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ACCT5949 Managing Agile Organisations


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ACCT5949 Managing Agile Organisations

Topic 4 Class Exercise: CASE STUDY Building One BBC

After reading the attached case study, Building One BBC (Johnson G, Scholes K, & Whittington, G. 2005, Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall, pp.441-444), answer the following questions.

1.  How would you describe the structure of the BBC prior to 2000 in terms of how a) work as differentiated and b) how work was co-ordinated?

2.  What are the advantages and disadvantages of the pre-2000 structure?

3.  How does the post-2000 ‘Building One BBC’ structure differ from the earlier structure in terms of how work is a) differentiated and b) co-ordinated?

4.  The Director General of the BBC, Greg Dyke, announced to staff: “… it is important to  remember that this will  not  mean the end of change at the BBC…agility and flexibility are key objectives [of these changes]. We will need to continue to adapt our structure and processes to face our changing environment: this structure is a beginning not an end. ’

To  what  extent  and  in  what  ways  is  the Building  One  BBC’  approach consistent with a desire to achieve agility?

5.  In general, outline some of the reasons why agility was (and is) so important to the BBC?  (Consider developments in the environment of the BBC.)