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EE210 – Energy conversion and power system fundamentals In-class Quiz 2


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EE210  Energy conversion and power system fundamentals

In-class Quiz 2

Q1. A three-phase, 318.75-kVA, 2300-V alternator has an armature resistance of 0.35 Ω/phase and a synchronous reactance of 1.2 Ω/phase. Determine the no-load line-to-line generated voltage and the voltage regulation at

(a) Full-load kVA, 0.8 power factor lagging, and rated voltage.  (15 marks)

(b) Full-load kVA, 0.6 power factor leading, and rated voltage. (15 marks)

Q2. A 120-kVA, 1000/100-V single-phase transformer has the parameters as shown in the figure below.


When the transformer is operating at full load 0.8 power factor lagging and 100 V. Draw the equivalent circuit referred to the primary side and label all parameters. (30 marks)

Q3. An electric power system is shown in the figure below.


The three-phase power and line-line ratings of this system are given below.


Draw an impedance diagram for this electric power system, showing all impedances per unit on a 100 MVA base as the power base for the system and the 30 kV as the voltage base for generator. (40 marks)