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MGT 185 IPO Pitchbook Assignment #7


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MGT 185

IPO Pitchbook

Assignment #7

Your assignment is to put together an IPO pitchbook as if you were presenting to the Board of Directors of a Company looking to go public.

The components of the IPO pitchbook are found on slides #15 and #16 of lecture #8. In addition, I have posted on Canvas a sample IPO pitchbook.

What do you have to do to get an 85?

1) Pick a company.  This should be a company that is currently private.

2) Pick an investment bank. You can pretend that you are part of an established investment bank, Goldman Sachs, for example.  As an alternative you can make up an imaginary investment bank.

3) Your presentation can be either a PowerPoint or a Word document.  There is no length requirement.

4) Your document must cover sections A-E and K-L.  Section K should list the pros and cons of going public and compare these with the sale of the company.

How do you get more than 85?

1) Provide an IPO valuation. (Comparable companies) You are going to have to guess as to the financials for the private company.

2) Add information on who the investors in the current IPO marketplace are and what they are looking for.

Any additional questions please contact Prof Dunn.