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41056 Machines and Mechanisms Mini Project


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41056 Machines and Mechanisms

Mini Project

As indicated in Subject Outline, the students wishing to achieve more than a pass for this subject must undertake this mini project. This is an individually assessed project that contributes to the overall subject grade.

Each group of students (Max 2 students per group) need to complete all the tasks. The assessment will be based on a written report and a short video presentation.

Written Report and Short Video Presentation

Each group needs to organise a written project report. There is no strict limitation on the number of pages.

There should be a single page at the beginning of the written report to document each team members contribution for individual marking.

Personal reflection from each team member (100 words minimum) is needed, including the achievement from the project and how they would do things differently if they have to repeat the task. Use this framework for reflection: What worked? What didn’t work? What would you change if given another opportunity? You can set this up as a table if you prefer.

Every team needs to submit a short presentation video (≤ 3 mins). In the presentation, one problem or virtual lab may be selected to explain how the equations may be worked out and how they may be verified using the Matlab model. Every team member needs to present in the video.

The written project report needs to be submitted through Canvas.

The short presentation video may be uploaded to Youtube or other suitable websites. The link should be clearly indicated in the written project report and provided in the Commentswhen submitting the written

project report through Canvas.


MATLAB Problem 1 A Ball Rolling Down an Inclined Plane

A uniform sphere with a mass ofm and radius ofR is released from rest on an inclined plane.





Range ofvalue

5 - 75。

0 - 0.5

0 - 0.3

Considering the conditions ofboth slipping and no-slipping, to establish the equations (Not to assignvalues tovariablesunlessnecessary) for determining

•      normal reaction on the sphere

•       sphere’s angular acceleration and angular velocity

•      velocity and acceleration ofthe sphere centre point C

•      friction force between the sphere and inclined plane

Setting values for m and R, to verify the equations using the Matlab model.

Analysing the effect ofvarious parameters on the condition offriction, i.e. slipping (kinetic friction) and no-slipping

(static friction).

MATLAB Problem 2 Suspended Pipe

The pipe with a mass of m and radius ofr is equally suspended from the two tines ofthe forklift using a strap. The pipe is undergoing a swinging motion (assuming the frictional forces between the strap and tines are sufficient for preventing the strap from sliding on the tines). It is momentarily at rest when e = e0.

To establish the equations (Not to assign values to variables unless necessary) for determining the parameters below when 0 ≤e ≤ e0 (the value of e0 should be in a reasonable range).

•   normal force on each tine

•   required frictional force between the strap and each tine to prevent the strap from sliding on the tines

•    angular velocity ofthe pipe

•   angular acceleration ofthe pipe

•   maximum tension force in the strap

Setting values for m, r, e0 and L, to verify the equations using the Matlab model.

To consider what may happen ifthere are insufficient frictional forces between the

strap and tines, do analyses using Task 3 and Task 4 in the Matlab model.

Virtual Labs

MATLAB Virtual Lab 1 Pendulum and Block Impact System

A pendulum collides with a block resting on a table. The main parameters that characterise this system include:

- mass of the pendulum bob

- mass of the block

- pendulum rod length

- pendulum bob diameter

- horizontal length of the block

- vertical length of the block

- height of the pivot point above the table

- a scalar that allows us to specify the impact point on the block

- STATIC friction coefficient between the table and the block

- KINETIC friction coefficient between the table and the block

Considering the condition that the GREEN block is not permitted to tip over, establish the equations (Not to assign values to variables unless necessary) for determining the block's acceleration, velocity and displacement and          impact force, then verify using the Matlab model TASKS 1, 2 and 3.

Considering the condition that the GREEN block is permitted to tip over, do analyses using Task 4 in the Matlab model.

MATLAB Virtual Lab 2 Block and Spring System

The RED cart rolls down an inclined ramp. At the bottom of the ramp is a stopper (GREEN) and a spring, and a force sensor. The stopper mass (GREEN) is negligible. The geometry parameters are indicated in the diagram.  Other main parameters include:

m [kg] - mass of the RED cart

k [N/m] - stiffness of the spring

c [N.s/m] - damping factor (Damping is an influence within or

upon an oscillatory system that reduces or prevents oscillation. In

physical systems, damping is produced by processes that dissipate

the energy stored in the oscillation.)

Ignoring the friction between the RED cart/GREEN stopper and the ramp, work out the equations for determining the acceleration, velocity and displacement of the RED cart and the impact force, and verify using the Matlab       model, then analyse the effect of various parameters on the impact force.