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CSE 260 Fall 2018 Exam2


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1. (10ts) True or False

1 For any two sets A and B, A - B ≠ B - A

2 For any sets A, B and C, (A ׫ B) ׫ C = A ׫ (B ׫ C)

3 { ׎} א { ׎}

4 Let P be a program with complexity O(n) and Q be a program with complexity O(n2 ). For any input, P runs faster than Q

5 For any two sets A and B such that A is uncountable and B is countable, A - B must be uncountable

6 The student was asked whether a given function f is one-to-one. He chose two random elements 5 and 6 in the domain and showed that they f(5) and f(6) are same. Student concluded that the function is not one-to-one. Is the student’s reasoning correct?

7 The student was asked whether a given function f is one-to-one. He chose two random elements 5 and 6 in the domain and showed that they f(5) and f(6) are different. Student concluded that the function is one-to-one. Is the student’s reasoning correct?

8 The function f : Z × Z → Z f (m, n) = 2m − n is onto

9 The function f: RxR → R f (x) = (x + 1)/(x + 2) is a bijection

10 There exists a function f such that it is O(x2 ) but not O(x3 )

2. (10pts) Numerical Questions

1 How many multiplications are required for multiplying matrices A and B, if A is 15x20 and B is 20x10 (using the standard algorithm)

2 Let A, B, C be sets with 10, 20 and 30 elements each. How many elements are present in AxBxC?

3 What is the smallest integer value of n such that the function f(x) = x3 (log x)5 is O(xn )

4 What is the largest integer value of n such that the function f(x) = x6 (log x)5 is Ω(xn )

5 Program P takes 2n steps for an input of size n. The CPU can execute 230 steps in one second. What is the largest size of input P could handle if it must finish in 100 seconds? (Note size of the input is an integer. It cannot be a fraction.)

6 What is 59602 mod 97?

7 How many positive integers between 1000 and 9999 inclusive are divisible by 7?

8 How many one-to-one functions are there from R to Z? (You could specify a specific number or you can say infinite)

9 Find the first five terms of the sequence (a0 .. a4) defined by the following recurrence relation and initial condition. an = 6an−1, a0 = 2

10 Let S = {−1, 0, 2, 4, 7}. Find f (S) if f (x) = 2x + 1.

3. (10pts) Short questions

a. True or False?

23n is O(32n): Your answer

Explanation justifying your answer

b. Arrange the functions √n, 1000 log n, n log n, 2n!, 2n, 3n, and n2 /1,000,000 in a list so that each function is big-O of the next function.

c. Find a one-to-one function from R (set of real numbers) to the set [1..5]. (You can consider different cases based on what the input is.)

d. Using the definition of O notation, find the value of c and k to show that

i. 26x2 - 27x is O(x2 )

e. Using the definition of O notation, find the value of c and k to show that

i. 26x2 + 27x is Ω(x2 )

4. (5pts) Consider the RSA based cryptography. Let the chosen primes be 13 and 17

What is the value of n?

What is the value of Φ(n)

Which of these values of could be used for e? 3 or 7?

Why did you choose your selected value of e?

Find the value of d (decryption key). Show your work

How you encrypt the message 11? (Just write the formula. Do not find the answer)

How do you decrypt the message 33? (Just write the formula. Do not find the answer)

5. (3pts) What is 7x mod 11 if x = (10101101)2?

6. (4pts) Prove by induction

Prove that for every positive integer n,

1 · 2 + 2 · 3+· · ·+n(n + 1) = n(n + 1)(n + 2)/3.



Goal of Inductive Step


7. (3pts) Solve these recurrence relations together with the initial conditions given.

an = 6an−1 − 8an−2 for n ≥ 2, a0 = 4, a1 = 10