关键词 > INFOSYS110



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Question 1, Part i

Hitch has the functionality of a Collaboration System. For each of the three forms of collaboration covered in class (Communication, Cooperation, and Coordination), suggest a corresponding specific example that can happen during a carpooling scenario with the use of Hitch (as outlined in the case) (3 marks).

Provide a brief explanation why your suggestion is an example of each form of collaboration. (9 marks)

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

 [1 mark for each Example, 3 marks for each Explanation.

Examples must specifically relate to the case and be consistent with the type of Collaboration.

Explanation must demonstrate understanding of the topic.

The following are example answers, not the required standard.]

An Example of Communication:  The driver sending a delay alert to a passenger.

Brief Explanation: This is an exchange of information between two parties.

An Example of Cooperation:  The originally assigned driver has fallen ill. Another driver decided to share his/her ride instead and notified all passengers.

Brief Explanation: Multiple parties are working together towards a common objective.

An Example of Coordination:  Considering the locations of passengers in a specific trip, the system recommends an optimal route for picking up each passenger in order.

Brief Explanation: Multiple sequential tasks were coordinated by the system.

Maximum marks: 12

Question 1, Part ii

In the interface of Hitch, passengers can give a rating (out of 5 stars) to their driver as a quality evaluation. All ratings for each driver will then be summarised by a “system” and made available for relevant users on Hitch. 

Which of the four types of Collaboration Systems does such a “system” correspond to? (2 marks) 

Provide a brief explanation for your answer. (4 marks) 

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

 [2 marks for the correct system nominated, 4 marks for the explanation.

Marks should only be given to the correct answer, unless it is sufficiently argued for (highly unlikely).

The explanation must demonstrate good understanding about the topic.]

The Corresponding Collaboration System: Knowledge Management System

Brief Explanation: The system facilitates sharing of different users’ opinions on the quality of their drivers.

Maximum marks: 6

Question 1, Part iii

All data collected on Hitch are stored in a central Database. For one of Hitch’s client companies, the following table is maintained, recording each trip’s duration, name of the driver, and the average rating from the passengers in that trip:


Identify two problems with Quality of Data in this table (1 mark).

Justify your answer with a brief description (1 mark).

Make one suggestion about the design of the database so that such problems with Quality of Data can be minimised or avoided. Provide a brief example. (4 marks).

 [Please refer to the highlighted mark allocations.

The suggestion must be potentially effective, relate to database design, and demonstrate good understanding about the topic. “Making sure that everyone enters data carefully” is NOT a good answer!]

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

Problem 1:  Uniqueness.

Brief Explanation: Some drivers’ names are repeated.

Problem 2: Consistency.

Brief Explanation: Jacob F. and Jacab F. could be a typographical error, or a different person.

One Suggestion for Improvement: Create a separate table for drivers’ information, then use the drivers’ IDs in the new table to refer to each driver.

Maximum marks: 6

Question 2, All Parts

Even though Hitch is operating in a niche market, several competitors may adapt their operations to compete directly with Hitch. One such potential competitor is Uber.

To be prepared for such competition, Hitch must strengthen its Competitive Advantage by possessing useful Business Intelligence.

Using information in the case, suggest:

(1) one example of Business Intelligence that will be useful to Hitch (3 marks),

(2) two forms of data that can be collected from its operations to generate such Business Intelligence (2 marks),

(3) specific data analysis methods and/or techniques to apply on each form of data (6 marks),and

(4) one potential Competitive Advantage that can win business against Hitch’s competitors such as Uber, as a result of possessing such Business Intelligence. (3 marks)

[Refer to the mark allocations above.

Answers must demonstrate understanding about the topic.

The following answers are acceptable examples. Other answers may be considered.]

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

One Example of Useful Business Intelligence for Hitch: The feature(s) of the service most valued by Hitch’s customers.

Data 1:  Frequency of usage by different passengers at different locations/areas.

Method/Technique for Analysis:  Goal Seeking Analysis (to find out how customer behaviour may be influenced).

Data 2:  Ratings and comments from different passengers.

Method/Technique for Analysis:  Data Mining (to find out their preferences)

One Potential Competitive Advantage As A Result: Hitch being a rideshare service provider that can better cater to different customers’ needs, and provide customised services more easily.

Maximum marks: 14

Question 3, All Parts

In Hitch’s system for assigning passengers to cars, the following JavaScript code is utilised to make sure that cars are not overfilled:


If this code is run on a JavaScript compiler (like the one you have used on codeavengers.com), answer the following parts:

i. What are the two variables in this code, and what do you think they are representing? (2 marks)

ii. What is the expected output on the screen? (3 marks)

iii. Explain in words the meaning of the code in line 5. (1 mark)

iv. What are the final values of the two variables after this code is run? (2 marks)

[Refer to the mark allocations above.

There are no alternative answers to the following (except may be “what the variables represent”)

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

Variable 1 and what it represents: passengers, the number of passengers already in a vehicle. [the name of the variable must be exactly consistent with the code].

Variable 2 and what it represents: vacancy, the total number of seats available for passengers in the vehicle. [the name of the variable must be exactly consistent with the code].

Output on the screen: 1




[It is fine if the answer is typed horizontally, but there should not be any commas (or other punctuations) in between]

Meaning of the code in line 5 in words: Add 1 to the current value of the passenger variable.

Final Value of Variable 1: 4

Final Value of Variable 2: 4

Maximum marks: 8

Question 4, Part i

Claudia wants to understand how often each Hitch user travels together with each user they might come across. What data mining technique could be used to provide this insight and how would this technique be able to assist in solving this problem? (5 marks)

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

Relevant Data Mining Technique: Association Detection

How Such Technique May Assist: Detects the rate at which two variables are related. The answer must be practical (e.g. not just the definition) and have at least two aspects:

· This technique could measure the rate at which users travel with every other user.

· This information could be used by Hitch in one of the following ways (doesn’t have to be one of the following, but must make commercial sense):

o This information could be used by Hitch to provide detailed analysis of user behaviour and relationships.

o This information could be used by Hitch to provide specific notifications to users (e.g. “your usual travel buddy isn’t travelling tomorrow, try finding another travel buddy!”)

Maximum marks: 5 

Question 4, Part ii

This question is based on the question and your answer in Question 4, Part i.

If the analysis (your answer in Question 4, Part i) showed that there were users who worked for the same company, and lived in the same area but did not travel together, what could Hitch do to improve the value they provide to their organisation?

Provide 3 examples and justify each of them. (9 marks)

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

Example 1:  Hitch could provide detailed analysis of users that should travel together based on location to the company.

Justification:  This information could allow the company to use that information to contact staff that might want to carpool together.

Example 2: Hitch could notify users directly that there are people nearby who might want to travel with them.

Justification: This information would allow the company to reduce their emissions and travel costs without having to contact their employees directly.

Example 3: Hitch could contact users to gather information about why they don’t want to carpool with other colleagues near them (e.g. surveys etc.)

Justification:  This could provide the company with information about their employees that could be used to provide staff incentives etc.

Maximum marks: 9 

Question 5, All Parts

This question is not directly based on the Exam Case.

The following visualisations were not created by an INFOSYS 110 student, which is why they are all terrible. Critically analyse the following visualisations by relating each of them to one of the three principles of Data Visualisation we have studied in class, then provide one criticism and one improvement suggestion for each, according to the associated principle.

Image a:


Image b:


Image c:



Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly: Image a:

A Relevant Principle:  The visualisation should minimise graphical complexity

A Criticism:  The use of 3D make this visualisation too complex to easily understand.

A Suggestion:  Converting this graph to a simple bar chart will make it much easier to understand.

Image b:

A Relevant Principle:  The visualisation should minimise graphical complexity

A Criticism:  The use of company logos make the graph too complex to easily understand.

A Suggestion:  Converting this graph to a simple bar chart will make it much easier to understand.

Image c:

A Relevant Principle:  The visualisation should have integrity.

A Criticism:  The visualisation has values of 9.0% and 8.6% in October and November, but they are on the same line in the graph.

A Suggestion:  Make the exact points on the graph accurate.

Maximum marks: 9

Question 6, All Parts

As a business built around digital systems, Hitch knows how important it is to collect and store data. Hitch is about to use some of the following data points in order to build the inter-company ranking / rewards dashboards:

Location of users

Workplace location

User carpooling matching history

Travel times

Number of trips

Distance travelled

Provide two security and one ethical consideration that Hitch will need to be aware of in relation to creating these dashboards and making them available to their clients. (6 marks)

For each consideration, explain one action Hitch could take to minimise problems from such security and ethical considerations. (6 marks)

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

Security Consideration 1:  Data could be breached by an outside bad actor

Hitch’s Action:  Hitch could employ data security personnel or outsource to a security firm.

Security Consideration 2:  Data could be breached by an employee who doesn’t need to use the data

Hitch’s Action:  Restrict data access to only those who need access.

Ethical Consideration:  Some of this data might not be required for intended analysis.

Hitch’s Action: Only keep data that is necessary and delete when no longer required.

Maximum marks: 12

10 Question 7, All Parts

Having worked through the security and ethical considerations, Todd and Claudia have kicked off a project to start building a bespoke dashboard for Victoria University. Victoria University would like these dashboards to be ready for use by 1 July, to coincide with the company’s financial year. Todd and Claudia have three people working on the project, and the dashboard will be required to rank all staff and students by four metrics: number of trips taken, distance travelled, number of times matched with the same person, and total emissions saved.

One of the team members hasn't studied INFOSYS 110 and didn’t have the required business analytics knowledge. By the time they were replaced with another member of the team who did have the required skills, two weeks had flown by with no progress, and the team know they will not be able to complete the project by the deadline.

i. This delay had had a direct impact on one variable of the project management triangle.Explain which variable this is, and what the impact is (2 marks)

ii. Advise the project manager by explaining what impact this delay will have on the other twovariables of the project management triangle. Provide one example of each of these impacts (6 marks)

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

Part i:  

Variable that has been directly impacted:  The impacted variable is “time”.

Explanation of the impact:  The projected will not be able to be completed in the original time.

Part ii:  

Variable 2:  Cost will increase

Example of the impact: Extra costs will be required to employ / contract new team members that have the required skills
Variable 3: Scope. Happy with either (1) stays the same (2) decreases

Example of the impact: If the answer is stay the same, the example should state that if the cost increases enough to employ the relevant people, and the deadline is agreed to be pushed out, they can complete the same scope. If the answer is that the scope decreases, the explanation should be that the team will have to decrease the scope to make up for the lost time.

Maximum marks: 8

11 Question 8, All Parts

Claudia has found a potential security issue with the Hitch app. When downloaded on certain older devices, the app seems to be exposed to certain vulnerabilities.

i. Advise Claudia what risk management responses she has available to her and provide anexample for each response. (8 marks)

ii. Choose the most appropriate response in this situation and justify your choice. (3 marks)

Copy and paste the following answer template into the answer area, and type in your answers accordingly:

Part i:  

Risk response 1: Mitigate 

Example: Task a team with fixing the vulnerability.

Risk response 2: Accept 

Example: Do nothing. Accept that the vulnerability exists and continue.

Risk response 3: Transfer 

Example: Take out liability insurance to cover financial costs in the event of a breach, OR contract a third party to fix the vulnerability.

Risk response 4: Avoid

Example: Eliminate the vulnerability by removing the app from older devices.

Part ii:  

Recommendation: Mitigate / Transfer / Avoid

Justification: Justification depends on the above selection. As long as it is practical (e.g mentions business reasons for the recommendation then it will be accepted.

Maximum marks: 11