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MGMT3102 Asia-Pacifc Business - 2023


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MGMT3102 Asia-Pacifc Business - 2023

Course Code :  MGMT3102

Year :  2023

Term :  Term 2

Teaching Period : T2

Delivery Mode :  In person

Delivery Format :  Standard

Delivery Location :  Kensington

General Course Information

Course Code :  MGMT3102

Year :  2023

Term :  Term 2

Teaching Period :  T2

Is a multi-term course? :  No

Faculty :  UNSW Business School

Academic Unit :  School of Management and Governance

Delivery Mode :  In person

Delivery Format :  Standard

Delivery Location :  Kensington

Campus :  Sydney

Study Level :  Undergraduate

Units of Credit :  6

Useful Links

Handbook ClassTimetable

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

The focus of this course is to explore and understand the rise of Asian multinational enterprises, and the institutional and policy mechanisms that support them. We will use theoretical               frameworks to explore the nature and source of competitive advantage of latecomer frms,         internationalisation processes, and the role of global value chains in catch-up in a dynamic         global context. Using your critical analysis and problem-solving skills we will assess practical     tools and processes that multinationals from Asia use to navigate dynamic institutional changes in the region. Through case analysis, you will explore how enterprises learn and manage to          overcome institutional voids for rapid internationalisation. On a practical level, you will gain         analytical skills to evaluate real world scenarios in your professional life and take effective          decisions to achieve objectives and solve problems.

Course Aims

What explains competitiveness of Asian industries? This course provides conceptual tools for     understanding institutional and policy mechanisms that support technological catch-up in           latecomer frms. It explains the meaning of Asian latecomer industrialization paradigm. Attention is directed to the nature and source of competitive advantage of domestic enterprises across the region. Performance outcomes are examined through cases on different companies and              industries operating in newly industrializing/emerging markets. Topics include: understanding     what is technological catch up and learning; national innovation systems; the evolution of Asian  frms and the role of FDI; innovation in Asian business; paradigms of industrial development;        state guided capitalism; the role of networks, markets, and non-market institutions; clusters and  inter-frm linkages; lessons from late-movers and emerging countries. Area studies include          Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia and Indian sub-continent.

Relationship to Other Courses

This course is a core course in the International Business major. MGMT 3102 primarily dwells on the institutional mechanisms to support catch-up in latecomer frms in Asian economies. It         presents alternative models and frameworks to those generic ones learned earlier courses          MGMT 1101 (Global Business Environment) and MGMT 2101 (International Business and            Multinational Operations) and MGMT 3101 (International Business Strategy) to demonstrate how Asian enterprises gain competitive advantage by managing their learning and innovation process with state support.

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System

Learning and Teaching in this course

The learning apparatus in this course consists of lectures and tutorials. The teaching approach  adopted in this course is based on active student participation by way of knowledge sharing,      interchange and experiential learning. Lectures will expound the appropriate theoretical content and provide a nuanced analysis of both concepts, frameworks and applied materials. Tutorials  will be oriented towards 'application of knowledge' through interactive discussion of the text and cases. Activities in the form of case studies, real world examples, scenarios, videos and             interactive endeavors will require your participation and contributions to class and group            learning. You will be provided with theoretical knowledge and frameworks specifc to the course and its sub-topics, and cases to resolve. You are expected to contribute to the learning process by critically evaluating the information presented, and by relating theories and concepts              discussed in class to your own knowledge.

Additional Course Information



Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Program learning outcomes

Synthesis Writing





Start DateSee

instructions above

Due DateSee

instructions above

PLO1 : Business Knowledge

PLO2 : Problem Solving

PLO3 : Business


PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

Strategy Workshops Assessment FormatIndividual


Start DateNot Applicable Due DateNot Applicable

PLO1 : Business Knowledge PLO2 : Problem Solving

PLO3 : Business


PLO4 : Teamwork

PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

PLO7 : Leadership


Strategy Statement




Start DateNot Applicable Due DateExam Period

PLO1 : Business Knowledge PLO2 : Problem Solving

PLO3 : Business


Assessment Details

Synthesis Writing Tasks

Task l:

Weight 10% (of course total)

Due: Friday Week 3, 5PM

Lenghth: 500 words

Describe the historical context for economic development of Asia-Pacifc countries and explain how strategic institutional processes have supported this growth.

Task 2

Weight 30% (of course total)

Due: Friday Week 10 5PM

With reference to what you've learned about the Asia-Pacifc region, describe the strategy and policy settings that are important in emerging economies in order to ensure that economic     development is as ethically and as sustainably as possible.

The weekly Synthesis Writing Tasks require students to draw on relevant theories and                  frameworks from the course and to use examples from the case(s) presented in tutorials to        elucidate how theories and frameworks can be applied in real-world contexts. You will complete  and submit two (2) synthesis writing tasks during the term, which will require you to draw on new knowledge and/or experiences acquired during your weekly strategy workshops. You are             encouraged to use the end-of week refective journal activities provided to ensure that you have   the necessary records to complete these tasks. Refective Journal activities map directly onto     the writing prompts for the synthesis writing tasks and, although the journal is not assessable,    students who complete the weekly tasks will be best placed to succeed. This assessment will demonstrate what you have learnt from the content, activities and learning experiences in the     course. By refecting on and synthesising the theoretical knowledge and frameworks specifc to the course, as well as your learnings from case studies and examples discussed, you will            develop and evidence a wide range of skills tailored to work in international business. More        specifcally, this assessment requires students to refect on factors that enable or constrain        ethical practices in Asia-Pacifc business settings and your ability to do so effectively will impact your grade for the assessment.

Successful completion of this assessment will earn myBCom points toward PLO5 - Responsible

Business Practices.

This assessment connects with knowledge and skills gained from completion of COMM1150   and MGMT2102 with specifc reference to the ethical frameworks considered in those courses. Your tutors will make this connection clear in the tutorials. It therefore critical that you attend    scheduled tutorials and participate in the case study discussions. As your synthesis will require you to engage with specifc works referenced in the course, you will need to cite these in your  work. No further research is required for this assessment. However, you may include additional references if you choose to do so. References are not included in the word count for this           assessment.

The deadline for submission of Part 1 ensures that you will receive personalised feedback on     your analytical and communication skills by mid-term. The feedback will be directly applicable to the subsequent submission of Part 2 and indirectly relevant to the completion of the Group         Presentation (A3) and Strategy Statement (A4) assessments.

Synthesis Writing Tasks - Assesses: PLO1, PLO3, PLO5, PLO6

BCom students: myBCom course points for PLO5

Submission notes


Assignment submission Turnitin type

This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students do not see Turnitin similarity reports.

Strategy Workshops

Part A: Group Presentation of Case Study (10%)

Length: 5 mins.

The ability to succinctly and effectively communicate ‘what you know’ is an important                employability skill and a key competency of university graduates. You will develop oral               communication skills by demonstrating ‘what you know’ to an audience through presentation of a case. After groups are formed, you and your group will be assigned a case or an article to       present for a particular week between Weeks 2-9. With your team members, you will succinctly

present your analysis to the audience. The total time for presentation will not exceed 5 minutes (10% tolerance max). Tutorial presentations will be held in class and presenters are to submit    their PowerPoint slides via email at least 24 hours before their presentation. Presentations        should include: (1) identifcation of the main question/issue raised in the case/s; (2) Discussion of relevant theory/frameworks, and; (3) Contextualisation and analysis of empirical examples   from the case. In addition to the above, presentations should make reference to the business    context in the Asia-Pacifc. This may include:

1. Identify and explain the competitive advantage/s of the business

2. Identify and contextualise the local and regional policy settings within which the business is operating

3. Explain the position of the business within global value chain/s

4. Articulate potential for future growth (i.e. a suitable '2030 strategy').

While you will need to ensure that your analysis of the case and strategic recommendations are sound, you will be assessed on your ability to communicate these analyses to your audience.

Successful completion of this assessment will earn myBCom points toward PLO3 - Business


Part B: Strategy Analyses (20%)

The tutorials for MGMT3102 take the form of 'Strategy Workshops'. Activities in the form of case studies, real world examples, business scenarios etc. require you to apply the theoretical             knowledge and frameworks specifc to the course and its sub-topics topics to resolve business  problems and articulate business strategy. You will be assessed on your contributions to class   and group learning, which can only take place during the workshops. With the help of your team  members, you are expected to contribute to the learning process by critically evaluating the         information presented, and by relating theories and concepts discussed in class to your own       knowledge.

This assessment task is primarily designed to help you develop critical thinking, analytical and oral communication skills. By actively engaging in the activities assigned, you will develop       abilities to make informed and strategic decisions in teams.

Your individualised tutorial participation is measured by 'application of knowledge' through         problem solving exercises and interactive discussions. It is important that you are fully prepared to engage in these activities (i.e. you are familiar with the readings and other materials). You will be evaluated for achievement against the criteria explicated in the rubric. Mere attendance will   not be counted as participation. You must demonstrate your knowledge by actively engaging in discussion and solving the problems assigned. Your reading/case preparation should                 demonstrate how you can relate the case (empirical) material to the theories discussed.

Strategy Workshops - Assesses: PLO2, PLO3, PLO4, PLO5, PLO6, PLO7

BCom students: myBCom course points for PLO3

Submission notes

Tutorial presentations will be held in class and presenters are to submit their PowerPoint slides via email at least 24 hours before their presentation.

Assignment submission Turnitin type

Not Applicable

Strategy Statement

The fnal assessment item for MGMT3102 is the Strategy Statement. You will articulate your  knowledge of multinational business in the Asia-Pacifc and apply relevant concepts and        frameworks to provide strategic advice in response to business scenario(s) provided to you in the exam.

The purpose of the Strategy Statement is to test your ability to apply your knowledge of business in the Asia-Pacifc region, as well as your analytical skills to solve real world problems. The          content of this assessment simulates the real world; you will be given a limited window of time   to articulate a strategy in response to the parameters of an assigned scenario. You will do this by responding to a series of questions (5) that will draw on MGMT3102 course materials (lectures,  readings, case studies and, crucially, strategy workshops).

Leaders of new businesses and organisations are usually tasked with establishing clear goals,    values and areas of focus that act as critical guideposts for all stakeholders involved in business development. Strategy statements assist key stakeholders in understanding their purpose within the company and are an important conduit for communication of individual expectations.            Strategy statements also set parameters that help with development of successful plans and      inform how goals are set. While strategy statements come in different shapes and sizes,             business leaders generally use them to articulate objectives, identify competitive advantages      and defne the scope of planned growth and the business activities intended to support growth.  In doing so, these documents keep companies and organisations focussed on common goals    and key stakeholders informed.

This assessment requires you to demonstrate forward thinking, based on sound business    knowledge, and assesses your ability to identify, evaluate and articulate trends and potential business opportunities.

Successful completion of this assessment will earn myBCom points toward PLO7 - Leadership Development.

The purpose of the Strategy Statement is to test your ability to apply your knowledge of            transnational business in the Asia-Pacifc region, as well as your analytical skills to solve real   world problems. The content of this assessment simulates the real world; you will be given a   limited window of time to articulate a leadership strategy in response to the parameters of an  assigned scenario. You will do this by responding to a series of questions (5) that will draw on MGMT3102 course materials (lectures, readings, case studies and, crucially, strategy                workshops).  Examples of the general structure of questions that could be asked take the form as follows:

1. Articulate the competitive advantage/s of your business with reference to its type, size, location, ownership and relevant market structures.

2. Summarise the industrial, technological and other policy settings within which the company will operate and explain how this impacts business strategy.

3. Explain how your business will maximise growth based on position/s within global value chains, including a strategy for pursuing appropriate modes of innovation.

4. Summarise the empirical context within which the business operates in terms of local and regional markets, historical and cultural events that must be acknowledged.

5. Articulate the your '2030 Strategy' for the business, including realistic goals for the business, based on what you know about industry, country and region.

More instructions will be provided in Week 10 regarding strategy statement.

Strategy Statement - Assesses: PLO1, PLO2, PLO3, PLO6, PLO7

BCom students: myBCom course points for  PLO7

Submission notes

You will submit your responses to the questions using a Turnitin submission point on Mood      Hence, your responses will be checked for plagiarism. While you are encouraged to draw on the materials you have gathered throughout the term, you will be evaluated on both the quality of    your original ideas, as well as how they add value to your organisation as a future leader. All      responses should be submitted in paragraph form, though you may use dot-points or numbered lists selectively. Good writing should be succinct. Excessively long responses will not result in   higher grades.

Assignment submission Turnitin type

This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students do not see Turnitin similarity reports.

General Assessment Information

As a student at UNSW you are expected to display academicintegrity in your work and                interactions. Where a student breaches the UNSWStudentCode with respect to academic          integrity, the University may take disciplinary action under the Student Misconduct Procedure. To assure academic integrity, you may be required to demonstrate reasoning, research and the        process of constructing work submitted for assessment.

To assist you in understanding what academic integrity means, and how to ensure that you do    comply with the UNSW Student Code, it is strongly recommended that you complete the Working withAcademicIntegrity module before submitting your frst assessment task. It is a free, online  self-paced Moodle module that should take about one hour to complete.

Grading Basis


Requirements to pass course

In order to pass this course students must:

Achieve a composite mark of at least 50 out of 100

Engage actively in course learning activities and attempt all assessment requirements Meet any additional requirements specifed in the assessment details

Meet the specifed attendance requirements of the course