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MARKETNG 2006 Delivering Customer Insights Semester 1, 2023


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Primary Examination, Semester 1, 2023

MARKETNG 2006 Delivering Customer Insights


Question 1 (40 marks):

Enrique Iglesias is the marketing manager at Spotify. Recently, you have been assisting Enrique in conducting a market research project into consumers attitudes and behaviours amongst Spotify users. Spotify has informed Enrique that they are interested in understanding how customer satisfaction may influence other important marketing outcomes, and whether they need to still invest in building satisfaction with their users.

In the survey, respondents were asked the following questions:


Using SPSS, Enrique analyses the data, to see if there is a relationship between satisfaction and consumers recommending Spotify to their friends. His results are as follows:


Before you are scheduled to share the results with the marketing director at Spotify, Enrique goes on a four-week annual leave trip to Europe and forgets to tell you! Silly Enrique… Now you need to ensure that you can explain the statistical analysis, describe the analysis process, interpret the analysis results, provide recommendations, and note any limitations before your meeting with the marketing director tomorrow.

Question 1 (40 marks):

First, identify and explain the statistical analysis Enrique has used. Next, outline the steps Enrique may have followed to conduct this statistical analysis using SPSS. Then, interpret the results of Enrique's analysis. Next, based on the results, provide managerial recommendations to the client that can be derived from the analysis. Finally, discuss any limitations associated with this form of data analysis that you and Enrique should consider when interpreting the results and making recommendations.

Question 2 (40 marks):

Imagine you are a marketing research consultant, and you have just hired a new intern, Kim Kardashian. Kim is a recent graduate with a degree in marketing and has some experience in quantitative research, but she is new to qualitative research.

During your training session with Kim, she asks you to outline the different types of qualitative research methods, and the advantages and disadvantages of these. She is also interested to know the researchers role in qualitative research. As Kim knows she will be responsible for writing the qualitative research reports, she asks for ideas about how she might use NVivo and interpret her findings for future clients.

First, critically discuss the difference interviews and focus groups. Next, discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of focus groups and interviews. Then, outline why the role of the researcher is so important in qualitative research. Next, reflecting on your knowledge of NVivo, discuss how this software might be useful for Kim. Finally, discuss how qualitative research can be interpreted.


Question 1 (20 marks):

Imagine you are undergoing a job interview for a marketing coordinator position at your favourite company. The interviewer, who is the CEO, notices on your transcript that you have completed the course "Delivering Customer Insights." The CEO expresses enthusiasm about your market research skills and wishes to delve deeper into your understanding of market research design, as well as the distinctions between qualitative and quantitative research. Additionally, the CEO mentions their perpetual interest in gaining insights into consumer attitudes towards their advertising and asks about potential questions that could be posed in qualitative and/or quantitative research, as well as how the insights might vary between the two approaches. Lastly, the CEO explains that the firm has various market research projects and seeks to determine your comfort level with each type of research.

Reflecting on the semester and the course, respond to the following questions posed by the interviewer:

First, define research design. Then, discuss how research design may differ for qualitative and quantitative research. Next, provide two examples of questions that might be used in qualitative research, and two examples of questions that might be used in quantitative research. Then, outline how insights generated for qualitative and quantitative research may differ. Next, discuss which type of research you would be more comfortable with and why.