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ECON2216(2023): Project on Country Emissions Trends, Sources, Abatement Cost, Impacts, NDC Abatement Pledges, and Policy Approaches


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ECON2216(2023): Project on Country Emissions Trends, Sources, Abatement Cost, Impacts, NDC Abatement Pledges, and Policy Approaches

Due: See table below for dates, they are due at 11:59 pm ADT.

Late Policy: Please see course syllabus.


1) Follow submission instructions in table below.

2) Written answers should use full sentences, proper grammar, and should be logical.

3) Show sample calculations of work done using Excel "functions". For example, CO2 Emissions in tonnes per capita = total CO2 emissions in tonnes/population

4) All graphs should be produced using "Excel Charts" and should have titles, axis labels, curve labels (with a legend if there are multiple y-variables in one graph), and correct units.

5) Neat and tidy with questions in order to facilitate grading and to make it easier to review.

6) Submissions of Excel files and PDF files should be made to the project dropbox under: "Assessments" >>"Assignments". The poster will also be submitted to "Discussions" under the poster session.

7) Please save your files using titles like My_Name_My_Country_Project_Assn1_PDF file to make it easier to grade.

8) For each assignment, submit ONE PDF (or your Word or Powerpoint file) along with your most recent Excel file. Do NOT submit multiple PDFs or JPEGs as this is much harder to evaluate. Be careful not to accidentally insert videos into the PDFs as the Brightspace reader cannot open these.

9) Be sure that your PDF document orientation is such that the top of your page aligns with the top of the of a

computer screen because it is difficult to mark if they are sideways.

* We are happy to answer questions in Office hours, class, and on the Discussion boards.

In this project, each student chooses a country that they will learn about during the term.   There is one country per student.

Learning objectives include:

- where to find valid climate related data for a particular country which you will sign up for.

- how to download time series data and transfer it into an Excel workbook for your country.

- how to use Excel to create new variables based on "functions" and to plot data based on "charts".

- describe trends based on your graphs.

- conduct research to form reasonable hypothesis regarding trends and other features of your graphs.

- practice writing and receive feedback.

- put the information together into a poster to be presented at the Mock United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) 28th Meetings of the Committee of Parties (COP28) to be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

- evaluate a sample of other student posters and receive feedback on your own.

- knowledge related to climate change for a particular country and about the UN FCCC process with a focus on the Paris Agreement Country pledges to abate emissions called "Nationally Determined Contributions" (NDCs).

- that countries' aggregate abatement pledges are insufficient to keep the world below the Paris        Agreement temperature target of preventing Earth's average surface temperature from increasing by more than 20C (the Paris target) or  1.50C (the "aspirational Paris target").

Assn 1: Data Downloading and Build Excel Workbook Assignment

Here, you will download your country and World time series for three data time series from The        World Bank and then paste this data using "Paste Transpose" into columns in your Excel Workbook. Answer any written questions in an MS Word document and submit this as a PDF file.

Show sample calculations for each sort of Excel calculation.

a) Please select your country using the link to the country sign-up sheet that will be posted under

"Announcements". You will use the same country for all assignments putting the information

together in an e-Poster under Assn 5.  As an answer to this question, please write down your country's name.

b) If you have the Microsoft Office version of Excel on your computer already, please use this but

c) Please visit the World Bank website which contains data for CO2 emissions in kt (kilotonnes) of CO2 : https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.KT

Flip between "Bar"  “Line” and “Map” to view a time-series graph of emissions and maps                   respectively and check out the small red time series plots beside each country. Click on “Details” and based on the information there, list the sources and types of greenhouse gases (GHGs) included in      this data.  List one major source of atmospheric CO2 that is NOT included in this data. Type this into your word file.

d) To download this data, below "Download" click on “Excel” .  Then retrieve the file from your         download folder and move it into your ECON2216 folder on your computer.  You may wish to           rename it so you can find it more easily later.  Now, explore these sheets by moving between the tabs at the bottom of the page.

e) Download the file “2216_2023_CountryProjectExcelWorkbook.xlsx” from Brightspace under      Content >> Country Project.  Re-name it:                                                                                                   “2216_2023_CountryProjectExcelWorkbook_YourCountry_YourName.xlsx” but put your country's name and your name where it respectively says "YourCountry" and "YourName" and save it to your ECON2216 Folder on your computer.

Note: The following instructions may differ slightly dependent upon your version of Excel.  If you    have difficulties, please visit us during office hours, ask under discussions, or email for help if you    are still unable to proceed.   Also, I find thefastest way to get help with Excel is to ask your question in the Google Search which will then direct you to websites and videos.

f) Copy the World Bank data for Total CO2 emissions in kilotonnes/year (kt/y) for your country     for the years 1990 to 2019 into your Excel workbook that you downloaded from Brightspace such      that column B contains “Your Country’s CO2 emissions (in CO2 kt/y) estimates” . Since this data is in rows in the World Bank data, you will need to use “Paste Transpose” to put this data into a column format.  The first few rows of your spreadsheet will look similar to below.

Be sure to replace "Your Country" in column headings with the actual name of your country.

To copy the values for emissions from your country’s row in the World Bank data into column B in  your Excel workbook, follow the following instructions (which are provided for Bangladesh, which  is row 25 of the World Bank Excel file).  Your row number will be different ifyou are not Bangladesh.  In the World Bank data, click on cell AI25 and press “shift” and hold this “shift” button down and then move the mouse to the cell at the end of the row (cell BL25) and then release the shift button. Copy the selected data.  Click on your Excel workbook and make sure you are in the “My      Data” sheet.  To paste the data into column B, click on cell B8 and then click on the arrow beside the “Paste” icon and then click “Transpose” which converts the row data into column data.

* Note: The data in the above table is NOT for Canada, its for the Mystery Country.

Repeat but instead copy the World data for CO2 emissions (row 264 from the year 1990 to 2019) and then paste using "Paste Transpose" into column C of your Excel Workbook.

g) Go into the Metadata-indicators and Metadata-countries sheets in the World Bank data and copy the information on your country into the “Info Sheet” in your Excel Workbook.  Also put the url for the World Bank Data.  The purpose of this is so you know what your data represents and where you got it from, which is good data management.  An example is below.


ODE                      AME                      SOURCE_NOTE                                                              SOURCE_ORGANIZATION

Climate Watch. 2020. GHG

Carbon dioxide emissions are those stemming        Emissions. Washington, DC:

from the burning of fossil fuels and the                      World Resources Institute.

manufacture of cement. They include carbon         Available

EN.ATM.CO2       CO2                          dioxide produced during consumption of solid,      at: https://www.climatewatchdat

E.KT                       emissions (kt)      liquid, and gas fuels and gas flaring.                           a.org/ghg-emissions.

For the case of Canada, Metadata - Countries page:

Country Code                       Region                                    IncomeGroup                       SpecialNotes                        TableName

Fiscal year end: March 31; reporting period    for national accounts

CAN                                           North America                      High income                          data: CY.                                  Canada

url for data: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.CO2E.KT

h) Next, download data for all GHGs called "Total GHG emissions (kt of CO2 equivalent)" from https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/EN.ATM.GHGT.KT.CE. and paste the data from 1990 to 2019 for your country into column D.  Repeat part g) by copying the information on the data sources and the url into your information sheet in your Excel Workbook.

Note: In contrast with CO2 emissions, GHG emissions is an estimate of the most important GHGs  with respect to global warming.  It includes all sources of CO2 such as deforestation (in addition to fossil fuel and cement emissions), and emission of the other GHGS including methane, nitrous oxide and f-gases.

i) Repeat h) but for population data which can be retrieved from The World Bank Data at: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.TOTL.  Paste your country's and the World's population time series into column F and G respectively using "paste transpose".

j) In a word file, type a brief summary of the data you downloaded based on the information on the  relevant World Bank download sight. Look under "details".  Include the url with your data.  Convert to a PDF file.

k) Submit your excel file to the Assn 1 Project Dropbox under "Assessment">>"Assignments".

Assn 2: Using Excel functions to create new data variables and plotting Graphs

Next, we use the data downloaded from Assn 1 to calculate some new data variables using the Excel Function.  We then plot a variety of time series graph using this data in conjunction with Excel          "Charts".  Please put your answers in a Word file.  This include copying graphs.  Convert your Word file to ONE PDF file for submission along with your Excel Workbook.

a) Next, we convert CO2 for your country and the World [column B] from kilotonnes/year (kt/y) to  megatonnes/ year (Mt/y).   Since 1 Mt = 1000 kt, to convert emissions from kt to Mt, divide the       former by 1000.  For example, for Bangladesh, in 1990 CO2 emissions in Mt = 1990 CO2 emissions kt/ y /(1000 kt/Mt) = 11520 (kt/year)*(Mt/1000 kt) =  11.520 Mt/y.

For 1990, to convert the value of CO2 emissions in kt (cell B8) In cell H8, type " = B8/1000 "            (without the quotes).  This the computer to divide the value in cell B8 by 1000 and to put the answer in cell H8.  Now, click on the top bottom corner on the green box of cell B8 and then drag down the column until the mouse has been dragged over cell B37 and release the mouse.  If you did this           correctly all values in column B will have been converted from kt to Mt in column H.

Note: 1 Mt  = 1,000,000 t and 1 kt = 1000 t.  “t” represents metric tonnes and 1 t = 1000 kg. Tip: Always put “ = ” before entering a formula.

b) Repeat part a) but for the kt data in columns C, D, and E to convert these into Mt in columns I, J, K respectively.

c) Next, we calculate your country's and global cumulative emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels and  cement and all GHGs between 1990 and 2019 (in Mt).  First, to do this for CO2 emissions for your  country, in cell H43, type " = SUM(H8:H37)".  Repeat in cell I43 but for World CO2 emissions but sum down the I column.  Now in cell H44, find your countries share of world CO2 emissions.

d) Repeat c) but do this for total GHG emissions and put your answers in cells J43, K43, and J44.

e) In cell L8, calculate your country's share of global CO2 emissions for the year 1990 and drag down the column to fill in all the cells.  Repeat in cell M8 to find your countries share of global GHG

emissions between 1990 and 2019.

f) For both c and d tidily report your answers in the following table in your word file with a brief       introduction to the table. Report the totals Gigatonnes (Gt) and shares in percent.  Briefly describe the results including a brief discussion of whether your country's 2019 shares of CO2 and GHG                emissions is higher or lower than its cumulative share over 1990 to 2023.  Give your table a title.

g) Next, calculate CO2 and GHG emissions per capita for both your country and the world by     dividing the respective emissions by the respective population.  In columns N,O,P, and Q, please calculate these.  Put your answers in tonnes of CO2 or CO2e per person.  Which IPAT variable does this quantity represent?

h) Lastly in column R, calculate your countries share of the world population for each year and report the 2019 value in your word file.  Is your country's share of world population bigger or smaller than   its share of CO2 (fossil fuels and cement) and GHG emissions for 2019?

i) Next, you will use Excel plot the following line graphs (which Excel calls "line charts") with the year between 1990 and 2019 on the x-axis and the other variables on the y-axis.  The graphs are as follows:

Fig 1: Population of your Country (1990 - 2019)

Fig 2: Your Country Total GHGs and Total CO2 emissi