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0806C220 Introduction to Programming – Midterm Exam


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0806C220 Introduction to Programming – Midterm Exam – Topics & Problem Types

Summer 2023

Exam Logistics & Structure

•   The midterm exam will take 2 hours

•    Open book/open notes exam

•    Contents:

10 true/false questions (3 points each; total of 30 points)

5 multiple choice questions (4 points each; total of 20 points); single correct answer per question

2 programming assignments (20 points each; total of 40 points)

Sketching a flowchart for one of the programs (10 points)

→ Total of 100 points

•   Topics – all contents from Week 1 and Week 2 (Week 3 material not on the midterm)

o Computer hardware and software

o Algorithm design; input, processing, and output; variables; strings

o Performing calculations

o Boolean logic

o Branching

o More on branching

•   True/False, multiple choice problems

o Write your solutions into a text file (MS Word, Adobe PDF, or plain .txt files accepted)

o In the text file, state problem number and your answer

o Each problem must be on a separate line in the text file

o Example:

•    Flowchart Problem

o Sketch your algorithm flowchart on a blank sheet of paper (pen/pencil are OK) or on your tablet or laptop with a touchscreen

o If making sketches by hand on a paper:

▪    Take a picture of your flowchart (using a smartphone, tablet…)

▪    Make sure the picture is sharp, has a good contrast, and everything is readable

▪    Unclear/unreadable parts will be considered as incomplete and result in reduced points

o Submit the file with the flowchart picture with your other exam submission files

•    2 Programming assignments

o The programming assignments will state what are the program requirements

o We will be given several example test cases in the assignment that will demonstrate  how the program prompts should look and what will be the correct outputs for given input

o Make sure to fully follow the requirements to get full points

o Write the programs on your computer into a provided shell’ source code file Midterm.py (the file will be provided with the midterm assignment)

o Submit your Midterm.py electronically together with your exam submission

▪    See the structure of Midterm.py below:


Exam Submission – Summary

•    Each student will be submitting 3 files for their midterm submission:

File 1: True/False & multiple choice problems (MS Word, Adobe PDF, or plain .txt files accepted)

File 2: A picture of the algorithm flowchart (MS Word, Adobe PDF, png, jpeg files accepted)

File 3: Midterm.py file containing your source codes for the two programming assignments