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Individual Assignment 2: Essay on IT


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Essay on a New Technology

Individual Assignment 2: Essay on IT

(40 points and 12% of Final Grade)

Due date: June 23, 2023, at 1 1:55 PM via Brightspace


This is an individual assignment.

•   You must submit one PDF file through the course website. Failing to submit a PDF file costs 5% of the assignments mark. Wrong files will automatically receive a grade of zero.

•   A 5% mark deduction applies to late submissions for the first three days. Submissions overdue by more than three days will not be accepted.

•    Email submission is neither accepted nor credited.

•   A submission with a Turnitin similarity score of 50% and above will not be considered for correction and will get a grade of zero.


This assignment requires you to write and submit an essay on relatively new technology. Identify and write an essay on a relatively new technology you think is interesting. Do not choose a technology that is too general. For example, AI is a general technology with applications in all walks of life. Choosing AI as a topic for your essay doesn’t let you address the points indicated below. However, choosing AI in a particular application domain, such as health care or the grocery industry, is appropriate. Your essay should address the following:

A)       About the technology and its applications

1. Technology: Write about the technology itself. Clearly describe the technological components of the technology, such as hardware, software, network, database systems or a combination of them that created the technology. The aim of this section is to help the reader of your essay clearly understand the technology you are dealing with.

2. Processes:  Generally,  technologies  enhance,  automate/replace,  supplement  or perform  existing  processes  differently  or  may  create  new  ones.  There  is  an association between technology and process. In this section, you must specify the business  processes  the  technology  targets  to  enhance,  redefine,  automate,  or supplement. The data, information, or knowledge that the technology creates, manages, or communicates. Generally, relate the technology with processes and data.

3. People: People do the work. Technology helps people do their tasks efficiently and effectively. However, employees must have the right skills and experience with the technology to bring about positive changes. In this section, you must write about the technology's intended users and the knowledge and skill requirements to operate, utilize, or run the technology.

B)  Requirements to use the technology

•   What major requirements must a user (an enterprise) make to use or benefit from the technology?

•    Hardware, software, process adjustments, structural changes, training, management involvement, use, etc

C)  Positive impacts of the technology:

•    The anticipated business benefits of the technology to a user/company

D)  Negative impacts of the technology

•    Significant consequences of using the technology

•    Job loss, privacy, security, and ethical issues that users of the technology may have to deal with.

E)  Prospects of the technology

•   What are the prospects of the technology? Would it be successful or not? Why or why not?

Format of the Essay

This  is  a  professionally  written  academic  essay  with  proper  in-text  citations  and references. You have to cite sources for ideas that are not your own. You must refer to a minimum of five reputable sources.

Your essay must be single-spaced and between 3 and five pages long, excluding the title page, references, and appendices. Format your document with a 12-point font and one- inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides. All pages must be appropriately numbered, and any figures, tables and appendices must be clearly labelled. Add a References” section at the end of the paper and list all the references you used to write the essay. The list of references and the in-text citations must adhere to the APA style.