关键词 > MATH160

MATH 160 (Business Math)


MATH 160 (Business Math)

Due: August 10th, 2021

(By 11:00 p.m.)

Learning Lab Assignment

The learning lab assignment counts towards 5% of the final grade

(To be uploaded individually to ampEducator)

The essay

An essay between 500 and 1,000 words, double-spaced, in 12-point font, and follows APA style format. Covert your file in .pdf format for submission (i.e. submit as a .pdf file)


Part I – About the contents covered in the course

● By reflecting all of the topics that you have learned from the course, select some topics and use examples to show how the topics helps in improving the performance in a business.

● Suppose your friend seeks your advice about whether s/he should take Business Mathematics as one of the elective courses, what personal advice will you be giving to your friend? (Analyze the pros and cons of taking the course.)

Part II – Related to the group project

● Comment on your performance and your role in the group.

● Identify your strengths and weaknesses. How does the work of this project help you to further enhance your strengths (or improve your weaknesses)?

● Comment on the overall team dynamics:

- How effectively did you feel your group work together? Provide supporting evidences.

- Were the behaviors of any of your team members particularly valuable or detrimental to the team? Explain.

- What did you learn about working in a group from this project? Share any experiences that you find memorable/remarkable.

You are encouraged to seek assistance from the tutoring center to ensure your work meets the standard: For instance, the assignment should be formatted in APA format (7th edition), and should be grammatically correct. In addition, the assignment MUST be submitted on time.

Other information

Demonstrate creativity and flexibility in your approach.

Critical thinking is important. You can look for more than one way of addressing an issue.

Provide examples or justifications whenever necessary.

Be creative! Be realistic! Be unique!

Ensure no one has the same (or similar) ideas as yours.