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ENG435 Geotechnical Engineering Assignment 3


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Computational Engineering


Assignment 3

Geotechnical Engineering

Part 1: Slope Stability Analysis

For  an  embankment  in  dry  clay,  the  downstream  slope  stability  should  be  assessed  using the  strength reduction method. The objectives are to determine the effect of the a) the number of elements (element size) and b) the element type, on the resulting stability Factor of Safety (FoS). The model dimensions and material properties are described as follows.

Part Steps:

1.    Use 15-Noded elements and perform the slope stability analysis with at least ten different uniform element distribution setups ranging between ≈50 to 1000 elements in the geometry. Please provide the element distribution plot for each configuration (e.g. Fig. 2).

2.    Repeat Item 1 using 6-Noded elements.

3.    Plot the results and demonstrate the variation of the calculated FoS versus the number of elements.

4.    Discuss why the analysis results (the calculated FoS) should be a function of element size and type.

5.    Based  on your  analysis  results,  please  explain  how  many  elements  could  be  considered  as  the optimum number of elements for this slope stability analysis.

6.    Please explain what type of elements (15- or 6-Noded) should be applied to provide the safest design.

A flexible circular footing with a radius of 2.0 m is placed on dry sand (see Fig. 3).

The objectives are:

a)   To calculate the maximum settlement when the footing is subjected to a vertical distributed stress of 150 kN/m2 .

b)   To satisfy the required boundary conditions and to optimise the model geometry size by placing the bottom horizontal boundary far enough from the footing.

Part Steps:

1.    Use 15-Noded elements.

2.    In ten different analyses, please alter the length of Y between 2.0 m and 20 m, and calculate the maximum vertical settlement beneath the footing.

3.    Plot the results and demonstrate the variation of the calculated maximum vertical settlement versus the length of Y.

4.    Discuss why the analysis results (settlement) should be a function of Y.

5.    Based on your analysis results, please explain what value of Y could be considered as the optimum length for this analysis.