关键词 > Math128

Syllabus for Math 128 C


Syllabus for Math 128 C

2021 Summer Session II

● Instructor: Brittany Leathers

● Email: [email protected]

● Location: Zoom

● Class Time: MWF 2:10-3:50

● Textbook: A First Course in Numerical Methods, by Uri Ascher and Chen Greif

   Electronic version available through the library from https://doi.org/10.1137/9780898719987

● Office Hours:

– M 7 - 8 pm

– T 7 - 8 pm

– W 4 - 5 pm

– Th 4 - 5 pm

– or by appointment

● Grading:

– Homework: 50%

– Midterm: 20%

– Final: 30%

● Midterm: TBA

● Final: Friday, September 10


This course is a remote course, not an online course. As such, attendance is expected, as it is with in-person classes. However, in consideration of time zone conflicts and other pandemic-related issues, lectures will be recorded and made available on Canvas. The two exams, however, will be given during class time. A second exam time may be offered for those in unreasonable timezones.


This class will require writing computer programs. You may use any language. All codes will be turned in and must be thoroughly commented. If you do not have a strong preference of language, it is recommended that you use MATLAB because it is easy to use and very powerful. Additionally, I will provide code examples in MATLAB. UC Davis students can obtain a free student license for MATLAB. You can also create a math department computer account which will allow you to access MATLAB at http://www.math.ucdavis.edu/comp/class-accts.


● You may work in groups of up to 3 students.

● Only one report will be submitted for each group. List all participating group members on the report. If group member names are not on the report, they will not get credit for the homework. All members will get the same grade.

● Your write-up should be submitted as a single pdf file.

● Your matlab codes should also be submitted to canvas.

– Name your main files something of the form “Homework1Problem1a” or “Homework4Problems1 2”.

– When ran, these main files should return any expected plots or variables found in your write-up.

– Also include all function files that are needed for your main files to run.

● One person should submit the report on Canvas, and the other group members should enter “Homework submitted with [Enter student name]” in the text box in Canvas.

● Cite any help. If you received help on a problem, e.g. friends (other than your group mates), TAs, books (other than our textbook) websites, etc., note this on the assignment. You will not lose credit for getting help as long as you acknowledge it.

● Homework write-ups may require mathematical analysis, computations by hand, writing computer codes, and making tables and graphs. Typing your write-up is recommended but not required. You may also type portions and hand-write other sections. Anything hand-written must be neat. After scanning hand-written portions and rearranging if necessary, your end-product should be a single pdf file with problems presented in the correct order.

● You are being graded on clarity as well as correctness. For example, graphs should include labels, titles, and legends if appropriate. Tables should also be clearly labeled and titled. Write in complete sentences.

● Answer questions with typed or hand-written analysis unless the question asks you to use computer code.


● Some homework problems will be labeled with a “[T]” to indicate that it is the type of problem that could be asked on an exam. This is not to say that exam problems will mimic these homework problems. Instead these are just to give you the feel of a numerical analysis exam problem. Another type of problem you may see is discussed below.

● You will not need to do programming on exams. However, you may be provided with pseudo-code or computer output and be asked to comment or answer questions on it.

● There will be no make-up exams given for any but the direst reasons. If you have such a reason for needing to miss an exam, you must contact the instructor as soon as possible.

● No collaboration is allowed on exams. You may use your textbook and notes, but no out-side help (including from the internet) is allowed on exams.