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PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology


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PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology

Dates: 5.29 - 6.25

Live Meeting: T/Th/S 8:00 am-9:00am (Beijing Time)

Course Description

Introductory Psychology is a survey course of all of the major content areas of Psychology. This course covers basic research methodology and current research in the various subject areas, and the basic knowledge and major theories of the field. It provides an overview of the following areas of psychology: history of psychology, research methods; biological basis of behavior, sensation and perceptual processes; variations in consciousness, learning, human memory, and language and thought. This course continues the survey of the field with explorations of psychological assessment, motivation and emotions, human development, personality theory, stress and health, psychopathology, therapy, and social psychology.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to

· demonstrate an understanding of basic psychological terminology and explain important features of major psychological concepts and theories

· develop an understanding of basic theories and research methods in psychology

· critically analyze information about human behavior and distinguish between conclusions supported by scientific evidence and conclusions based on nonscientific ways of knowing

· demonstrate applied psychology research skills

Required Textbook

Ÿ Myers, D. (2014) Exploring Psychology. (9th Ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publisher. Additional readings and resources will be distributed in class.


Ÿ Assignments 40%

Ÿ Midterm Exam 30%

Ÿ Final Exam 30%

Ÿ Total   100%

A  93-100

B-   80-82

D+   67-69

A-  90-92

C+   77-79

D    63-66

B+  87-89

C    73-76

D-   60-62

B   83-86

C-   70-72

F     <60

Class Contents

Week 1

Tuesday – Syllabus Review and Thinking Critically with Psychological Science Chapter 1

Thursday – Chapter 1 continued

Saturday - Biology of Behavior Chapter 2

Week 2

Tuesday – Chapter 2 continued

Thursday – Consciousness Chapter 3

Saturday- Midterm Exam

Week 3

Tuesday – Developing Through the Life Span Chapter 4

Thursday – Chapter 4 continued  

Saturday – Gender and Sexuality Chapter 5

Week 4

Tuesday – Learning Chapter 7

Thursday – Chapter 7 continued

Saturday – Final Exam

Class Decorum

Civility in the classroom and respect for the opinions of other is very important in an academic environment. It is likely you may not agree with everything that is said or discussed in the classroom/online course. Courteous behavior and responses are expected. To create and preserve a learning environment that optimizes teaching and learning, all participants share a responsibility in creating a civil and non-disruptive forum. Students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that does not disrupt teaching or learning. Faculty have the authority to request students who exhibit inappropriate behavior to leave the class/online course and may refer serious offenses to the University Police Department and/or the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.

Academic Honesty

It is the policy of the University and the instructor that no form of plagiarism or cheating will be

tolerated. Plagiarism is defined as the deliberate use of another’s work and claiming it as one’s own. This means ideas as well as text, whether paraphrased or presented verbatim (word-for-word). Cheating is defined as obtaining unauthorized assistance on any assignment. Collusion is defined as selling or purchasing academic products with the intention that they be submitted to fulfill an academic or course requirement. Proper citation of sources must always be utilized thoroughly and accurately. Cheating/plagiarism/collusion will result in a grade of “0” for the assignment, and may also result in failure of the course and/or disciplinary action by the University. Any student found guilty of violating academic integrity policy will fail the assignment in question, will automatically fail the course and will be subject to disciplinary action by the university.