关键词 > STA103

STA 103 - Applied Statistics for Business and Economics


STA 103 - Applied Statistics for Business and Economics

Summer 2021

acknowledge(Dr. Erin Melcon)

Instructor: Maxime Pouokam

Time: MTW 12:10 – 1:50 PM

Email: [email protected]

Place: Remote

Office Hours: M W 11:10 AM – 12:00 PM

Place: Remote

Please note that the following is subject to change. Changes will be announced in class or via e-mail.

Course Lecture Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 933 5982 1821

Passcode: STA103

Instructor Office Hours Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 913 9038 6170

Passcode: STA103

Course Piazza Page:

● http://piazza.com/ucdavis/summer2021/sta103?token = TKcUq6nO39X


● https://piazza.com/ucdavis/summer2021/sta103

Access code: STA103


1. STA 103 A01: Time: R 12:10 – 1:50 PM,

Location: https://ucdstats.zoom.us/j/96737945631?pwd=Tms2N3BtRHM0bm82NmtLdGJlMG9IZz09


1. 021: Tianke Li, tkli@ucdavis.edu

TA Office Hours:

1. 021: , Thursday 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Location: https://ucdstats.zoom.us/j/98234145145?pwd=OFBNNVlKM2xYRXUySG9CTElaWHZEQT09

Canvas: Canvas has just the basic information about the class, while important announcements, class materials and handouts will be posted on Piazza (see below).

Piazza: We will be using Piazza for class discussion, and also for the posting of class materials (announce-ments, homework, solutions, lecture notes). The Piazza discussion system is geared to get you help from classmates, the TAs, and myself. Important announcements will also be distributed through Piazza, which means that you need to sign up in order to receive them. Please complete the mandatory sign up.

Main Reference:

● Statistics for Economics, by Alan S. Caniglia. This will be made available to students as a reader at the UC Davis Bookstore.

Tentative Course Outline:

● Introduction   (Chapter 1)

● Technical Background on Random Variables and Linear Functions    (Chapter 2)

● Descriptive Statistics for Populations    (Chapter 3)

● Probability Theory    (Chapter 5)

● Probability Distributions    (Chapter 6)

● Technical Background on Mathematical Expectation    (Chapter 7)

● Distributions of More Than One Random Variable    (Chapter 8)

● Sampling Theory    (Chapter 4 & 9)

● Estimation    (Chapter 10)

● Confidence intervals    (Chapter 11)

● Hypothesis Testing    (Chapter 12)

Attendance: Attendance is not a requirement for this course. Lectures will be recorded during designated lecture hours and will be posted afterwards.

Homework: The homework is designed based upon the following two premises:

1. To be useful in helping prepare you for your quizzes, midterm, and final exam using techniques lectured in class

2. To allow you to practice some particular techniques that are not covered in class

Homework will be due each Friday except the exam (Friday) week. Each homework assignment will be graded out of 10 points.

Homework in this class will have two parts and both should be turned in as a one homework:

1. Problems similar to those from the textbook. These are online homework assigned through Canvas, and turned in through Canvas.

2. Problems to familiarize yourself with the programming language R. There will be R handouts online, and the TAs will cover the use of R in discussion.

No late homework will be accepted, as it is graded through Canvas.

For all exams, a relevant formula sheet will be provided on the exam, as well as any statistical tables needed.

● Quizzes/Midterm/Final: There will be 4 quizzes, one midterm, and one final exam for this course. The quizzes are NOT cumulative and will be entirely free-response questions. However the midterm and final exam are cumulative. Quizzes will be taken on canvas. Midterm and final will be submitted on Gradescope.

● Grading Distribution:

– 15% Homework

–  30% Quizzes

– 30% Midterm

– 30% Final exam

Important Dates:

1. Quiz #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday, August 6, 2021

2. Quiz #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday, August 13, 2021

3. Quiz #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . Friday, August 27, 2021

4. Quiz #4 . . . . . . . . . . Friday, September 3, 2021

5. Midterm . . . . Wednesday, August 18, 2021 in Class

6. Final Exam will be on Friday, September 10, 2021 at 2:00 – 4:00 PM. The final is cumulative.

Course Policy:

● I recommend using Piazza for class discussion or question regarding class materials.

● I recommend personal emails to the instructor and/or TAs only if you have a personal question that will not be of interest to other students.

● There is a 5 days regrading policy for both quizzes and the midterm . This means that after you receive your quizzes/midterm back, you have 5 days for any reclamation you may have. Any reclamation submitted after the designated period will be simply ignored. If the 5 days period extends beyond the final exam date, the grade must be contested before the final exam.

● If you miss any exam without an approved reason, you will receive 0 point. In order to receive pre-approval to miss an exam, you need to submit your request in writing two days prior to the exam, including documentation.

To participate in the exams: midterm and final, please be prepare to show an ID. Use of cell phones or other communication devices is not allowed during the exams. During the midterm and final exam, you should keep your camera on at all time. After your exam, midterm/final, is completed you should upload it onto Gradescope to be graded.

Class Policy:

● Regular attendance in both lectures and discussions is essential and expected.

● Academic Honesty: You are required to work independently on all graded work. If there is evidence that the work turned in is not original work, which includes copying another students homework or using any solutions found online, all credit for that homework set will be forfeit. Homework is not to be posted to online help sites, such as Yahoo answers or Cramster. These sites will be checked frequently.

● The UC Davis Code of Academic Conduct will be strictly enforced.

Special Accommodations: If you require special accommodations for lectures or exams, please register with the Student Disability Center at http://sdc.ucdavis.edu and contact me ASAP.

Academic Assistance & Tutoring Centers: https://tutoring.ucdavis.edu/

Additional Notes:

● You are expected to work hard in this class. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you put in at least as much time outside of the classroom as you do inside it. In other words, you should be spending a minimum of 3 hours a week studying, doing homework, or reading for this course in addition to your class time.

● I expect you to know what is being covered during lecture

● Study groups are strongly encouraged. Many times, your classmates may be your best resource.

● Cheating or related acts of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Please do not test me on this issue.

● Try to have fun! Statistics does not have to be torture. Just relax, and let me know if things start to go badly. Good luck and have a great quarter!