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159.234 OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING S1, 2023 Assignment 3


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S1, 2023

Assignment 3


1 June 2023, 11pm


40 marks (20% of your final grade)

Late Submission:

Deduct 5 marks per day late

Individual Work

You must complete this assignment by yourself (you must NOT share your code with others or use otherscode)


Reinforce Java OOP core concepts (abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and       polymorphism), collections framework and generics, exception handling, input and output streams, and GUI using Swing

1. System Description (Overview of Problem)

You are asked to write a program in Java to simulate a computer stores management system

A computer store maintains three categories of computers: Desktop PCs, Laptops, and Tablets. Each category isfurther divided into different types, as listed below:

Desktop PC types: Gaming, Home & Study, Business, and Compact

Laptop types: Gaming, Home & Study, Business, and Thin & Light

Tablet types: Android, Apple, and Windows

Each computers unique ID, brand, CPUfamily, andprice need to be specified regardless of its category. The computer store must also record memory size (GB) and SSD capacity (GB) for Desktop PCs and Laptops as well as screen size (inches)for Laptops and Tablets.

The computer store has two types of staff: salespersons and managers. A salesperson can log into the computer store’s management system to view a list of all computers and sort them. A salesperson can also search for computers by category and type before clicking on a search result to view that computers details.

A manager can log into the computer stores management system to do everything that a salesperson can do, but a manager can also maintain recordsby updating computer details or adding and deleting computers

2. Tasks to complete:

a)   Create a narrative step-by-step storyboard using screenshots of your system-generated GUIs to demonstrate required  functions  of the  computer  store’s management  system  (please refer to  a sample at the end of this document; you can use its format to present your work)

Your Java code should:

b)   Import the provided test data (computers.txt) to your system using Java Input

c)   Add five staff to the computer store’s system—three salespersons and two managers—using usernames and passwords provided (this function should have classes designed with an appropriate inheritance      hierarchy that applies core OOP concepts)

d)   Realize all functions specified in the system description above (for this assignment, you are NOT required to update computers.txt file after a manager update/add/delete records, you only need to update the GUI to show the change)

3. Design and Implementation Guidelines

Note: You will receive credit for correctness, completeness, no code duplication, and clear on-screen outputs. Also, we will grade your program using the following OOP and general software implementation guidelines:

1)   Encapsulation design and implementationproper use of modifiers

a.    Private/Protected/Public

b.    Must make use of getters and/or setters wherever appropriate

2)   Inheritance design and implementation

a.    Reasonable class hierarchies

b.    Proper data fields separation in base and derived classes

c.    Proper methods separation/overloading/overriding in base and derived classes

d.    Proper use of base and derived class constructors

3)   Polymorphism and implementation

a.    Write generic code that targets the base class whenever possible

b.    Appropriate use of overriding in derived classes to realize polymorphism

4)   Information store and implementation

a.    Use Hash Map and other Java collection class(es) to store information

5)   Exception handling

a.    Throw an exception object when an application error occurs (e.g., when an invalid piece of data is entered)

b.    Use try/catch/finally or try/catch block to handle the exception

6)   Use Java Swing to implement your GUI

4. Other Specifications

You must follow the next three specifications when completing this assignment:

1)   Place appropriate comments in your programe.g.:

/** explain what the program file is doing . . . */ // explain what a part/method of the program is doing…

2) DO NOT add any file path for computers.txt’ (put it directly in your project folder when you test your code)

3) DO NOT add your own package name(s) to the beginning of your .java files (this requirement is only for marking purpose)

5. Submission Requirements:

1) Your storyboard as a PDF file

2) All your .java files (source codes)

3)   Zip all your files (PDF file and .java files) together and submit as a single file to Stream

6. You MUST use the following test data in your assignment:

1) Staff details

Staff 1 Salesperson

Staff 2 Salesperson

Staff 3 Salesperson

Staff 4 Manager

Staff 5 Manager













2) Input file computers.txt to download

Record of Desktop


Category, Type,



CPU Family,            Memory Size (GB), SSD Capacity (GB), Price ($)

Record of Laptop:

Category, Type,



CPU Family,             Memory Size (GB),  SSD Capacity (GB), Screen Size (Inches), Price ($)

Record of Tablet:

Category, Type,



CPU Family,             Screen Size (Inches), Price ($)

3) Example GUI and functions narrations:

Note: this is just a sample GUI design; you arefree to design your own GUI andfunction flow as long as they are reasonable and complete the tasks listed in item “2.” above

When the program runs:

Click loginicon button

Log in as a salesperson

List of all computers (No specific order required)

Can select and display computers from any Category (No specific order required)