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MIS771 – Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation – Trimester 1 2023


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MIS771 Descriptive Analytics and Visualisation Trimester 1 2023

Assessment Task 3 Data Visualisation Individual

DUE DATE: Friday, 9th June, by 8:00 pm (Melbourne time)


Extensions and Late submissions are NOT possible for this assessment.


This End of Unit Assessment is an individual assignment with three tasks:

•   The first task is to design and develop an interactive Tableau Dashboard embedded in the provided WordPress platform.

•   The second task is to document the design experience on the WordPress platform.

•   The third task is to reflect on Self-Management skills acquired during the trimester.

To complete the assignment, you must use the dataset file named T12023A3.xlsx (Las Vegas) and apply the techniques covered in Module-3.

The Las Vegas dataset is a multivariate dataset that details 504 TripAdvisor reviews of the 21 hotels in the Strip, Las Vegas. The data collected is grouped into “Review”, “User”, and “Hotel” features. A brief data    description is available from the Variable Descriptions worksheet in the Excel file.

For a more detailed lookhttp://dx.doi.org/10.17632/tsf9sjdwh2.1and the associated journal paper http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211973617300387

You may add additional statistical analysis and/or supporting data of your own (additional Latitude/Longitude data, web links etc.) At a minimum, the focus of the assignment should be on the core data provided in the dataset. You may also fix issues with data quality (if any).

Specific Requirements

Case: Beautiful Data Inc Las Vegas Project Requirements

Your company, Beautiful Data Inc., specialises in creating dynamic and insightful dashboards for clients. Your manager has assigned you the task of developing an interactive dashboard for one of your clients. Todd, your manager, has provided some guidelines in a memo sent via SLACK to the analytics team. The task requires you to explore the Las Vegas dataset and use Tableau Desktop software to design an interactive dashboard as an e-portfolio on the WordPress platform, which comprises a process component and a solution component (a template is provided).


Deliverables via WordPress (Task 1 and 2)

The Website (WordPress) consists of three main sections (web pages) : Process, Solution and Others (accessible via Menu in the WordPress template). You are required to complete all web pages.

1. Process Component

You are required to complete this section by completing four pre-set web pages under the process menu. Content presented here should be written in a professional language and must cover the following four aspects:

1.1. Describe the audience for your Data Visualisation (to be written under AUDIENCE page)

Describe the audience of the Data Visualisation you intend to create. This section should include a general description of the persona, questions they want to be answered, actions/outcomes your   dashboard will support, and the feeling you would like to convey.

1.2. Identify Data Elements (to be written under DATA ELEMENTS page)

Using what you have learnt in the lectures and tutorials, first, please describe each column in the   dataset (note: you should describe all columns regardless of whether you will ultimately use them in your visualisation or not). Then classify the data (for example, Categorical, Numerical: Discrete,  Continuous / Scales of measurements: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio / Time/Date, Location).

1.3. Describe what types of charts you might use to display the data (to be written under THE RIGHT FIT page)

Describe the charts and visualisations that would effectively communicate the information based on the data types and persona objectives discussed earlier.

1.4. Describe any data ethics considerations there with the data you intend to use.(to be written under ETHICS page)

Describe any considerations you think you should keep in mind while developing and sharing your visualisation.

Note: While adding content, images, and tables are allowed under these sections (web pages); students are strictly prohibited from moving web page locations, renaming web pages or adding new pages under the    PROCESS component.

2. Solution Component

Under the SOLUTION component (WordPress web page), you are expected to have two deliverables : Live Dashboard and Story Telling.

2.1.  Using the skills you have developed in the tutorial sessions (and leveraging any additional training    and online support provided by Tableau Inc.), you should create an interactive dashboard using        Tableau Desktop. Then, you should embed your interactive dashboard on the Live Dashboard web


Note: Instructions on retrieving embed code and importing the interactive dashboard to WordPress websites are available in the WordPress Instruction Manual.

2.2.  Under the Story Telling web page, you are expected to capture and describe various screenshots of your interactive dashboard developed using Tableau Desktop.


You can capture screenshots using the Print Screen Key on the keyboard or by using the snipping tool (Windows machines), or you can easily export Screen imagesby using the Export Imageoption from Dashboard menu.

Your descriptions, comments, or annotations of the interactive dashboard should detail how you have considered the data visualisation framework while developing the interactive dashboard.

The questions below will give you some ideas of the type of comments you should include in this section:

I. What types of charts have you selected and why?

II. How have you used colour (or not)?

III. How have you used hierarchy in your approach?

IV. What interactive components did you introduce?

V. How have you supported the motivations of the persona you defined?

VI. Comment on data sources and any data manipulation you may have performed.

Note: While adding content, images and tables are allowed under these sections (web pages); students are strictly prohibited from moving web page locations, renaming web pages or adding new pages under this PROCESS component.

3. Other components of the WordPress website

There are three web pages on the WordPress website template where you need to provide additional    information. These include Welcome to Beautiful Data Inc. (Home page), About Us, and Contact pages.

In the Welcome page, you may provide some information about Beautiful Data Inc. operations and the visualisation project, i.e. Las Vegas (be creative). In the About Us page, you should briefly introduce      yourself. Finally, students can provide their contact information (you should use fictitious contact          information), including phone number, email address, and social media pages such as LinkedIn etc.

Note: While adding content, images and tables are allowed under these sections (web pages); students are strictly prohibited from moving web page locations and renaming web pages. Students are allowed to add site pages at the top level Menu ONLY.

Deliverables Task -3: Self-Reflection Report (500 Words)

Describe the self-management skills you have acquired in this unit and how they can contribute to achieving your academic and professional objectives.

To complete this task, begin by consulting the following resources:Reflective Writing(specifically the 4R's    model, which will help you understand reflection and how to write effectively) andCritical Reflection(which provides strategies and tools for developing critical reflection skills).

Then, examine your previous assignment planning and execution tables and the new abilities you've gained from this task. Use the 4R's model or another applicable framework to shape your review and reflection.

Learning Outcomes

This task allows you to demonstrate your achievement towards the Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs) which     have been aligned to theDeakin Graduate Learning Outcomes(GLOs). Deakin GLOs describe the knowledge and capabilities graduates acquire and can demonstrate on completion of their course. This assessment task is important in determining your achievement of the ULOs. If you do not demonstrate achievement of the     ULOs you will not be successful in this unit. You are advised to familiarise yourself with these ULOs and GLOs as they will inform you on what you are expected to demonstrate for the successful completion of this unit.

The learning outcomes that are aligned to this assessment task are:

Unit Learning Outcomes (ULOs)

Graduate Learning Outcomes (GLOs)


Plan, monitor, and evaluate own learning as an analytics professional.

GLO6: Self-Management - working and learning independently, and taking responsibility for personal actions


Communicate solutions that inform decision-making and       ongoing research to a variety of stakeholder

GLO1: Discipline-specific knowledge and capabilities -    appropriate to the level of study related to a discipline or profession.

GLO2: Communication - using oral, written and                        interpersonal communication to inform, motivate and effect change

Marking and feedback

The marking rubric indicates the assessment criteria for this task. It is available in the CloudDeakin unit site in the Assessment folder, under Assessment Resources. Criteria act as a boundary around the task and help specify what assessors are looking for in your submission. The criteria are drawn from the ULOs and align with the GLOs. You should familiarise yourself with the assessment criteria before completing and submitting this task.

The assessment marks and feedback will be released on CloudDeakin after the university officially releases the final results of the units.

Extensions / Special Considerations

Important Note: Extensions and Late submissions are NOT possible for this assessment.



The Division of Student Life provides a range ofStudy Supportresources and services, available throughout the academic year, including Writing Mentor and Maths Mentor online drop ins and the SmartThinking 24

hour writing feedback service atthis link. If you would prefer some more in depth and tailored support, make an appointment online with a Language and Learning Adviser.

Referencing and Academic Integrity

Deakin takes academic integrity very seriously. It is important that you (and if a group task, your group)       complete your own work in every assessment task Any material used in this assignment that is not your       original work must be acknowledged as such and appropriately referenced. You can find information about referencing (and avoiding breaching academic integrity) and other study support resources at the following website:http://www.deakin.edu.au/students/study-support

Your rights and responsibilities as a student

As a student you have both rights and responsibilities. Please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a student in the Unit Guide & Information section in the Content area in the CloudDeakin unit site.