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ART 9B DIVIDED CULTURE 2023S Final Exam—Essay


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Final Exam—Essay

This brief essay should be between 500-750 words (roughly 2-3 double-spaced pages).

Remember not to duplicate analysis of artwork from your short answer or the essay.  You may reconsider a piece or an artist provided that the analysis you include here is unique to this answer.  Do not forget when mentioning artwork to include Artist, “Title” (Year) the first time it’s mentioned. (If the artist is clear from context, you don’t need to repeat that again.)


a) Follow all instructions in Canvas regarding this assignment. Formatting! Citations!  Etc.!

b) Answer only ONE of the two prompts.

c) Consider writing out your answer in advance, then cut and paste it into the appropriate space in Canvas.


1. Culture helps a people to transmit its values from one generation to the next. Art is an important means of conveying those values.  In a period of divided culture we might expect the art to reflect division about values.  In your essay, consider the role of art as described by Lippman in A Preface to Morality (Week 5 assigned reading).  Then highlight three pieces of art that you think manifest some disagreement regarding moral values.  The works you select should not all be on the same issue!  Be sure to explain the underlying context of each piece as well as the moral values you believe to be at stake.  In addition to Lippman, you should incorporate examples from at least two other assigned readings.

2. In our divided culture, disputes about morality explain many of the divisions. Among the most potent of these disputes are those that center on control over the body.  Pick two of the following themes to approach a discussion of the body in the culture war.  How you define the theme’s parameter’s is largely left to you (though you should offer some explanation of what the theme means to you).  For each theme, identify two discrete works of art that exemplify that theme.

· public display of the body;

· celebrating sexuality and the body;

· using the body to protest policy;

· using the body to normalize the deviant

Hints:  You could select works by four different artists because the individual pieces of art strike your fancy.  Or, you could use four different pieces from a single artist—but if you do that be unify the two thematic discussions into a summary of the artist’s career.   If relevant, sprinkle in references to assigned reading—that always adds authority to a paper.  Don’t forget the citations!