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COMM2822 Introduction to Databases for Business Analytics - 2023


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COMM2822 Introduction to Databases for Business Analytics - 2023

Course Code :  COMM2822

Year :  2023

Term :  Term 2

Teaching Period : T2

Delivery Mode :  In person

Delivery Format :  Standard

Delivery Location :  Kensington

General Course Information

Course Code :  COMM2822

Year :  2023

Term :  Term 2

Teaching Period :  T2

Is a multi-term course? :  No

Faculty :  UNSW Business School

Academic Unit :  School of Information Systems and Technology Management

Delivery Mode :  In person

Delivery Format :  Standard

Delivery Location :  Kensington

Campus :  Sydney

Study Level :  Undergraduate

Units of Credit :  6

Useful Links

Handbook ClassTimetable

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

Note: This course was previously identifed as COMM1822. Students who have completed COMM1822 cannot enrol in COMM2822.

This is a fundamental Business Analytics course that will teach students the concepts,                techniques, and technologies relevant for creating and managing business databases. Students will learn the Structured Query Language (SQL) language and how to use it to access data stored in relational database system, including fetch, delete, insert, and modify data.

Course Aims

The course aims to give students the background of, and a process for, database development.   Furthermore, the course aims to develop students’ conceptual and logical database design skills. Finally, the course aims to develop students’ skills in using and managing databases. Students    will practice self-directed work in groups that will help them develop their interpersonal                communication, project management and quality assurance skills.

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System | Microsoft Teams

Learning and Teaching in this course

The lecture and the tutorial provide students with a chance to learn fundamental database          knowledge and skills. There will be several course activities to foster critical thinking, develop     problem-solving skills and prepare students to work effectively with databases. We provide        practical assistance through hands-on exercises in the tutorials. However, students need to take the initiative to self-learn the practical components throughout the course. Pre-lecture materials, Lectures, tutorials, and the textbook can only provide the context, structure, and resources for    their learning. Students' practical engagements with the material in self-study or peer groups are the crucial elements of their learning. The major assignment is a project concerning the design  and development of a business database, which students will solve in a group. In this course,     students will learn to use Entity-Relationship (ER) notation such as Chen’s and the Oracle SQL     query language, and they will be taught Big Data Analytics.


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Program learning outcomes






Start DatePlease refer to Moodle for more information. Due DatePlease refer to Moodle for more information.

PLO1 : Business


PLO2 : Problem Solving

Team Assignment Assessment


Start DatePlease refer to Moodle for more information

PLO1 : Business



Due DatePlease refer to Moodle for more information

PLO2 : Problem Solving PLO4 : Teamwork

PLO5 : Responsible

Business Practice

Final Exam




Start DateUniversity exams


Due DateUniversity exams period

PLO1 : Business


PLO2 : Problem Solving PLO5 : Responsible

Business Practice

Assessment Details

Individual Assessment

You will be assessed on the weekly topics where you need to complete the weekly activities        before your lecture. You also need to work individually on a modelling task. Further details of this assessment will be provided in week 1 and on Moodle.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO2.

Assessment Length


Submission notes

Please refer to Moodle for more information.

Assessment information

Mapping to Learning Outcomes: CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO5

Team Assignment

You are required to work on the assignment as part of a student group. This assignment            provides an opportunity for you to experience teamwork in a practical database design and        implementation project scenario. Your skills in written communication will be evaluated through your project report. Your skills in oral communication will be evaluated through your team          presentation.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO2, PLO4, PLO5.

BCom Students: MyBCom Course points for PLO3, PLO4.

Assessment Length


Submission notes

Please refer to Moodle for more information

Assessment information

Mapping to Learning Outcome: CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO4, CLO5

Assignment submission Turnitin type

This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports.

Final Exam

You need to participate in the fnal exam during UNSW Examination period. This is a formal      examination to assess your knowledge and skills. All materials covered in lectures, labs,           assignments, and readings are examinable. You will be asked to both discuss and apply the     concepts explained in those sources. Your ability to clearly, coherently and concisely present   your answers will be part of the evaluation. You must plan on being available for the full            examination period to attend the fnal exam. In addition, you should also ensure that you would be available for a supplementary examination in the event of illness or misadventure.

Assesses: PLO1, PLO2, PLO5.

BCom Students: MyBCom Course points for PLO2, PLO5.

Submission notes

To be confrmed

Assessment information

Mapping to Learning Outcomes: CLO1, CLO2, CLO3, CLO5

Assignment submission Turnitin type

This is not a Turnitin assignment

General Assessment Information

As a student at UNSW you are expected to display academicintegrity in your work and                interactions. Where a student breaches the UNSWStudentCode with respect to academic          integrity, the University may take disciplinary action under the Student Misconduct Procedure. To assure academic integrity, you may be required to demonstrate reasoning, research and the        process of constructing work submitted for assessment.

To assist you in understanding what academic integrity means, and how to ensure that you do    comply with the UNSW Student Code, it is strongly recommended that you complete the Working withAcademicIntegrity module before submitting your frst assessment task. It is a free, online  self-paced Moodle module that should take about one hour to complete.

You are expected to complete all assessment tasks for your courses in the School of Information Systems and Technology Management. Classes are highly practical and relevant to your

assessments, so you are expected to attend at least 80% of all scheduled classes.

Where group assignments are used, team members are expected to work in a harmonious and professional fashion, which includes adequate management of non-performing members. You should inform your tutor as soon as possible if you experience problems within a project team. You may be required to evaluate the contribution of each team member (including yourself) in group work and marks for individual students may be adjusted based on peer assessment.

Grading Basis


Requirements to pass course

In order to pass this course, you must:

achieve a composite mark of at least 50 out of 100;

meet any additional requirements described in the Assessment Summary section.