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ECON2410 Semester One End-of-semester Examination 2022


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ECON2410 Semester One End-of-semester Examination 2022 - PART A


A firm successfully implementing a diff erentiation strategy would expect ______________________.

to charge premium prices

customers to be sensitive to price increases

to automatically have high levels of power over suppliers

customers to perceive the product as standard


A product requires 14 hours to complete the first unit. Managerial experience has estimated the learning rate at 75%. How much cumulative average time should be required to produce the fifth item?

Between 12 and 14 hours.

Between 35 and 37 hours.

Between 5 and 7 hours.

Between 7 and 9 hours.


Assume firm 1, but not firm 2, is contemplating on making a strategic commitment. Fundenberg and Tirole, call it __________ if the tactical variables are ________ and the commitment makes firm 1 __________.

top-dog; strategic substitutes; soft

lean and hungry look; strategic complements; soft

fat-cat eff ect; strategic complements; tough

puppy-dog ploy; strategic complements; tough


If own-price elasticity of demand equals 0.25 in absolute value, then what percentage change in price will result in a 6% decrease in quantity demanded?






If the price Richard pays for a particular product is equal to his willingness to pay (for that particular product), then _________________.

his consumer surplus is zero

he places little value on that particular good

his willingness to pay for that particular product is less than his consumer surplus

his consumer surplus is negative


In his report, the manager of company XY writes that company XY's revenues just cover all its opportunity costs. This means that company XY's ________________.

economic profi t is zero

total evenues equal its implicit costs

normal profi t is zero

total revenues equal its explicit costs


Let's say Robert has insured his cell phone. As a result, Robert doesn't bother to buy a protective case for his cell phone. After all, if it drops on the floor and breaks, the insurer will pay. This is an example of _____________.


moral hazard

adverse selection

asymmetric information


On a supply and demand diagram, producer surplus is the area _____________.

below the supply curve and, above the equilbrium price

above the supply curve, and below the equilibrium price

above the demand curve, below the equilibrium price

below the demand curve, and above the equilibrium price


Suppose that a firm produces 100 units a month and sells them all for $5 each. The explict costs of production are $200 and the implicit costs of production are $250. Based on this information, the firm has an accounting profi t of ___________ and an economic profi t of ___________.

$300; $50

$450; $300

$50; $300

$300; $450


Suppose that a perfectly competitive firm, operating in the short-run and producing 200 units of output, has ATC = $12 and AFC = $4. The market price is $6 and is equal to MC. In order to maximize profi t (or minimize losses), this firm should ________.

shut down and produce zero units of output

do nothing, the firm is already maximizing profi ts.

reduce output, but continue to produce a positive amount of output

increase output


What is the diff erence between perfect  competition and monopolistic competition?

In perfect competition, firms produce identical goods, while in monopolistic competition, firms produce slightly diff erent goods.

Perfect competition has barriers to entry, while monopolistic competition does not.

Perfect competition has no barriers to entry, while monopolistic competition does.

Perfect competition has a large number of small firms, while monopolistic competition does not.


What type of products are made using the principle of allocative effi ciency?

Those that are large in size.

Those not wanted by society.

Those demanded by society.

Those the company thinks are best for society.


Which of the following statements is correct?

Disruptive innovations make previously expensive products cheaper for large population to have access.

Disruptive technologies are technologies that improve product performance.

Disruptive innovations are breakthrough innovations.

Both (a) and (c) are correct.


Which of the following statements is correct?

In a strategic alliance, the two or more parties agree to terms and can "seal the deal" with no more than a handshake, whereas a joint venture is formed by a binding contract.

In a joint venture, the two or more companies remain separate entities, whereas in a strategic alliance, a new entity is formed.

A joint venture is usually managed by representatives of both companies, whereas for a strategic alliance new management is usually found.

Both (b) and (c) are correct.


Which of the following statements is incorrect?

The curve showing the diff erences in technical effi ciency declines with greater asset specifi city.

The curve showing the diff erences in technical effi ciency is positive at any level of asset specifi city.

The curve showing the diff erences in technical effi ciency indicates that the production costs from market exchange always exceed the production costs from vertical integration.

The curve showing the diff erences in technical effi ciency represents the minimum cost of production under vertical integration minus the minimum cost of production under arm's-length market exchange.


Please use this space if you believe there is missing or incorrect information that impacted your ability to answer any question. Please state which questions this is related to.



Show your workings. Partial credit may be awarded if a substantial part of the answer is provided. Marks as indicated

(Total marks of Part B: 45)

Question 1 [5 marks]

Suppose that the demand function is estimated to be Q = 15 – 0.5P. What would be the arc elasticity of demand for the impact of a change in price from $8 to $10?

Question 2 [9 marks]

Suppose your company manufactures 2,000 hard drives per year specifically for Apple laptop computers. Suppose your company’s average variable cost is $6 per unit, the annualised cost of investment to build a hard drive factory is $5,000, and market price (market price in the event Apple does not buy) is $8 per unit.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions.

(a) How much is your company's relationship specific investment? [3marks]

(b) How much is your company's rent if Apple agrees to purchase the 2,000 hard drives at $10 per unit? [3 marks]

(c) How much is your company's quasi-rent if the deal your company had with Apple in part

(b) falls apart? [3 marks]

Question 3 [5 marks]

In a six-firm market, if all firms charge the monopoly price, the per-period industry profit equals $500,000. In that same six-firm market, if all firms charge the prevailing price, the per- period industry profit is $250,000.

If the pricing period is one-month long, what is the maximum discount rate required for each firm to have an incentive to independently price at the monopoly level? Show your work for full marks.

Question 4 [6 marks]

Consider two industries, industry X and industry Y. In industry X there are six companies, where one company has 25% market share and each of the other five companies has a market share of 15%. In industry Y there are four companies, where one company has 70% market share and each of the other three companies has a market share of 10%.

Based on the above information,

(a) calculate the two-firm concentration ratio for each industry. [3 marks]

(b) calculate the Herfindahl index for industry X. [3 marks]

Question 5 [5 marks]

Suppose the demand curve for product X is given by

QX  = 1,500 − 0.07(PX )4  − 0.02(PY)5

Based on this information,

(a) calculate the cross-price elasticity of demand X with respect to Y when PX  = $8 and PY  = $6. [4 marks]

(b) interpret your result in (a) [1 mark]

Question 6 [15 marks]

Suppose two firms (Firm  1 and Firm 2) are producing a product. Let the inverse demand function be: P = 50 – 2Q, where Q = Q1 + Q2 .

Each of the two firms has the cost function TC = 4Q.

Based on the information given, calculate the equilibrium P, Q,  Q1 ,  Q2     profit1  and  profit2 under:

(a) monopoly (collusion) [5 marks]

(b) Cournot [5 marks]

(c) Stackelberg [5 marks]



Marks as indicated

(Total marks of Part C: 20)

Question 1 [5 marks]

Building a competitive advantage based on superior benefit position is likely to be attractive when three conditions are met. Explain in detail the three conditions.

Question 2 [5 marks]

Explain what would happen to the “agency efficiency” line as the scale of transactions decreases. A clearly labelled diagram should be used to answer the question.

Question 3 [5 marks]

Explain in detail the two mistakes (fallacies) that commonly appear during the SSNIP (Small but Significant Nontransitory Increase in Price) test application.

Question 4 [5 marks]

The theory of the firm assumes that the firm's ultimate objective is to make as large a profit as possible. Ideally, for any given amount of output the firm might want to sell, it would prefer to set price as high as it could, however, the firm's demand curve limits what the price could be. How, then, is the optimal output determined? Answer the question using the concepts of marginal revenue (MR) and marginal cost (MC).

Question 5 [0 marks] Specify any assumptions you have made in completing the exam and to which questions those assumptions relate. You may also include queries you may have made with respect to a particular question, should you have been able to ‘raise your hand’ in an examination room.