关键词 > SOC101

SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology


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SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology

Dates: 5.29 - 6.25

Live Meeting: T/TH/S 9:30AM - 10:30AM (Beijing Time)

Course Description

Sociology is the systematic study of human social behavior. Sociologists examine not only how social structures shape our daily interactions but also how society constructs social categories and social meanings.

The purpose of this course is to offer an overview of the major concepts of sociology. While there is no way a single summer session can expose you to the entire discipline of sociology, this course will introduce students to key sociological theories and concepts. Through readings and discussions, students will begin to develop a sociological understanding of self and society. Additionally, the single overarching purpose of this course is to make you more critical of the world around you. By the end of the course, we will achieve the following goals:

1. To become familiar with the basic theories and concepts in sociology

2. To develop and hone critical thinking skills through sociological readings, class discussions and exams

3. To improve quantitative literacy through critical evaluation of Census Data

4. To improve critical thinking skills through case studies analysis

Required Textbook

Ÿ Macionis, J. (2009) Sociology. 13th Edition. Pearson/Prentice Hall. ISBN: 13: 978-0-205-78616-9


Ÿ Assignments        40%

Ÿ Midterm Exam 30%

Ÿ Final Exam 30%

Ÿ Total    100%

A  93-100

B-   80-82

D+   67-69

A-  90-92

C+   77-79

D    63-66

B+  87-89

C    73-76

D-   60-62

B   83-86

C-   70-72

F     <60


Students are required to complete one assignment for each of the covered chapters. The assignments will assess the extent to which instructional objectives have been met, the format of assignment will be fill in the blank questions and multiple-choice questions only.  They should be completed by individual effort.


There will be two exams, the midterm and final exams. The exams will focus on the lecture and the readings. The final exam will focus on the material since the midterm.

Class Contents





• The Sociological Perspective

• Culture

• Society

• Read Chapters 1, 3, 4

• Assignments


• Social Interaction

• Groups and Organizations

• Read Chapters 6, 7

• Assignments

• Review

• Midterm Exam


• Sexuality and Society

• Aging and the Elderly

• The Economy and Work

• Read Chapters 8, 15, 16

• Assignments


• Families

• Education

• Read Chapters 18, 20

• Assignments

• Final Review

• Final Exam