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Database Systems Home Assignment 2


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Database Systems

Home Assignment 2

Consider the following University Database schemas. Primary keys are underlined.

Implement the following queries using:

A.  Relational calculus, in the file ha2lib_calculus.py in the folder solution_calculus. Create initial template  of ha2lib_calculus.py by duplicating ha2lib_calculus_template.py

B.  Relational algebra, in the file ha2lib_algebra.py in the folder solution_algebra. Create initial template of ha2lib_algebra.py by duplicating ha2lib_algebra_template.py

C.  SQL, in the file sql_views.sql in the folder solution_sql. Create initial template of queries.sql by duplicating queries_template.sql

a.   Find students (ssn, name, major, status) who have taken the course “cs530” (must be in transcripts). Order the result by ssn.

b.    Find students (ssn, name, major, status) named John” (i.e., name = "John" in student) who have taken the course CS 530” (must be in transcripts). Order the result by ssn.

c.    Find students (ssn, name, major, status) who satisfied all prerequisites of each class they are enrolled in. Order the result by ssn. To satisfy a prerequisite, the student needs to have obtained grade B” or higher (in Transcripts.) Order the result by ssn.

d.    Find students (ssn, name, major, status) who are enrolled in a class for which they have not satisfied all its prerequisites. To satisfy the prerequisite, the student needs to have obtained grade B” or higher (in Transcripts.) Order the result by ssn.

e.    Find students (ssn, name, major, status) named John” who are enrolled in a class for which they have not satisfied all its prerequisites. To satisfy the prerequisite, the student needs to have obtained the grade B” or higher. Order the result by ssn.

f.     Find courses (dcode, cno) that do not have prerequisites. Order the result by dcode, cno.

g.    Find courses (dcode, cno) that do have some prerequisites. Order the result by dcode, cno.

h.    Find classes (class, dcode, cno, instr) that are offered this semester and have prerequisites. Order the result by class.

i.     Find students (ssn, name, major, status) who received only the grades “A” or B” in every course they have taken (must appear in Transcripts). Order the results by ssn.

j.     Find students (ssn, name, major, status) who are currently enrolled in a class taught by professor Brodsky (name = “Brodsky” in faculty). Order the result by ssn.

k.   Find students (ssn)  from the enrollment table who are enrolled in all classes. Order the result by ssn.

l.    Find CS students (ssn) from the enrollment table who are enrolled in all math classes (dcode = “MTH”). Order the result by ssn.

Instructions for coding algebra, calculus and SQL queries:

1.      Download and unpack archive cs450_550_ha2_univ_db_template.zip. It has a    number of files and folders. If you use ATOM studio (which I recommend), under "File", choose "Add Project Folder" and select folder cs450_550_ha2_univ_db_template (the root folder). If you don't use ATOM       studio, you can use any IDE that has syntax binding for SQL, JSON (Java Script   Object Notation) and Python.

2.      As described in README.md and installation_instructions.md:

a.     Install Python 3.8 or higher

b.    Install MySQL

c.     Setup Python virtual environment

d.    Setup the Python project

e.    Update the credentials

f.     recommended: ATOM studio (alternatively you can use any other IDE which has syntax binding for SQL, JSON and Python

3.      Assume a JSON database of the form as given in the file

“testDBs/sampleUnivDB.json” (see file in the root folder). The meaning of the   stored info is self-explanatory. For the purpose of queries below, assume that the possible grades are A, B, C and F; and that to satisfy a prerequisite for a

class/course means to have taken the prerequisite courses (in transcript) with the grade of B or better.

4.      If you created your own username and password instead of using the default             specified in the installation_instructions.md, change "credentials.py" according to instructions provided to replace username and password to access mysql.

5.      Implement the queries in by filling out the templates in the following files (note: see examples described in 8). Create the files by duplicating and renaming the files        ending with “…_template.py”.

a.     Relational algebra:             solution_algebra/ha2lib_algebra.py

b.    Tuple relational calculus:   solution_calculus/ha2lib_calculus.py

c.     SQL:                                                 solution_sql/queries.sql

6.      To check your queries, you need to use your command line and change your current working directory to the respective folder. For example: change your working directory to solution_algebra for algebra queries.

7.      To check the syntax of your queries and make it for the sample database, use the following (note: it only prints the output):

a.     Relational algebra:             ha2_test_algebra.py

b.    Tuple relational calculus:  ha2_test_calculus.py

c.     SQL:                                    produce_answers.py

→ E.g., for algebra go to folder solution_algebra in command line. → Run in command line:

>>>  python3  ha2_test_algebra .py  >  out .json

8.      Example of the queries discussed in class has been provided for all 3 types of queries in their respective folder. The query files have the format class_example_<type>.py To see the outputs these files produce, you can use class_example_main_<type>.py. E.g., for algebra, run

>>> python  class_example_main_algebra .py  >  out .json

and see the results in out.json file.

9.      Note that the file testDBs/correct_answers.json contains the correct answer to queries. You can use it for debugging your queries.

10.    The folder testDBs also contains JSON files db1.json, db2.json, ... which are the  databases against which your queries are being tested at the end. So, you can also view these (do not edit anything inside these) to debug your quries.

11. To check your queries, run

>>>   python3   ha2_produce_answers_main_ .py

in  the respective folder. This will print some status about what is being executed and finally at the end the output as well. Finally, this will also save your output in answers.json in the same folder. You can also view this for debugging purposes as this contains exactly what output your script is generating for the corresponding    databases.

E.g., for sql go to folder solution_sql in command line.

→ Run in command line:

>>>   python3   ha2_produce_answers_main_sql .py

12.    Finally, to get the report ofyour generated answer, run

>>>  python3  report .py

in the command line of the respective folder. This will generate (or update) the  file report.json which contains the report.

13.    Open report.json in Atom (or your other preferred IDE): you can see how many       correct queries you have out of total queries, and it gives you a per query report,      including for which test databases it produced correct vs. incorrect answer.  It is       convenient to prettify report.json, and collapse it before you open the relevant parts.

14.    Also, do not forget to go through the Important Notes section in the README.md thoroughly before you start to write your queries.