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COMP2750/COMP6750 2023 – ASSIGNMENT THREE Applications Modelling and Development


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Applications Modelling and Development

Application Development

Overview of Assignment-3

This assignment focuses on the development and testing aspects of a mobile application.

Task Descriptions

Task 1: Application Development Demo and Viva (15 marks) (Group Task)

You  will  be  developing  an  application  for  PFS  that you  have  been  working  on  through  the  other assignments. You will create a basic Calorie Counting App.

Task 1 outlines the requirements that needs to be implemented in the application.

1. A Welcome heading displaying the name of the system

2. An image of your choice displayed below the heading

3. Food dropdown:

In the first dropdown, provide three (3) items. They should contain values like this: ‘Apple-52’


At least 2 of the items, should have the same calorie (You can make this up).

For simplicity reasons, we will assume the calorie to be a double-digit value without any decimal point.

4. Drinks dropdown:

In the second dropdown, provide three (3) drinks. They should contain values like this: ‘Orange Juice-25’

‘Coke -15’

At least 2 of the items, should have the same calorie (You can make this up).

For simplicity reasons, we will assume the calorie to be a double-digit value without any decimal point.

5. Choose Quantity dropdowns:

For  each  of the  chosen  item,  there  is  a  corresponding  quantity.  Quantity  will  have numbers between 1 and 5.

6. Calculate button:

Once the values are selected, when calculate button is clicked, it should display the total calorie count in a label below with a label:

Total Calorie Count:  Total Calorie KCal

7. App developed by names of the group membersas label at the bottom of the app

Note: An empty layout of the app is provided in the assignment folder. You are not allowed to add extra screens . However, if you want to add extra details on the screen, that is acceptable. You have to change the look & feel of the app. The application should work without crashing and must display the right output. Please remember you must also handle non-selections.

This task is due for submission on Sunday Week11 (21/05/2023 at 11.55 pm).

All group members need to attend the workshop in week 12. During this demonstration, you will be asked questions based on the code to test each group’s understanding of the system. If you are not present for the discussion component, you will be awarded zero marks. For the online groups, a working camera, microphone and headphones are important since you will have to communicate with the tutor. Being able to hear and talk back to your tutor is a requirement.

Task 2: Exploring Mobile Application development (15 marks) (Group Task)

What  is  a  native  mobile  application  development?  What  is  a  cross-platform  mobile  application development? Provide examples of frameworks used in each of the above.

What are some of the ethical dilemmas that you see with the apps being used day in and day out for most of our technological interactions? Please list at least three of them.

You must use references and citation as part of this report (APA style). You are required to use headings.

Word limit: around 2500 words. This task is due for submission on Sunday Week13 (04/06/2023 at 11.55 pm). Please submit your answers as a pdf document. Rename your file to your GroupName E.g. Group99.pdf. Multiple submissions from the same group will receive a 20% penalty.

Task 3: Testing (70 marks) (Individual Task)

1.   A thorough testing document must be created with different possibilities of testing. Your tests will be checked against the group project to check the results. Also add around  500 words explaining your choice of the tests  (for two unique scenarios)- what they are and why is it important?  (20 marks)

2.    For PFS explain any three different tests that can be carried out? For instance, unit testing is crucial for any system. In the context of PFS, how would it be applicable, and how it would be useful? Word limit: around 1000 words (15 marks)

3.    Draw an ER diagram for the case study (25 marks) Here are some of the details that need to be stored

•    Food and Drink Items and their breakdown of the calorie values (please limit it to Carbs, Protein, and Fat)

•    Customer details and their entries on what they have consumed through the day. You do not have to take into account the different times of the day such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

4.    What are the tables that you would have when you transform your ER diagram (10 marks) You do not have to include the transformation process but if you want to, please do.

This task is due for submission on Sunday Week13 (04/06/2023 at 11.55 pm). Please submit your answers as a pdf document. Rename your file to your full name E.g. Anakin_Skywalker.pdf

Marking Criteria

Task 1 (out of 15)

Existence of elements (out of4)

Welcome heading?




4 dropdowns?


Calculate button?


Text to display the total?


App developed by message




Functionality (out of 11)

All dropdowns filled with correct elements?


Correct programming logic? (Calculation of total cost)


Total cost of the order displayed correctly


Effort in changing the look and feel of app




Task 2 (out of 15)

Explanation of native app development with advantages and drawbacks


Explanation of cross-platform development with advantages and drawbacks


Ethical dilemmas in Mobile Apps




Individual Components

Task 3 (out of 70)

Test Cases (out of 20)

Tests detailed well?


Shows results (pass/fail)


Includes expected results


Clearly documented with set up, steps?


Choice explanation




Types of testing (out of 15)

Different types of testing (in the context of PFS)


ERD (out of 25)

Correctness of entities and attributes


Correctness of relationships with cardinalities and constraints




Tables (out of 10)

Correct Tables transformed from the diagram with PKs and FKs



