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Reference: Assignment 4


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What is the primary criterion for determining whether or not to consolidate an entity?


Determine which entity is the parent and which entities are the subsidiaries of the said parent in the following diagram. The percentages provided below are the direct ownership interests. You are required to complete the table in the answer booklet to support your answer.



Parent Ltd has asked for your help in the preparation of consolidated financial statements for the financial year ended 31 March 2022; they value your understanding of NZ IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements and NZ IFRS 3 Business Combinations. Parent Ltd sent you the following information:

The equity in Subsidiary Ltd was acquired on 1 April 2013. At that date the equity of Subsidiary Ltd comprised: Share capital balance of$100 000 and Retained earnings of$30 000.

The identifiable net assets of Subsidiary Ltd were not fairly valued on 1 April 2013 because: Subsidiary Ltd had an internally generated intangible asset with an estimated fair value of$15 000. Subsidiary Ltd uses the cost model for its property, plant and equipment (PPE); the cost of the PPE was $70 000 and the fair value was estimated to be $95 000.

Prior years,impairment of total goodwill amounted to $3 000. For the current year ended 31 March 2022 the directors of Parent Ltd believe that the total goodwill has been further impaired by $4 000.

Question 3 continued:

During the month ended 31 March 2021 Subsidiary Ltd made sales to Parent Ltd of $30 000 and recognised a profit of $5 000. Parent Ltd sold this purchase of inventory to Pink Ltd on 15 May 2021.

During the month ended 31 March 2022 Subsidiary Ltd made sales to Parent Ltd of $7 000 and recognised a profit of $3 200. This purchase remained in the inventory of Parent Ltd asat31 March 2022.

During the month ended 31 March 2022 Parent Ltd made sales to Subsidiary Ltd of $3 000 and recognised a profit of $900. Subsidiary Ltd sold this purchase of inventory to Ford Ltd on 5 April 2022.

Subsidiary Ltd billed Parent Ltd $4 200 for consulting advice provided on 28 February 2022. This transaction had been recognised by both entities; it remained unpaid asat31 March 2022.


(a) Assume Parent Ltd acquired 100% of the equity in Subsidiary Ltd for $200,000 on 1 April 2013. Complete the consolidation worksheet in the answer book for Parent Ltd for the financial year ended 31 March 2022 in accordance with NZ IFRS 3 and NZ IFRS 10. You must present your notionaljournal entries as workings.

(b) Assume Parent Ltd only acquired 70% of the equity in Subsidiary Ltd for $140 000 on 1 April 2013. Prepare the notionaljournal entry asat31 March 2022 to identify the noncontrolling interest, in Subsidiary Ltd, to be reported in the group accounts in accordance with NZ IFRS 10. The directors ofParent Ltd require the non-controlling interest in Subsidiary Ltd to be measured at the non-controlling interest's proportionate share of the Subsidiary Ltd's identifiable net assets i.e. not at fair value.

(c) Assume Parent Ltd only acquired 70% of the equity in Subsidiary Ltd for $140 000 on 1 April 2013 Prepare the notionaljournal entry asat31 March 2022 to identify the noncontrolling interest, in Subsidiary Ltd, to be reported in the group accounts in accordance with NZ IFRS 10. The directors of Parent Ltd now require the non-controlling interest to be measured at fair value.

(d) Reconcile your NCI (b) balance answer above to your NCI (c) answer above.

(e) Explain your consolidation treatment of the sale of inventory from Subsidiary Ltd to Parent Ltd during March 2022.


Big Parent Ltd acquired 60% of the equity in Sub Ltd for $5 400 000 on 1 April 2014.

At the date of acquisition, the equity of Sub Ltd consisted of Share capital of $4 100 000 and Retained profits of$1 520 000.

Because Sub Ltd uses the cost model for its recognised property, plant and equipment, it had several items whose book values were lower than fair values at the date of acquisition. The following table lists the identified assets and liabilities at their book values and fair values as at the date of acquisition:

As at the date of acquisition:

At book value:

At fair vaIue:

Land and building

$2 080 000

$3 000 000


2 500 000

4 200 000


1 998 000

2 200 000

Accounts receivable

220 000

180 000


780 000

678 000

Intangible assets


880 000


1 958 000

1 958 000

Contingent liabilities


340 000


(a) Prepare a 100% acquisition analysis to determine the total amount of goodwill in Sub Ltd.

(b) Prepare the notionaljournal entry, asat31 March 2021, to eliminate the Big Parent Ltd asset 'Investment in Sub Ltd,and to eliminate the parent's portion of equity in the Sub Ltd, in accordance with NZ IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements and NZ IFRS 3 Business Combinations.

(c) Explain, by referring to relevant accounting standards, why the Group recognised

the Sub related contingent liability in the Group Statement ofFinancial Position but Sub Ltd did not recognise it in its Statement ofFinancial Position.


The 2022 Financial Results/Report for Air NZ and Auckland Airport are provided on Canvas/Modules/Assignments 1 to 5. Answer the questions in the answer booklet for both Air NZ and Auckland Airport. All questions only relate to 2022.