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ACB2120/ACC2100/ACF2100 Sample Exam Questions Part 2


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ACB2120/ACC2100/ACF2100 Sample Exam Questions Part 2

Question 1 (Loftus Ch13 CQ15)

Explain when a temporary difference is classified as deductible or taxable for an asset or liability.

Question 2 (Loftus Exercise 13.2 edited)

Torana Ltd applies the principles of tax‐effect accounting as per AASB 112/IAS 12 in accounting for income tax. Torana Ltd calculates depreciation expense on its plant using the straight‐ line method but applies an accelerated method for tax purposes. As a result, tax depreciation in the year ended 30 June 2024 is larger than the related accounting depreciation expense.

Torana  Ltd  has also  recognised  rent  received  in advance from  buildings that  it owns. These receipts are included in the current year’s taxable profit but shown in the financial statements as a liability.


1.   Explain the principles underlying tax‐effect accounting.

2.   Determine  how  Torana  Ltd  should  account  for  the  noted  differences  in  treatment  for accounting and tax of depreciation and rent received in advance.

Question 3

Roche Ltd is reviewing its deferred tax for the year. In each of the following situations calculate carrying  amounts,  tax  bases,  and  temporary  differences  and  prepare  the  end-of-period adjustment journal entries to account for deferred tax.

1. The company purchased a depreciable asset at the beginning of the year for $100 000. For accounting purposes, an annual depreciation rate of 20% straight-line is used, whereas for taxation the rate is 30% straight-line.

2. The company’s provision for annual leave at the beginning and end of the year are $160 000 and $155 000 respectively.

3. In calculating taxable income, the company has deducted $40 000 of development expenditure incurred at the end of the year. There had been no previous deductions for development expenditure. For accounting purposes, this amount has been capitalised as an asset.

Question 4

Distinguish between cash flows from operating activities, investing activities and financing activities. Explain the importance of cash flows from operating activities.

Question 5 (Loftus Case Study 3.2)

You are working in a medium sized startup, ImageCo, which is looking to disrupt the medical imaging industry by providing an X-ray machine that is simple and cheap enough for people to have one at home. To realise this ambition ImageCo needs to secure a new round of funding and you have been asked to prepare a financial forecast. The key assumption in the forecast is that the  home X-ray  machine will  be  launched  in the  next quarter.  However, your friend  in the engineering department tells you it is nowhere near ready’ .


Use the DECIDE model to discuss what steps you would take in relation to this case. Utilise APES 110 and relevant ethical theories to identify the key ethical issues.

Question 6 (Loftus Ch 23 CQ13)

Explain the concept of double materiality.

Question 7 (Loftus Exercise 23.2)

This  chapter  has  identified  a  range  of  stakeholders  that  managers  should  consider  when determining sustainability performance and reporting. Determine how managers should engage with each of these stakeholders and document what ESG issues they would be likely to discuss during this engagement process.