关键词 > MTH2032

MTH2032 Differential equations with Modelling


MTH2032 Differential equations with Modelling


Weekly hours

• Three hours of lectures

• 1.5 hours of support class

• 5-7 hours of individual work from home


• Part I – Ordinary differential equations-Ngan Le

• Part II – Partiadifferential equations-Mark Flegg

• Pre-lecture videos

• Lectures (and recorded lectures)

• Lecture notes

• Lecture annotations

Assessment pieces

1. Quiz (12%)

Write on 15 minute quiz in all even week support classes. If you are on-campus for your class, you will be provided space on a question sheet to write your answers. If you are online for your class you will have questions presented to you and you need to write solutions on a piece of paper, scan and upload. You cannot attend a class you are not allocated to. You should concentrate on your communication.

2. Assignments (8%)

In weeks 3, 5, 9, 11 you will have assignments. The Monday of the week prior to these weeks you will be presented a model/system. Your job will be to fully “understand” this system by calculating any solutions, deriving all equations etc which are relevant to this system. In your support class you will be given 5 minutes to answer 4 short questions on this assignment to test that you understand your own work. For this, you can bring in handwritten notes on your assignment to help you answer the questions (the 5 minutes is way too short to spend time working out the solutions in real time).

3. Midsemester exam (20%)

The midsemester exam is in the normal lecture time on Monday of week 7. This will be a 1 hr exam. You should ensure you communicate your solutions properly. This exam covers Part I.

4. Final exam (60%).

We will run this on-campus and online simultaneously. The final exam will contain Part I (20%) and Part II (40%) and will be 2 hours long.

Missing support classes and Special consideration

• If you miss a support class with good reason. You need to apply properly for special consideration AND provide suitable documentation. Our primary way of handling that will be to enter a “TBA” as your result and then at the end of the semester you will get for this result the average of your other weekly activities (quizzes and assignments).

• If you have special needs for assessment (for example, more time on assessment) please inform your support class leaders and be prepared to provide documentation.

Feedback and communication

• If you have feedback on our written lecture notes, please submit that in a form under the downloadable notes.

• If you have feedback for our unit, please fill out the SETU at the end of the semester.

• You will be given feedback on all your quizzes. You will also get solutions to quizzes and assignments for feedback on your weekly progress.

• Stay connected as much as possible. There is discussion forum under communication section of Moodle.

• Make sure you check the announcements and keep an eye on the email notifications!!!

Stay up to date

• Watch prelecture content

• Be at lectures!!!

Cheating and academic integrity

Do not use online services to help with assessment! If you do, be prepared to face consequences.

• You may discuss assignments with peers. You will be asked for your personal understanding so you cannot get away with copying.