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sT: A Simple Turing Programming Language Programming Assignment 2


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sT: A Simple Turing Programming Language

Programming Assignment 2

Syntactic and Semantic Definitions

Due Date: 1:20PM, Thursday, May 25, 2023

Your assignment is to write an LALR(1) parser for the ·T language. You will have to write the grammar and create a parser using yacc.  Furthermore, you will do some simple checking of semantic correctness. Code generation will be performed in the third phase of the project.

1    Assignment

You must create an LALR(1) grammar using yacc. You need to write the grammar following the syntactic and semantic definitions in the following sections.  Once the LALR(1) grammar is defined, you can then execute yacc to produce a C program called y.tab.c”, which contains the parsing function yyparse(). You must supply a main function to invoke yyparse(). The parsing function yyparse() calls yylex(). You will have to revise your scanner function yylex().

1.1    What to Submit

You should submit the following items:

● revised version of your lex scanner

● a file describing what changes you have to make to your scanner

● your yacc parser

Note: comments must be added to describe statements in your program

● Makefile

● test programs

1.2    Implementation Notes

Since yyparse() wants tokens to be returned back to it from the scanner, you should modify the definitions of token, tokenInteger, tokenString. For example, the definition of token should be revised to:

#define  token(s,t)  {LIST;  printf("<%s>\n",s);  return(t);}

2    Syntactic Denitions

2.1    Data Types and Declarations

The predefined scalar data types are bool, real, int, and string. The only structured type is the array. There are two types of constants and variables in a program:

● global constants and variables

declared outside functions and procedures

● local constants and variables

declared inside functions, procedures, or blocks


A constant declaration has the form:

const identier ( :type )  := constant exp

where constant exp is an expression of constant operands and ( ) denotes that type declaration is optional. Note that assignments to constants are not allowed after declaration. For example,

const  s   :string   :=  "Hey  There"

const  i   :=  -25

const  f   :=  3 . 14

const  b   :bool   :=  true


A variable declaration has the form:

var identier ( :type )  := constant exp

where the type declaration could be optional. Another form of variable declaration has the format:

var identier :type ( := constant exp )

where the value initialization could be optional. For example,

var  i   :=  10

var  d   :real

var  b   :bool   :=  false


Arrays can be declared by

var identier : array num .. num of type

For example,

var  a:  array  1 . . 10  of  int             //  an  array  of  10  integer  elements var  b:  array  0 . .5  of  bool             //  an  array  of  6  boolean  elements  var  f:  array  1 . . 100  of  real         //  an  array  of  100  real  elements

2.2    Program Units

The two program units are the program andfunctions.

2.2.1    Program

A program has the form:

( zero or more variable, constant, or function declarations )

( zero or more statements )

where the item in the ( ) pair is optional.

2.2.2    Functions and Procedures

A function declaration has the following form:

function identifier ( ( zero or more formal arguments separated by comma ) ) : type  ( zero or more variable, or constant declarations and statements )

end identier

Parentheses are required even when no arguments are declared.  No functions may be declared inside a function.

The formal arguments are declared in a formal argument section, which is a list of declaration separated by comma. Each declaration has the form

identier :type

Note that if arrays are to be passed as arguments, they must be fully declared. All arguments are passed by values.

Procedures are similar to functions, but return no value at all.

procedure identier ( ( zero or more formal arguments separated by comma ) )

( zero or more variable or constant declarations and statements )

end identier

For example, following are valid function or procedure declaration headers:

function  func1(x   :int,  y   :int,  z   :string)   :bool

function  func2(a   :bool):int

procedure  func3()

The name of every function must be unique. For example, the following is a program:

%  Example

const  a   :int   :=  5

var  c   :int

%  function  decclaration

function  add   (a   :int,  b   :int)   :int

result  a+b

end  add

/%  main  statements

c   :=  add(a,  10)

if   (c  >  10)  then

put  -c


put  c

end  if

put   ("Hello  World")

2.3    Statements

There are several distinct types of statements.

2.3.1    blocks

A block consists of a sequence of declarations and statements delimited by the keywords begin and end.


(zero or more variable or constant declarations and statements)


Note that variables and constants that are declared inside a block are local to the statements in the block and

no longer exist after the block is exited.

2.3.2    simple

The simple statement has the form:

identier := expression


put expression


get identier


result expression or return


exit ( when bool expression )




Arithmetic expressions are written in infix notation, using the following operators with the precedence:

(1)    - (unary)

(2)    *  /  mod

(3)    +  -

(4)    <  <=  =  =>  >  not=

(5)    not

(6)    and

(7)    or

Note that the - token can be either the binary subtraction operator, or the unary negation operator.  All binary operators are left associative, except for the uniary operators in list (1). Parentheses may be used to group subexpressions to dictate a different precedence. Valid components of an expression include literal constants, variable names, function invocations, and array reference of the form

A [ integer expression ]

function invocation

A function invocation has the following form:

identier ( ( expressions separated by zero or more comma ) )

2.3.3    conditional

The conditional statement may appear in two forms:

if boolean expr then

( zero or more variable or constant declarations and statements )


( zero or more variable or constant declarations and statements )

end if


if boolean expr then

( zero or more variable or constant declarations and statements )

end if

2.3.4    loop

The loop statement has the form:


( zero or more variable or constant declarations and statements )

end loop


for ( decreasing ) identier : const expr .. const expr

( zero or more variable or constant declarations and statements )

end for

2.3.5    procedure invocation

A procedure is a function that has no return value. A procedure call is then an invocation of such a function. It has the following form:

identier ( ( zero or more expressions separated by comma ) )

where the parentheses should be included even when there are no actual arguments.

3    Semantic Denition

The semantics of the constructs are the same as the corresponding Pascal and C constructs, with the follow- ing exceptions and notes:

● The parameter passing mechanism for procedures is call-by-value.

● Scope rules are similar to C.

● Types of the left-hand-side identifier and the right-hand-side expression of every assignment must be matched.

● Type declaration of a function must be matched with the type of its return value. Furthermore, the types of formal parameters must match the types of the actual parameters.

4    Example sT Program

{%  Sigma.st


%  Compute  sum  =  1  +  2  +   . . .  +  n


const  n   :int   :=  10

var  sum   :int

var  index   :int

sum   :=  0

for  index:  1   . .  n

sum   :=  sum  +  index

end  for

put  "The  result  is  "

put  sum


sum   :=  0

index   :=  1


sum   :=  sum  +  index

index   :=  index  +  1

exit  when  index  =  n

end  loop

put  "The  result  is  "

put  sum

5    yacc Template


#include  <stdio .h>

#define  Trace(t)


/ *  tokens  */







identifier  semi


Trace("Reducing  to  program\n");





Trace("Reducing  to  semi\n");



#include  "lex .yy .c"

FILE         *yyin;                    / *  file  descriptor  of  source  program  */


char  *msg;


fprintf(stderr,  "%s\n",  msg);


main(int  argc,  char  *argv[])


/ *  open  the  source  program  file  */

if   (argc   !=  2)  {

printf   ("Usage:  sc  filename\n");



yyin  =  fopen(argv[1],  "r");                    / *  open  input  file  */

/ *  perform  parsing  */

if   (yyparse()  ==  1)

yyerror("Parsing  error   !"); }

/ *  parsing  */

/ *  syntax  error  */