determining the conceptual understanding of a student in one topic of the Number Strand.

· Analyse the tasks in one section (from Sections A – D or the Prep Detour) in reference to the Victorian Curriculum and relevant research.

· Interview two children on the selected section of the Mathematics Online Interview. Use the appropriate record sheet provided on LMS to write on during the interviews. Please note that completed record sheets will be included in your assignment in the appendix.

· Analyse the two children’s responses to the MOI items, the aims being to ascertain the children’s early number understanding and the strategies they use to answer tasks, using evidence from the interview.

· Find and use research articles to assist with the critical analysis of the children’s responses to the interview tasks.

· If you are unable to conduct the interviews in a school-based setting there are data sets available, on request, for analysis.

Assessment Task

· Your report should be written in a formal, academic essay format with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and APA referencing.

· Use the rubric to structure your response and ensure that you are addressing all the assessed criteria. Your report should include the following:

o Introduction: Describe the context of the interviews and outline the structure of your report

o Description of diagnostic tasks: This section requires you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of research into how students learn, and of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative, and summative approaches to assess student learning. In this section:

§ Describe the tasks used during the interviews and include the purpose and intent of these tasks.

§ Consider why the task has been included and what the task is trying to reveal in terms of thinking.

§ Consider why particular numbers have been chosen for the tasks.

§ Consider if there is a common misconception that the task will reveal.

§ Link your descriptions to the Victorian Curriculum and relevant research to support your analysis and explanation.

o Analysis: Analyse the two interviews of the students. Using a pseudonym, review each child’s responses, carefully determining what each child understands and any misconceptions. In this section you should demonstrate your capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning, using your knowledge and understanding of research into how students learn. In this section:

§ Refer to both the curriculum expectations (content descriptions, elaborations and proficiencies) and the research.

§ Analyse the student’s responses to the interview tasks, with a focus on the student’s conceptual understanding.

§ State the student’s current mathematical knowledge (including concepts, strategies used, problem solving methods, etc.)

§ Provide evidence from the interview to clarify and substantiate your findings.

§ You should also relate your conclusions to relevant sources (Victorian Curriculum and research).

o Interview summary: Compare and contrast the two students’ responses with a focus on conceptual understanding of the topic with links to appropriate research, demonstrating your understanding of assessment moderations and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning.

o References: Include all appropriate references in APA style for relevant sources (e.g. Victorian Curriculum, textbook, journal articles and other DET resources)

o Appendices: Attach all original data (completed record sheets) for the two students.

Compose and submit a 2000-word report for submission through LMS/Canvas by TBA.  Use a minimum of 4 sources other than the text, the Mathematics Online Interview booklet, the Mathematics Growth Points, and the Victorian Curriculum. Do not use the DET document titled Mapping the Mathematics Online Interview to the Victorian Curriculum F-10: Mathematics. This document refers to a different version of the assessment and includes errors. Do use the Victorian curriculum descriptors and elaborations to determine the correct level.

Mathematics: Primary 1

Assignment 1

Marking Guide



Introduction (approximately 100 words):

Introduction to assignment


Description of Diagnostic Tasks: (approx. 500 words)

· Tasks clearly described

· Purpose and intent of tasks provided

· Includes links to the Victorian Curriculum and relevant research


Analysis of Interview 1: (approx.600 words)

· Analysis of each student:

o Description of student

o Analysis of student responses.

o Includes links to the Victorian Curriculum and relevant research


Analysis of Interview 2: (approx. 600 words)

· Analysis of each student:

o Description of student

o Analysis of student responses.

o Includes links to the Victorian Curriculum and relevant research


Section 3: Interview Summary: (approx. 200 words)

Insightful summary and comparison of students’ responses with a focus on conceptual understanding of the topic


References and Presentation:

· Appropriately referenced using APA style

· Report appropriately written in a formal, academic essay format with correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.

· A minimum of 6 sources (other than the text, the Mathematics Online Interview booklet, and the curriculum)



Appendix: -

Include any relevant activity sheets




Mathematics: Primary 1

Assignment 1

Marking Guide

(70 marks)

Introduction (2 marks)

1 Introduction (2 marks)

1.0 Insufficient evidence

1.1 States topic of interviews

1.2 Develops a structure for the response

Task Descriptions (16 marks)

2 Diagnostic tasks (6 marks)

2.0 Insufficient evidence

2.1 Lists diagnostic tasks

2.2 Describes diagnostic tasks

2.3 Explains diagnostic tasks

3 Task Purpose/Intent (4 marks)

3.0 Insufficient evidence

3.1 States purpose and Intent

3.2 Describes purpose and Intent

3.3 Explains purpose and Intent

3.4 Justifies purpose and Intent

4 Curriculum (3 marks)

4.0 Insufficient evidence

4.1 Includes curriculum descriptors

4.2 Links curriculum descriptors to the tasks

4.3 Explains curriculum links

5 Literature (3 marks)

5.0 Insufficient evidence

5.1 Includes literature is included

5.2 Links literature to the task descriptions

5.3 Uses literature to support discussion of task descriptions

Analysis of Interview 1 (18 marks)

6 Description of Student 1 (2 marks)

6.0 Insufficient evidence

6.1 States student year level

6.2 Describes student

7 Analysis of Student 1’s responses (10 marks)

7.0 Insufficient evidence

7.1 Records Student 1’s task responses

7.2 Describes Student 1’s responses to the tasks

7.3 Interprets Student 1’s responses to task to summarise learning

7.4 Analyses Student 1’s responses to task to evaluate understanding

7.5 Justifies Student 1’s responses to task to evaluate understanding

8 Use of evidence from interview record in analysis of Student 1’s responses (3 marks)

8.0 Insufficient evidence

8.1 Includes use of evidence from interview record

8.2 Supports discussion using evidence from interview record

8.3 Integrates evidence from interview record within the analysis

9 Use of sources in analysis of Student 1’s responses (3 marks)

9.0 Insufficient evidence

9.1 Includes use of sources

9.2 Supports discussion using sources

9.3 Integrates sources within the analysis

Analysis of Interview 2 (18 marks)

10 Description of Student 2 (2 marks)

10.0 Insufficient evidence

10.1 States student year level

10.2 Describes student

11 Analysis of Student 2’s responses (10 marks)

11.0 Insufficient evidence

11.1 Records Student 2’s task responses

11.2 Describes Student 2’s responses to the tasks

11.3 Interprets Student 2’s responses to task to summarise learning

11.4 Analyses Student 2’s responses to task to evaluate understanding

11.5 Justifies Student 2’s responses to task to evaluate understanding

12 Use of evidence from interview record in analysis of Student 2’s responses (3 marks)

12.0 Insufficient evidence

12.1 Includes use of evidence from interview record

12.2 Supports discussion using evidence from interview record

12.3 Integrates evidence from interview record within the analysis

13 Use of sources in analysis of Student 2’s responses (3 marks)

13.0 Insufficient evidence

13.1 Includes use of sources

13.2 Supports discussion using sources

13.3 Integrates sources within the analysis

Summary (8 marks)

14 Interview summary (8 marks)

14.0 Insufficient evidence

14.1 Re-summarises student responses

14.2 Compares and contrasts student responses

14.3 Generalises comparisons to make statements regarding conceptual understandings

14.4 Draws conclusions regarding conceptual understanding

Academic Writing (4 marks)

15 References (2 marks)

15.0 Insufficient evidence

15.1 Includes references

15.2 References according to APA guidelines in both in-text citations and reference list.

16 Writing style (2 mark)

16.0 Insufficient evidence

16.1 Assignment has been written in a report format

16.2 Assignment has been written in a scholarly style

17 Sources (2 mark)

17.0 Insufficient evidence

17.1 Includes a minimum of 4 sources used in assignment, other than the text, the Mathematics Online Interview booklet, the Mathematics Growth Points, and the Victorian Curriculum.

17.2 Uses a wide range of research sources

Appendix (2 marks)

18 Appendix (2 marks)

18.0 Insufficient evidence

18.1 Appendix contains one interview or partial record sheets

18.2 Appendix contains completed teacher record-sheets of both interviews