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sT: A Simple Turing Programming Language Programming Assignment 3


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sT: A Simple Turing Programming Language

Programming Assignment 3

Code Generation

Due Date: 1:20PM, Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Your assignment is to generate code (in Java assembly language) for the sT language. The generated code will then be translated to Java bytecode by a Java assembler.

1    Assignment

Your assignment will be divided into the following parts:

• initialization

• parsing declarations for constants and variables

• code generation for expressions and statements

• code generation for conditional statements and loops

• code generation for procedure calls

1.1    Language Restrictions

In order to keep the code generation assignment simple that we can implement most of the features of the language, only a subset set of sT language will be considered in this assignment:

• No GET statements.

• No declaration or use of arrays.

• No string variables, i.e. no assignments to string variables. Only string constants and string literals are provided for use in PUT statements.

1.2    What to Submit

You should submit the following items:

• your compiler

• a file describing what changes you have to make to your scanner and parser since the previous version you turned in

• Makefile

• test programs

1.3    Java Assembler

The Java Bytecode Assembler (or simply Assembler) is a program that converts code written in ”Java As- sembly Language”into a valid Java .class file.

2    Generating Java Assembly Code

This section describes the major pieces (see Section 1) of the translation of sT programs into Java assembly code. This document presents methods for code generation in each piece and gives sample sT along with the Java assembly code. Please note the label numbers in the examples are arbitrarily assigned.

2.1    Initialization

A sT program is translated into a Java class. An empty sT program example .st

will be translated into the following Java assembly code

class  example


method  public  static  void  main(java .lang .String[])

max_stack  15

max_locals  15





Consequently, once the file name is read, a declaration of the corresponding class name must be generated. Furthermore, a method main that is declared public and static must be generated.

2.2    Declarations for Variables and Constants

Before generating Java assembly commands for sT statements, you have to allocate storage for declared variables and store values of constants.

2.2.1    Allocating Storage for Variables

Variables can be classed into two types: global and local. All variables that are declared inside compound statements are local, while other variables are global.

Global Variables

Global variables will be modeled as fields of classes in Java assembly language.  Fields will be declared right after class name declaration. Each global variable var will be declared as a static field by the form

field  static  type  var  <  =  const_value  >

where type is the type of variable var, and < = const value > is an optional initial constant value. For example,

var  b   :=  10

var  c   :int

will be translated into the following declaration statements in Java assembly

field  static  int  b  =  10

field  static  int  c

Local Variables

Local variables in sT will be translated into local variables of methods in Java assembly.  Unlike fields (i.e.  global variables of sT), local variables will not be declared explicitly in Java assembly programs. Instead, local variables will be numbered and instructions to reference local variables take an integer operand indicating which variable to use. In order to number local variables, symbol tables should maintain a counter to specify“the next available number”. For example, consider the following program fragment:

begin var var

i   :int

j   :int

begin var


begin var var var



k   :int

i   :int

j   :int

k   :int

the symbol table information will be

entering  block,  next  number  0

i  =  0,  next  number  1

j  =  1,  next  number  2

entering  block,  next  number  2

k  =  2,  next  number  3

leaving  block,  symbol  table  entries:

<"k",  variable,  integer,  2>

entering  block,  next  number  3

i  =  3,  next  number  4

j  =  4,  next  number  5

k  =  5,  next  number  6

leaving  block,  symbol  table  entries:

<"i",  variable,  integer,  3>

<"j",  variable,  integer,  4>

<"k",  variable,  integer,  5>

leaving  block,  symbol  table  entries:

<"i",  variable,  integer,  0>

<"j",  variable,  integer,  1>

In addition, if an initialization value is given, statements must be generated to put the value onto the operand stack and then store it to the local variable.  For instance, if the last statement of the above example is changed to

var  k   :int   :=  100

a store statement must be generated as well:

sipush  100

istore  2                         //  local  variable  number  of  k  is  2

2.2.2    Storing Constants in Symbol Table

Constant variables in sT will not be transformed into fields or local variables in Java assembly. The values of constant variables will be stored in symbol tables.

2.3    Expressions and Statements

2.3.1    Expressions

An expression can be either an variable, a constant variable, an arithmetic expression, or a boolean expres- sion.


Since string variables are not considered in this project and furthermore Java Virtual Machine does not have instructions for boolean, a variable will be loaded to the operand stack by iload instruction if it is local or getstatic if it is global. Consider the following program fragment

var  a   :int

procedure  foo

var  b   :int

:=  a   . . .

:=  b   . . .

end  foo

The translated program will contain the following Java assembly instructions

getstatic  int  example .a


iload  1    / *  local  variable  number  of  b  is  1  */


The instructions to load a constant in Java Virtual Machine is iconst value or sipush value if the constant is a boolean or an integer, or ldc string is the constant is a string. Consider the following program fragment

const  a   :int   :=  10

const  b   :bool   :=  true

const  s   :string   :=  "string"


:=  a   . . .

:=  b   . . .

put  s

:=  5   . . .


The translated program will contain the following Java assembly instructions

sipush  10  / *   :=  a   . . .  */


iconst_1  / *   :=  b   . . .  */


ldc  "string"  / *  put  s  */


sipush  5  / *   :=  5   . . .  */

Arithmetic and Boolean Expressions

Once the compiler performs a reduction to an arithmetic expression or a boolean expression, the operands of the operation will already be on the operand stack. Therefore, only the operator will be generated. The following table lists the mapping between operators in sT and corresponding instructions in Java assembly language.

sT Operator


sT Operator






















- (neg)




Boolean expressions with relational operators will be modeled by a subtraction instruction followed by a conditional jump. For instance, consider a < b.

iflt  L 1

iconst_0    / *  false  =  0  */

goto  L2

L1:  iconst_1    / *  true  =  1  */


The following table summarizes the conditional jumps for each relational operator:

sT relop


sT relop














2.3.2    Statements

Assignments id := expression

The right side, i.e. expression, will be on the operand stack when this production is reduced. As a result, the code to generate is to store the value at stack top in id. If id is a local variable, then the instruction to store the result is

istore  2    / *  local  variable  number  is  2  */

On the other hand, if id is global, then the instruction will be

putstatic  type  example.id

where type is the type of id.

PUT Statements put expression

The PUT statements in sT are modeled by invoking the print method injava.io package using the following format

getstatic  java.io.PrintStream  java.lang.System.out

. . .    / *  compute  expression  */

invokevirtual  void  java.io.PrintStream.print (java.lang.String)

if the type of expression is a string. Types int or boolean will replace java.lang.String if the type of expres- sion is integer or boolean.

getstatic  java.io.PrintStream  java.lang.System.out

. . .    / *  compute  expression  */

invokevirtual  void  java.io.PrintStream.print (int)

SKIP Statements

A SKIP statement will be compiled to the following java assembly code:

getstatic  java.io.PrintStream  java.lang.System.out

invokevirtual  void  java.io.PrintStream.println ()

2.4    If Statements

It is fairly simple to generate code for IF and loop statements. Consider this if-then-else statement:

i   :=  5


i   :=  10

end  if

The following code will be generated


ifeq  Lfalse

sipush  5

istore  2    / *  local  variable  number  of  i  is  2  */

goto  Lexit


sipush  10

istore  2


2.5    Loops

For each loop, a start label is inserted before the first statement and a jump instruction back to the start label will be added at the end of loop. If an optional exit statement is encountered, a test will be performed on the boolean expression and a conditional jump will be executed if the condition is met.  Consider the following loop

i   :=  1


exit  when   (i  >  10)

i   :=  i  +  1

end  loop

The following instructions will be generated:

sipush  1    / *  constant  1  */

istore  1    / *  local  variable  number  of  i  is  1  */

iload  1

sipush  10


ifgt  Ltrue


goto  Lfalse



ifne  Lexit

iload  1

sipush  1

istore  1

goto  Lbegin


A for loop can be translated in the same way as a loop, as a for loop

for  i   :  1   . .  10


end  for

is equivalent to

i   :=  1


exit  when   (i  >  10)


i   :=  i  +  1

end  loop

2.6    Function Declaration and Invocation

Functions in sT will be modeled by static methods in Java assembly language.

2.6.1    Function Declaration

If n arguments are passed to a static Java method, they are received in the local variables numbered 0 through n − 1. The arguments are received in the order they are passed. For example

function  add(a   :int,  b   :int)   :int

result  a+b

end  add

will be compiled to

method  public  static  int  add(int,  int)

max_stack  15

max_locals  15


iload  1




A procedure is translated in the same way, with the difference that the type of its corresponding method will be void and the return instruction will be return.

2.6.2    Function Invocation

To invoke a static method, the instruction invokestatic will be used. The following function invocation

:=  add(a,  10)   . . .

will be compiled into


iload  1    / *  local  variable  number  of  a  is  1  */

sipush  10    / *  constant  10  */

invokestatic  int  example .add(int,  int)


where the first int is the return type of the function and the second and last int are the types of formal parameters.

3    Implementation Notes

3.1    Local Variable Numbers

Formal parameters of a function are numbered starting from 0. Local variables in the function are placed right after the formal parameters of the function. For example, if a function has n formal parameters, then the parameters are numbered from 0 to n − 1, while the first local variable will be numbered n.

3.2    Java Virtual Machine

Once an sT program is compiled, the resulted Java assembly code can then be transformed into Java byte- code using the Java assembler javaa.  The output of javaa will be a class file of the generated bytecode, which can be executed on the Java Virtual Machine. For example, if the generated class is example.class, then type the following command to run the bytecode

%  java  example

The structure of Java Virtual Machine is described in the book“Java Virtual Machine Specification”, which can be found at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/index.html.


Source sT program example.st:


%  Example  with  Functions


const  a   :int   :=  5

var  c   :int

%  function  declaration

function  add   (a   :int,  b   :int)   :int

result  a+b

end  add

%  main  block

c   :=  add(a,  10)

if   (c  >  10)  then

put  -c


put  c

end  if

put  "Hello  World"

Generated Java assembly program:

/ *------------------------------------------------- */

/ *                               Java  Assembly  Code                                      */

/ *------------------------------------------------- */

class  example


/ *  6:  const  a   :int   :=  5  */

field  static  int  c

/ *  7:  var  c   :int  */

/ *  8:  */

method  public  static  int  add(int,  int)

max_stack  15

max_locals  15


iload  0

iload  1



/ *  11:       result  a+b  */


/ *  12:  end  add  */

/ *  13:    */

method  public  static  void  main(java .lang .String[])

max_stack  15

max_locals  15


sipush  5

sipush  10

invokestatic  int  example .add(int,  int)

putstatic  int  example .c

/ *  15:       c   :=  add(a,  10)  */

getstatic  int  example .c

sipush  10


ifgt  L0


goto  L1




ifeq  L2

/ *  16:       if   (c  >  10)  then  */

getstatic  java.io.PrintStream  java.lang.System.out getstatic  int  example .c


invokevirtual  void  java.io.PrintStream.print (int)

/ *  17:           put  -c  */

goto  L3


/ *  18:      else  */

getstatic  java.io.PrintStream  java.lang.System.out

getstatic  int  example .c

invokevirtual  void  java.io.PrintStream.print (int)

/ *  19:           put  c  */


/ *  20:    end  if  */

getstatic  java.io.PrintStream  java.lang.System.out

ldc  "Hello  World"

invokevirtual  void  java.io.PrintStream.println (java.lang.String) / *  21:      put  "Hello  World"  */


