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ACCT 7015 Financial Reports for Decision Making (Quarter 2, 2023) Final Examination


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ACCT 7015 Financial Reports for Decision Making (Quarter 2, 2023)

Final Examination

Duration of examination: 2 hours

Format of exam:

· The exam includes 4 questions:

o Each question has subparts.

o Most questions would require your interpretation of amounts calculated.

Weighting & Marks:

· This exam represents 50 % of your assessment in this unit.

· The exam will be marked out of 100 marks and will be converted to a mark out of 50.

o Each question does not carry equal marks.

o Marks may be allocated for workings and/or presentations in some questions.

Date and Time:

· The exam will be held on Wednesday 14 June 2023.

· The exam will start at 2.00pm and end at 4.15pm.  

o The above exam time includes 15 minutes for downloading and uploading the answer sheet.

o It is a student’s responsibility to ensure they log into vUWS and access the exam paper on time.

No additional time will be provided to students starting late.

To ensure no late submission, the Turnitin submission link for uploading the answer sheet will disappear exactly at 4.15pm on the exam day. So, make sure to allow at least 5 minutes to upload your paper.


· Click on this link to access information about Exam timetable

· If you cannot locate your exam information, contact student central (Phone: 1300 668 370; Email: [email protected] ) as soon as possible.  

Access to exam questions

· The exam questions will be made available in vUWS under a sub-folder titled ‘Final Exam’ within the ‘Assessment 3 (50%)’ folder.

Answer Sheet

• Your attempt to the final exam should only be made on the provided answer sheet.

• The answer sheet is partially editable.

• You will be able to access the answer sheet in vUWS at the start of the exam.

• The answer sheet should only be submitted using the provided Turnitin link within the ‘Final Exam’ sub-folder of the ‘Assessment 3 (50%)’ in vUWS.

• Late submissions will neither be accepted nor marked!

Topics Covered in the exam:

· Main emphasis has been placed on materials after the mid-session exam.

· The topics covered are

Topic 6: Cost Volume- Profit Analysis  (Week 5)  

Topic 7: Planning Decisions (Week 7)  

Topic 8: Budgets (Week 8)

Topic 9: Sustainable Business (Week 9)


· An understanding of underlying concepts (Topics 1 to 5) is needed to fully understand the materials from Topics 5 to 9.

· No formula sheet will be provided in the exam.

· The final exam has a threshold mark of 45% as per page 12 of the learning guide.