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EEE210 – Energy conversion and power system fundamentals In class quiz 1


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EEE210 Energy conversion and power system fundamentals

In class quiz 1

1. A power plant with a net output of 50 MW and a gross head of 100m has the following efficiencies: ηh  = 0.97; ηt  = 0.84; ηe  = 0.93. Also, p = 1000 kg/m3 and g = 9. 81m/s2. Determine:  ( 20 marks)

a. The turbine and hydraulic power:

b. The effective head and the nominal water flow: ** The theoretical gross power is given by: Pb  =  p * Q * g * Hb

2. The 4 main components of power systems (20 marks):

a.                                                                         b.

3. There are 3 customers within one distribution network, their peak loads are 12kW, 15kW, 37kW, respectively. Considering the diversity factor is 1.7. Determine (20 marks)

a. The maximum noncoincident demand:

4. Three loads are connected in parallel across a 17 kV, 60Hz three-phase supply. The power supply is Y connected.

Load 1: Inductive load, 60 kW and 300 kvar.

Load 2: Capacitive load, 40 kW and -80 kvar.

Load 3: Resistive load of 60 kW.

(a) Find (20 marks)

The total complex power and the power factor The supply current

(b) A Y-connected capacitor bank is connected in parallel with the loads. Find (20 marks)

The total kvar and the capacitance per phase in µF to improve the overall power factor to 0.8 lagging

What is the new line current?