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INFOSYS110 S1 2021 Practise Test


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INFOSYS110 S1 2021 Practise Test

Question 1 (14 marks)

Chuck and his family owned and operated a road side carwash stall. He and his wife, Doris, and his son, Jack, helps with the operations and deals with the customers on a daily basis.

The business started up small, with a tiny local customer base. All transactions and business related information were handled manually. For example:

· All sales transactions were recorded in a notebook by pen and paper. Data collected included the date and time of transactions, services purchased (one of the packages that the carwash offers), and the amount charged and received.

· A number of regular customers are being put on a premium list. Their names, telephone numbers, and their preferred service package and car fragrance variety are recorded in a separate notebook.

· Regular stock-takes were carried out manually. When supplies are low, an order will be placed over the phone with the supplier.

As business grows, Chuck’s carwash expanded its operations, and is now operating in the carpark of a local shopping mall. Jack suggested that Chuck should start digitising his business by transferring the business records onto spreadsheet documents, and to introduce loyalty cards with RFID chips for premium customers so that it is easier to keep track of their business.


Suggest THREE potential benefits and TWO potential downsides for Chuck’s carwash, as a result of Jack’s proposed changes. Suggest also TWO potential benefits for the customers as a result of such changes. Justify your suggestions.

Use this template to format your response.

For Chuck's carwash:

Potential Benefit 1: 

Potential Benefit 2: 

Potential Benefit 3: 

Potential Downside 1: 

Potential Downside 2: 

For the Customers:

Potential Benefit 1: 

Potential Benefit 2: 

Question 2 (15 marks)

As business grows, Chuck’s carwash accumulates more and more records about sales transactions, along with more and more information about new premium customers. While it is good to have more data about the operations, it is also creating challenges for the family. For instance:

· When Chuck, Doris, and Jack handle the cash register at different times, they may sign up new regular customers on the spreadsheet along with a range of related information, whether they are relevant or not. Such additional data/information may include the number of children they have, their favourite colour, and their occupations. The records on the spreadsheet became more and more extensive, with data/information that may or may not be relevant to the carwash’s operations.

· Moreover, when Chuck tried to reconnect with old premium customers by calling them up, using their phone numbers on the record, several embarrassing encounters have happened. In about half of these calls, it turned out that the numbers no longer belong to the original customer. The new owners of these numbers felt really offended that Chuck’s carwash have in its possession their telephone numbers. Chuck was asked to delete such information immediately.

· To make matters worse, a break in happened at Chuck’s carwash three months ago. Luckily, the robbers only removed the cash on the premises, without taking the external hard drive that stores all the customers’ records. Such records were not password protected, because the family wanted easy access.


a. Based on the above, identify THREE challenges of digital data management (as described in class material) that Chuck’s carwash has experienced. Explain your answers. Relate such challenges to relevant GDPR principles.

b. For each of the three challenges identified, according to the descriptions in the case, suggest TWO data governance policies to Chuck’s family in order to minimise the associated Data Management problems.

Use this template to format your response.

Challenge 1: 


Relevant GDPR Principle: 

Data Governance Policy Suggestion 1: 

Data Governance Policy Suggestion 2: 

Challenge 2: 


Relevant GDPR Principle: 

Data Governance Policy Suggestion 1: 

Data Governance Policy Suggestion 2: 

Challenge 3: 


Relevant GDPR Principle: 

Data Governance Policy Suggestion 1: 

Data Governance Policy Suggestion 2: 

Question 3 & 4

When premium customers visit Chuck’s carwash, they scan their loyalty card at the RFID reader. As a result, the operator sees this customer’s preferred service package and the preferred fragrance to be used in the car. Such information was collected when the customer signed up as a member. On the registration form, it is specified that such information is collected for the purpose of speedy service.

Recently, a number of premium customers have received promotional material and sample packages of car fragrances from a newly started up local fragrance manufacturer. It turned out that Jack, Chuck’s son, is the owner of the new fragrance manufacturer. When he compiled his first advertising mailing list, the premium customers’ information from Chuck’s carwash was used.

Question 3: (12 marks)

Analyse the situation where Jack has used Chuck’s carwash’s premium customers’ information to promote his fragrance business. Associate this case to a relevant IPP covered in class. You should answer this question using the ILAC structure, in less than 300 words.

Question 4: (8 marks)

Prior to the use of the RFID loyalty cards, the family used to manually record the details of the premium customers when they come by for carwash services. Make up a specific example at Chuck’s carwash that demonstrates how GIGO may happen prior to the use of RFID loyalty cards. In your example, specify the actual mistake that can happen, and the resulting negative outcome for the business. For your example, suggest how the RFID loyalty card system can help in avoiding such mistakes.

Use this template to format your response.

The Mistake (Garbage In): 

The Outcome (Garbage Out): 

Additional details about your example (if any): 

How RFID Loyalty Cards can help:

Question 5 (6 marks)


During the period between 14th and 17th of May in 2019, business transactions with several premium customers have taken place. They are recorded in the spreadsheet above.  


Assuming that all entries are correct, describe ONE issue of Data Redundancy and ONE potential issue with Data Consistency if a large amount of such data is recorded in a spreadsheet document.

Use this template to format your response. 

Issue with Data Redundancy: 

Potential issue with Data Consistency:

Question 6 (10 marks)


The original record of sales to premium customers between 14th and 17th of May 2019 is presented above.


Identify FIVE problems with Quality of Data in this record. Provide a short explanation for each problem identified.

Use this template to format your response.

Problem 1: 


Problem 2: 


Problem 3: 


Problem 4: 


Problem 5: 


Question 7 (10 marks)

Given the circumstances at Chuck’s carwash described in the case (after its expansion into the shopping mall), answer the following questions:

When a premium customer purchases a carwash, four pieces of data are captured (at least). These are:

1. First Name

2. Registration Number

3. Package Purchased

4. Fragrance Purchased

Suggest one TPS that may be used to capture each of these four data. Note: multiple data may be captured by the same TPS.

As more and more premium customer visit through time, more and more such data are collected. By analysing such data, what kind of Business Intelligence may be obtained, which will give Chuck’s carwash a competitive advantage? 

Copy the following answer template and paste it into the answer area. Use this template to format your response.

TPS for capturing First Name: 

TPS for capturing Registration Number: 

TPS for capturing Package Purchased: 

TPS for capturing Fragrance Purchased: 

Potential Business Intelligence:

Resulting Competitive Advantage:

Question 8 (7 marks)

Chuck has heard about enterprise systems and he would like to have one implemented in his carwash. It is estimated that a budget of $300,000 is required. Assuming that the future sales volume will follow a similar pattern of variability as shown in the historical data, Chuck wants to use the company’s DSS to analyse how long it will take to recover this $300,000 investment. Which technique, out of the three featured in class (Goal Seeking, What-if Analysis, and Data-mining) will be the most suitable for this purpose? Justify your answer.

Use this template to format your response. 

The most suitable technique out of the three suggested: 

Justification for your selection: 

Question 9 (12 marks)

When non-premium customers arrive with their cars to be washed, the following process will take place:

1. Customer arriving.

2. Operator greets customer and ask which package the customer wants to purchase.

3. Order information is entered into the sales system.

4. Customer hands over the key and approaches the reception in the waiting area.

5. Payment is made.

6. Car goes through water washing.

7. Car is dried. Windows and wheels are cleaned by multiple staff at the same time.

8. Car is wiped down.

9. Customer is notified to pick up the car.


Given the scenario above, Suggest one example for each of the three forms collaboration (Communication, Cooperation, Coordination). For each example, explain your categorisation and specify also who the involved parties are.

Use this template to format your response. 

Example of Communication: 


Parties involved: 

Example of Cooperation: 


Parties involved: 

Example of Coordination: 


Parties involved: 

Question 10 (6 marks)

Given the scale and nature of Chuck’s carwash, what are the specific advantages and disadvantages if the company is to implement an Enterprise System? Would you recommend such a system for Chuck’s carwash? Explain your recommendation briefly.

Use this template to format your response. 

Specific Advantages: 

Specific Disadvantages:

Recommendation with brief explanation: