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MIS271 Practice Exam


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MIS271 Practice Exam

Question 1. Referring to the case study, explain the essential role of creating a business intelligence environment in the case of NY Stock Exchange.

Question 2. Referring to the case study, explain the process of data integrity management on the stored big data in the case of NY Stock Exchange.

Question 3. Referring to the case study, justify the importance of creating three dashboards for generating alerts in the case of NY Stock Exchange.

Question 4. (note: This is an independent question).

Suggest a slowly changing dimension solution for a customer database to address the changing address. Please explain your solution using tables.

Question 5. (note: This is an independent question).

Design a dimensional model containing a fact table that shows a summary of units of books sold and revenues generated for each sales platform. The bookshop has an online sales platform and an in-store sales platform. Please label all the tables and keys, and underline the keys.